Hi , Was all this done to put you and the other dealers out of business ? or hurt the Conservative party? or both? you know the CZ Scorpion is coming right ?
John, you made the following statement on another thread, please elaborate: "The AR15 can be attacked from a different direction, she is no safer than anything else."

Look at how "the ease of conversion" is been applied to new imports, this is been used out of the original context (a court case over CA) and applied vigorously, now just think this through to the next step!
Here's a question I'm tagging onto my letter:

And I ask, why should only the RCMP have access to FRT (Firearm Reference Table)? These are sheets containing information of what firearms are legal, which are not, and why they have been removed from public purchase. When the onus is clearly only upon the Owners of Firearms to follow the laws and keep from purchasing prohibited items, why can the Owners not have access to the information that would tell them which is and which are not. The list has not appeared on the Canadian Firearms Center in months, if not over a year now. The only access to this information that google can find is an outdated (does not show CZ858 nor Swiss Arms Green Rifle) list from the Canadian Firearms Safety Course website.


So, toss that out here: now that "verifiers" are a thing of the past, and even when LGR was up, it still didn't matter after a couple years they went to verifying over the phone. So why would the FRT not be public access? Specially when there are no lists with information on what IS and IS NOT allowed for retail. Even then, it would be nice to cross reference a LEGAL document from the GOVERNMENT to ensure that I'm not breaking the law. I do not mean to suggest any retailer, but it is not unheard of for retailers to smudge some facts to sell their product. I mean just walk into any used-car dealership. They'd convince you that your wife wasn't divorced, she was certified "pre-****ed!" But it's certified!
Here's a question I'm tagging onto my letter:

And I ask, why should only the RCMP have access to FRT (Firearm Reference Table)? These are sheets containing information of what firearms are legal, which are not, and why they have been removed from public purchase. When the onus is clearly only upon the Owners of Firearms to follow the laws and keep from purchasing prohibited items, why can the Owners not have access to the information that would tell them which is and which are not. The list has not appeared on the Canadian Firearms Center in months, if not over a year now. The only access to this information that google can find is an outdated (does not show CZ858 nor Swiss Arms Green Rifle) list from the Canadian Firearms Safety Course website.


So, toss that out here: now that "verifiers" are a thing of the past, and even when LGR was up, it still didn't matter after a couple years they went to verifying over the phone. So why would the FRT not be public access? Specially when there are no lists with information on what IS and IS NOT allowed for retail. Even then, it would be nice to cross reference a LEGAL document from the GOVERNMENT to ensure that I'm not breaking the law. I do not mean to suggest any retailer, but it is not unheard of for retailers to smudge some facts to sell their product. I mean just walk into any used-car dealership. They'd convince you that your wife wasn't divorced, she was certified "pre-****ed!" But it's certified!

This is only my opinion and I may be wrong, but:

The FRT is not law it is an RCMP tool that is based on the "expert opinion" of the RCMP/CFC forensic lab. The CFC will not process a transfer with out a valid FRT, policy not law. DFAIT will not issue an import cert with out an FRT, policy not law. CBSA will not clear a firearms shipment with out an FRT, policy not law. Time we started to have some transparency and accountability from the bureaucrat's who apparently seem to think they can run our country.

Now you will all understand why the only TV show I enjoy watching is "Yes Minister" it truly explains our current situation:)

I think I may be in for a rough ride after all my posts in the last few days!
Now you will all understand why the only TV show I enjoy watching is "Yes Minister" it truly explains our current situation:)

We watched that in a politics course and it opened my eyes up to the power of bureaucrats. Politicians are guided by them and they are the ones who formulate the plans and execute them. A bureaucrat can hold a position for indefinite periods. If you read the PDF with the RCMP hit list that has the vz58 "family of rifles" listed, the emails from the bureaucrat are smug and almost as though he is talking down to the person requesting the info and he is at the top of the food chain.
Hey John, I have been dealing with wolverine for some time now and value your opions and what you are doing in this fight.

Is there some where I can donate money to wolverine to help out with this? Or do you recomend other places to send my money too?
Hey John, I have been dealing with wolverine for some time now and value your opions and what you are doing in this fight.

Is there some where I can donate money to wolverine to help out with this? Or do you recomend other places to send my money too?

Thank you, I am touched, but as a buissness I will not accept donations, please send to CSSA, NFA, Ed Burlew or Solomon Friedman.
+1 where do I send my money
Hey John, I have been dealing with wolverine for some time now and value your opions and what you are doing in this fight.

Is there some where I can donate money to wolverine to help out with this? Or do you recomend other places to send my money too?
I say we support John by sending him as much business as we can. It's easy to be a good guy when times are easy. John is showing himself to be a great guy when times are tough. That's when it really counts.

