Surrender or destruction!

For all of you possessing non-restricted firearms that may become prohibited, this is what I would do if I was you.

This will leave the Government guessing as to the compliance rate. SWAT teams will not be kicking down doors as there are no LGR to tell them where to go.

NO LGR?...Then HOW did the RCMP find all the homes with Firearms during the floods in Alberta. Don't be fooled people the government KNOWS exactly where all your guns are and will most certainly come to your home, kick in your door and take them.
NO LGR?...Then HOW did the RCMP find all the homes with Firearms during the floods in Alberta. Don't be fooled people the government KNOWS exactly where all your guns are and will most certainly come to your home, kick in your door and take them.

They don't need the lgr to know where guns are, if you have a firearms license odds are you have firearms and they know your address already.
Every 4 years we go through a ritual called an election and pick another bunch of charlatans, liars and thieves to fill the seats in the House of Commons (and their pockets) but the day to day affairs of the country are run by an unelected Bureautocracy that has decided to usurp the authority of Parliament. That's what happeneing before your very eyes right now but too many heads are buried in the sand to see what's going right in front of their faces.

That big fat tub of lard Mike Duffy is the perfect personification of a Canadian politician.

This is the truth.
Apparently an MP signed off on this...

Who, and what party does he/she represent?
Is he/she a Minister of the Crown?

By the way, this situation is garbage but let's not get carried away with the police state garbage.

No but our guns are being carried away by "the police state garbage" and we're kinda hoping that the CPC government won't sit on its hands and let it happen again like they did the other times.
I can still hear old Vic Toews droning away like a bee in a bottle and doing sweet F_ _ K all.
Question: Why not hand over just the receiver (cut in half for sure)?

Taking this to the next level, if tomorrow they say you have to hand over your AR's, and we know that registry is still in place, what would be the possible impact of handing over just a stripped and disabled receiver?
We should make a list of members with means of helping destroy receivers, i have a chopsaw and torches and live 40 minutes south east of ottawa, and will chop up a receiver in exchange for a tim hortons coffee.
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Question: Why not hand over just the receiver (cut in half for sure)?

Taking this to the next level, if tomorrow they say you have to hand over your AR's, and we know that registry is still in place, what would be the possible impact of handing over just a stripped and disabled receiver?

receiver is the only registered part of an AR. Nothing says all the parts and pieces have to be on it, nor that it has to be in one piece if they want it back. As long as the serial number can be read they can verify it was turned in. As for the CZ 858 receiver, why hand them anything? They don't know you've got it and if you cut it, it's not a gun anymore just a paperweight, you could give it to you grandma for Christmas if you wanted to.
How about keeping the hacksaws in the toolbox until the government has had a chance to review this thing?
It's Sunday PM.
Ain't much gonna happen today.

Exactly, don't cut anything until everything is cut (notice the pun), dryed and the fat lady has sung. Would hate to see someone go all modern art on a nice CZ only to find out they didn't have to.
Full auto is already illegal so... Why then penalize owners for something that "might" happen.
If you do convert your Swiss Arms to FA and get caught... Then sure, off to jail.
Until then though.... Why bother with all this BS.

Ya. Might as well ban all cars that are capable of driving over the speed limit, which is illegal. Just in case someone might.
Get out your pedal bikes!
There are a few threads quoting media reports saying that Blaney signed the order not realizing the scope of what he had done. One report speculated that he had not even read it. Whether this is fact or fiction I don't know. However, it would seem reasonable to me that a change of such magnitude would need a government signature.

Who, and what party does he/she represent?
Is he/she a Minister of the Crown?

No but our guns are being carried away by "the police state garbage" and we're kinda hoping that the CPC government won't sit on its hands and let it happen again like they did the other times.
I can still hear old Vic Toews droning away like a bee in a bottle and doing sweet F_ _ K all.
My initial reaction to this was "why don't we sell them to our southern neighbors instead of turning them in" and then I thought of ripping them apart down to the receiver and give them that but "damaged beyond repair" with serial number intact. I wonder if part of the desire for them to do this, is so they can get some free new toys in the force or if it is actually more sinister than that i.e. Police State. It's foolish to rule anything out including plan B and C. We must be careful to stay in the confines of the law, and step-up to change them when necessary, and hold those accountable that step-out either by technicality or intent. We need an umbrella law that covers all law, and it should state an intent of the law. So if the intent isn't followed, there are repercussions. So if the intent is to keep out Full auto's then that intent is stuck to - if it is not a full auto without modification, then it is legal period..Or we could just allow full auto's and have a pile of fun shooting them, and do away with this entire problem period..:)
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