Niagara Pensinsula Dunville M14 Clinic Sunday 22 Feb 2015- DeBrief HERE!


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Georgian Bay, ON
It's official... Niagara Peninsula area or Dunville (still working on the name) GC, just outside Hamilton area

When: Sunday 22 Feb 2015 Gather around 0830, Casual start for 0900 and wind down by 1600 hrs

How Much?: $ 50 for the day

Where: Dunnville Hunters and Anglers Club, 237 McLaughlin Side Rd, RR 8
Dunnville, ON N1A 2W7

I will be updating this thread once all the final details are rolling in. :D

I will be looking after the registration and fee collection by visiting my site:


<Contact Us> Page... My EMT information is at the BOTTOM of the page.

or here....


* EMT of $50 gets you a spot on the clinic

EMT Information:

Email address: hungry556 AT

Question: What is your Original CGN handle?

Answer: hungry (all low caps so I cannot mess things up)

Somewhere in the EMT, remind me of your CGN handle and which clinic it's for (CQB, PR, or M14)

Ability to re-index: I'm expecting my Mac's Trail D-vise to show up in a week or two so that we can re-index and or re-barrel right on the spot.

Some of you M14 lovers MIGHT (big might) have an M1 Garand project sitting on the shelf ready to install yer barrel. BRING it to my clinic and we can do this install right on the spot. And if your new barrel (Criterion? Krieger) is NOT chrome-lined, I can perform the finish reaming for you. We can make this happen for you. Another benefit of coming to my clinic ! :D

Stuff to bring: digital camera, pens , notebook, allen keys, hammer, screwdriver set, masking tape, punch set if you got one.... I will provide the rest

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OMG, can't believe I did not see this post before....

this is minutes from my property on Hwy 3. I will check my schedule and try to attend, I could then test out the rifle at the farm after!
Just sent my EMT and I'm very excited!

If anyone is heading there from Toronto and would like to share a ride, please let me know. My wife needs the car on the 21st, so I was going to rent one...
Well here it comes. Some of you have been watching the Port Elgin Clinic on Sat 24 Jan that got moved to Sunday 25 Jan since my boss scheduled me to work at my evening shift job at the Blue Mountain Chairlift.

So we have had to move the clinic to the next day of 22 Feb Sunday. If you can make it, that's great. For those of you who cannot make this clinic, I am prepared and ready to refund (Via EMT) your clinic fee/registration/ etc. Just PM me and we can sort this out.

Cheers and thanks for your patience. I'm just grateful my point man 1-trident-1 is so helpful and flexible to make this happen. :)

I'm in for the 22nd. ;) I just sent you my EMT yesterday.

I really hope you get your trail vice by then. Explaining to people why my front sight is drifted far left is getting a little tiring...:redface:
I'm in for the 22nd. ;) I just sent you my EMT yesterday.

I really hope you get your trail vice by then. Explaining to people why my front sight is drifted far left is getting a little tiring...:redface:

JJ: Can you just remind me of the name on the EMT? I'm trying to connect your CGN handle and this EMT sitting here. Gotta ensure everyone is happy with the idea of the shift to Sunday from a Saturday after my schedule got messed a bit.

OOPS, I see it now. Silly iphone and my phat thumbs... no worries. I got you down JJ> Thanks :wave:

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