Norinco 50BMG make it happen Canam? increase the numbers while we still can .

I second that.
A simple design such as the PTRS or PTRD shooting 50 BMG produced in CHINA would be wonderful.
Another alternative would be a special AR15 upper for 50BMG.
At the end a good deal on a combo with any of the above with 200 rounds of 50BMG !
I am IN !

wouldn't an upper would make the complete rifle an AR and therefore restricted?
Any one see these lowers on the firearms blog, designed for 50bmg

Canstar 50's are overpriced fugly pices of chit. I buy a 50 I don't want something that looks like the wicked witch of the East would ride it.

I agree. They must of had to have worked overtime to come up with something this ugly. Wouldn't buy it at any price.
Nice and pretty affordable.

However, even single shot anything related to AR I am worry the RCMP will classified these as restricted remember the squires bingham 22?

Squires is NR it's the Armi Jager that's counted as the variant, the thing that I see with something like this is a version that doesn't take standard AR uppers wouldn't be hard to make.
The RCMP got their sights set on 50BMG so called ''sniper rifles'' now so i was thinking we need to increase the numbers while we can.. I would pay $1500 for something that goes bang safely , wont care if its not a tack driver at that price.

With the weight and cost of .50 BMG being what it is, it would sort of be a waste to use on anything other than very long range. It isn't exactly a plinking round, and even out to a kilometer or so, there are cheaper, lighter, more widely available calibres that will do a great job.

But I would still love to see this available on the market, if for nothing else than to give the RCMP autocrats a heart attack.
Canstar 50's are overpriced fugly pices of chit. I buy a 50 I don't want something that looks like the wicked witch of the East would ride it.

For me, I was willing to forgive the looks, but the ergonomics shut me down.

When I started shopping for a 50 I thought that the idea of buying Canadian made sense. I did as much research on the Canstar as I could via the internet and came up a bit short. I finally got a chance to handle one at the WEM Wild West range and wasn't impressed. I couldn't figure out how to get the buttstock rods to lock in position, so it was a rifle with no real LOP. On top of that, I was expecting a bolt action similar to most of the ones we're all familiar with. You know; lift the lever, pull the bolt back until it reaches the rear stopping point, and load a round. Instead, I lifted the lever, pulled back, and the bolt came right out of the rifle. After my perplexion faded, I observed (based on the dimensions) that it appeared as though one must remove the bolt from the rifle, strip a single round into the rim grooves, and re-install the bolt.

It took me about 2 minutes to decide that I'd hold out and buy something a little more slick.
I looked into this a few months back.

This is a response from a Canadian Importer

"The NSG-1 is not available at this time, price if and when it becomes available will be in the $15,000 range".

"The NSG 50 they have no pricing on and no plans to bring in".


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