Thank you, I am touched, but as a buissness I will not accept donations, please send to CSSA, NFA, Ed Burlew or Solomon Friedman.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer questions on here, we are all in for a long haul I think but it is comforting to have support from everyone involved in the shooting sports. Everybody keep up the pressure on MP's and either join or donate to the NFA/CSSA

As a long-time customer, I respect your thoughts on these issues, and appreciate the candor with which you speak. It is nice to see facts laid out.

The talk of having a single voice for all firearms owners by combining both the NFA and the CSSA is a good idea, however, I would propose that having multiple organizations is also not a bad thing.

Different organizations will approach the same problem from different angles, as we see with the current situation. Which avenue offers the best approach? I'm not sure, but having a two pronged attack is not a bad thing, so long as both prongs are supported well enough to succeed.

I am now supporting both of these organizations, and as an ongoing customer of yours, will continue to help your bottom line (I got the TLR-1s in the mail a week or two ago! Very pleased!)

My question to you is simply this John, can we get pictures of the inside of your safe? Damn that'd be neat to see!!!! (Once upon a time you had a MAG-58 CA....I remember pics of!!!)

To perhaps inspire, here's a photo of my gun-room...with the DEWAT Bren that you sold me a few years back....I added the tripod since then.

The round is actually that big -- it dwarfs the gun case. :)
Actually saw one sitting on the display case at my local gun shop -- it must be five feet long!
That is one impressive looking rifle -- it practically owned the whole display case top.
Enough reason alone to join the NFA -- I'm also a member of the CSSA.

Yeah there's that.... +grin+


Also worth noting: Wolverine is a dealer of these firearms, too.
I think it's clear now that this is nothing to do with our government but rather the RCMP who are unelected bureaucrats.
Their agenda is obvious from a secret internal document obtained by global news -- anything that looks like an AR or semi-clones of automatics is being looked at. This includes rifles like the Ruger SR-22!

BUT one can never know the games our government will play.
Is there a "Blanket" letter that some people can download and sign? This would make it easier as some struggle to write a letter and we need everyone to act on this!
Hi John;

As previously mentioned thanks for taking the time to address these questions. I know it can't be easy trying to do this and run the business.

Undoubtedly this is a trying time for all firearm owners (at least it should be) as the newer shooters now start to better understand what we all went through the last time around in the early '90's and just how easy it is to have our hobby / property stripped from our grasp. A unified voice is what we definitely need and not just from the CSSA/NFA... all firearm owners/shooters & hunters.

Support needs to remain behind the CSSA/NFA, the firearm retailers such as Wolverine and each shooting discipline needs to support each other instead of alienating the black rifle owners from the duck hunters etc as so often has been done in the past.

Pressure needs to be steadily applied and ramped up with lots of letters , emails & phone calls to the MP's, the PMO and "friendly" media outlets. Ease of access to social media needs to be capitalized upon and we must highlight the fact that this is about the seizure of legally obtained private property and n abuse of power by the RCMP.

Chins up and keep your eye on the goal. We cannot relent.. not today, not tomorrow, not ever.
I think it's clear now that this is nothing to do with our government but rather the RCMP who are unelected bureaucrats.
Their agenda is obvious from a secret internal document obtained by global news -- anything that looks like an AR or semi-clones of automatics is being looked at. This includes rifles like the Ruger SR-22!

This has EVERYTHING to do with our government as they will make the final decision in this matter. The rcmp's agenda (the top brass, not the men on the streets who put their lives on the line every day) regarding firearms control has been obvious for some time now. The "secret" document is just a visible confirmation of this. They're playing a hand in this game and now its our turn to make a move and influence the final outcome. As for the games our government plays... there is no bigger game then that of the politics of government.

QUESTION for Mr. Wolverine: When will you be back from your trip? Im hoping on your return you will have some more info for us on the 958!
If the RCMP has a "wish List" of firearms that they are pushing to get reclassified, is it not a bias against legitimate gun owners and against the law for whom it was written for? The administration of the act and the licensing should then be handled by an independent group who will protect the properties of legitimate gun owners while ensuring the safety of the general public. If there is no balance between the 2 objectives, is the RCMP now discriminating against legitimate gun owners. Is this not a form of discrimination which we as Canadians are protected per our Bill of Rights ? I am not a lawyer but I feel for the owners of the CZ858 - I do not like the thought of owning a property and all of a sudden it becomes a criminal offense to own it. I feel for people who worked hard and saved the money to buy the rifle for enjoyment and recreation and now it is a criminal offense to own it without the proper licenses. Can the presentation from the RCMP be viewed as discrimination then?

I am not disrrespecting the RCMP merely asking a legal question. I still believe in the RCMP and will continue to support their law enforcement efforts. Just a question as I am not a legal expert.
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