2007 or later CZ858 Prohib

Just remember they won't ban hunting rifles. . . they will reclassify them as high power sniper rifles first
If we don't stop it now there is no telling how far it will go
One good thing may come of all of this, this has caused a massive uproar on an unprecedented scale.When was the last time a class action lawsuit was launched and petitions started over the re-classification of a firearm? The RCMP may finally have their collars yanked and the government may actually review the process. This will only happen if each and every firearm owner in Canada stands up and holds the government responsible for the actions of their bureaucrats. The situation as a whole sickens me, and makes me question just how free our "free country" truly is, but if this is what has to happen to cause a consolidation of firearms owners to revolt against the oppressive actions of our national police force then I'm kind of glad it happened. Will be interesting if this succeeds to see how long until AR-15's become prohib as well. You know if this ruling is allowed to stand, that will be next.
I would rather have guys cut the recievers up and not turn in a single rifle and let the RCMP #### themselves wondering where all those NR rifles went. Civil disobiance will scare them more than any petition.
This whole storm is really just turning my mood. I truly hope it doesn't come to so many thousands of legal firearm owners losing their favorite hobby. This is just a terrible chain of events. For shame , RCMP, CPC...
I've already signed that petition for the SANs. 2 rifles in a matter of days? When was the last time this has happened? As if the SANs weren't bad enough. I am literally sick to my stomach hearing about this. I can definitely foresee this becoming a snowball effect.
This whole storm is really just turning my mood. I truly hope it doesn't come to so many thousands of legal firearm owners losing their favorite hobby. This is just a terrible chain of events. For shame , RCMP, CPC...

Do something about it, join and donate to our gun orgs, scream at the CPC to scrap to replace the firearms ACT.

Don't mope, kick some ass!
im in edmonton and I'm ready to rally!!! enough is enough, what can i do to help!!! anyone know of any groups in the city i can contribute to. I will not just sit quietly while legitimate, law abiding citizens rights are trampled by bureaucratic bull

That specifically refers to ARs which use M16 "features", whatever that actually means.

The 858 and the Swiss Arms models are being moved into the prohib category because they are converted autos. We may think it's a dumb rule, but that's a very specific prohibition which has been skirted by Swiss Arms and CZ by restamping former auto receivers.

The AR-15 is not at risk (for now) because they are not being imported with converted receivers.
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