My experience with Marstar and UPS.

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Funny how this company does jack squat till it hits the forum and potential buyers are made aware of the "lack of care" after the sale. Now a sh!t storm is happening here and the boss is trying to damage control..
Why does it have to reach a public forum before people get something done. Sure you will replace everything now you guys are exposed.
So all these items were still shipped in one package? The courier company must have opened it? They took the time to place it in a less secure, thinner box that clearly is unsuited for this weight all to create more work for themselves?

Or the possible 75+pound shipment went through the system in this box, broke open, scattered all over the place was gathered and put into another box and shipped? If this box in the picture was used, then there's your problem.

If the box broke open in transit plain and simple it wasn't packed properly. Or please explain how a perfectly packed box exploded in transit at absolutely no fault of Marstar?

These things have to be packed like there going to abused like the other poster mentioned. Because if you ship it courier it's going to hell and back. That shouldn't be the customers issue. Marstar should be making the calls to ups not the customer if they haven't.

No not 75lbs, 129lbs according to John!
Yes in a cardboard box, Holy Cow!

John: On December 16th your order went out by UPS on waybill #CAN778-5-00 one carton, 129lbs
Seems to me that it is Marstars fault, if it had been packaged properly BEFORE it was shipped, it would not have been so easy for it to break open, 5000 rounds in cardboard? really, you think like red Green and his duct tape, cardboard is the wonder material, couldn't put it in a nice hard plastic container, or some of your over priced ammo cans????
If marstar was the only company in canada dealing with firearms and ammo, .... i'd shop in the US
ups does freight too, as in everything from ltl (less than truckload) to full trailers... might have been strapped to a pallet.
I've had several successfull dealings with Marstar. I only wish they had a pick-up place, somewhere in the Ottawa area.
I'd travel the 12 hr. round trip, to avoid this "catastrophe.:rolleyes: Anything, to get out of this one horse town!;)
I've had several successfull dealings with Marstar. I only wish they had a pick-up place, somewhere in the Ottawa area.
I'd travel the 12 hr. round trip, to avoid this "catastrophe.:rolleyes: Anything, to get out of this one horse town!;)

^^^^^^ I agree a local pickup would be awesome but make me broke..
My sympathies to the OP and his box of scrambled items, it is an outrage to receive something like that. f:P:

But with UPS and Marstar in the title this promises to be an epic thread for those of us who are not busy sorting bullets. :popCorn:
Get a cheap digital camera and have your shippers photo every shipment. One shot, takes a second and then you will be able to send those when damage occurs.

For the last ten years every shipment is photographed and filed before leaving the warehouse.
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I don't get why people are crapping on Marstar when their owner has already indicated that was not how the package left their business? The courier screws it up and throws everything into a box in a big mess and that somehow is Marstar's fault? John has offered to do what is required to make the customer happy and STILL people are piling on Marstar and how they would never do business with them.

John, do us all a favour and drop this site like a cold turd. The little business you get from it can not be worth the hassle of dealing with people here. It will free up a ton of time and let you focus on doing what you do so well, providing quality goods at decent prices. I'm sure the people that deal with you will continue to.

One more comment .. if you have never dealt with Marstar and are posting negative comments .. give your head a shake.
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I don't get why people are crapping on Marstar when their owner has already indicated that was not how the package left their business? The courier screws it up and throws everything into a box in a big mess and that somehow is Marstar's fault?

ANOTHER expert, obviously you saw the original carton as it left Marstar so you could compare it with the carton our customer received ??

Riddle me this johnone, why is your company the only people that seems to ever have problems like this with UPS... i dont think ive ever read a wanstalls, srfc, or even canada ammo thread that was even remotely like this situation... and just like all the previous threads, you insult everyone who questions you or the way you do things...

i wonder how many more negative posts before John says hes done with cgn...again.... :mad:
Good day Chris;
Sorry for the initial delay, I was absent from the office working on a major legal case.

"The UPS file basically says no claim shall be processed."

I really don't give a damn what UPS says, you are dealing with Marstar NOT UPS, unlike them we consider our customers as people not numbers

"We received the reply from UPS attached."
This e mails were sent in an effort to keep you up to date....

"That is why I asked in my Jan 30th email, So will Marstar stand behind this at all or is this considered acceptable? "
I really don't want to offend you, but really don't you think this statement/question is a bit ridiculous, check out our warranty....

When you decide on what you want to do let me know....
Funny how this company does jack squat till it hits the forum and potential buyers are made aware of the "lack of care" after the sale. Now a sh!t storm is happening here and the boss is trying to damage control..
Why does it have to reach a public forum before people get something done. Sure you will replace everything now you guys are exposed.

What the hell do you think we were doing since the incident ??
What a joke, some idiot should be fired. If that was my business I would be ashamed. Marstar will NEVER get any of my hard earned money that's for sure.

Another expert, why not buy Marstar and run it yourself, you obviously know better than most
Riddle me this johnone, why is your company the only people that seems to ever have problems like this with UPS... i dont think ive ever read a wanstalls, srfc, or even canada ammo thread that was even remotely like this situation... and just like all the previous threads, you insult everyone who questions you or the way you do things...

i wonder how many more negative posts before John says hes done with cgn...again.... :mad:

I am p[leased to reply to those who ask legitimate and intelligent questions rather than making uninformed claims or statements

If that is the case why was our file assigned a six digit number, why is the claims dept so large ??

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Riddle me this johnone, why is your company the only people that seems to ever have problems like this with UPS... i dont think ive ever read a wanstalls, srfc, or even canada ammo thread that was even remotely like this situation... and just like all the previous threads, you insult everyone who questions you or the way you do things...

i wonder how many more negative posts before John says hes done with cgn...again.... :mad:

I've never had an issue with marstar but once with Canada ammo. The box was ripped and hardly any tape on it. While I was signing for it my 12.5'' grizzly fell out and landed on my front porch . It was all good though, you should of seen the face of the delivery guy haha.
I don't get why people are crapping on Marstar when their owner has already indicated that was not how the package left their business? The courier screws it up and throws everything into a box in a big mess and that somehow is Marstar's fault? John has offered to do what is required to make the customer happy and STILL people are piling on Marstar and how they would never do business with them.

John, do us all a favour and drop this site like a cold turd. The little business you get from it can not be worth the hassle of dealing with people here. It will free up a ton of time and let you focus on doing what you do so well, providing quality goods at decent prices. I'm sure the people that deal with you will continue to.

One more comment .. if you have never dealt with Marstar and are posting negative comments .. give your head a shake.

Thank you for your comments....
Yes when our renewal comes up next year I have instructed the staff to reconsider our position on CGN, why should we spend thousands only to be jumped on, insulted, maligned, etc, etc....

There was a time that this site was instructive and informative, I'm afraid all of that has changed....

I backed off weeks ago replying on CGN, people here do that, I simply thought that this case was importantg and that I should reply so as to assure the customer that he was not forgotten....

I know when Marstar departs from CGN it will be cuase for some people to celebrate however I am certain we will be replaced by some other company offering the same products, at the same prices with the same warranty....

Thank you for your interest John
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