Difficulty viewing the new website? Possible solution found here.

Your Screen (@media) is less then 1270

NOPE. My menu does NOT look like that. I'm using Firefox, and I do not get the nice, easy-to-read horizontal menu across the top of the page, like it used to have (or like your screenshot shows). I get a silly little "Menu" button near the top right corner, and when I click on that, I then get a vertical menu along the left edge, and then successive sub-menus if I click on them individually. This is a p.i.t.a. This is typical of a software programmer getting his jollies by mucking about with a good thing, and changing it just for change's sake, and not likely being a user of the system themselves, but that's just my guess. We have the same kind of stuff go on at where I work. Programmers who do changes, but don't regularly USE the system, so they don't appreciate where the conveniences SHOULD be. It ain't the end of the world, I'd just like to know how this is supposed to be considered an improvement? That's the end of my rant. I've got better things to waste my time on.

You get the "burger" menu in the upper right-hand side because your screen-size/resolution is less than 1270. That is something the site coders can easily fix withing CSS style sheet. They essentially have the "media" set to activate the "mobile" size way too early, I think it should be kicking in sub 1190ish pixels (or even less) rather then at 1270ish, to maintain the menu "font-size" as shown in the picture in the previous post. I think the font-size could actually be scaled down (relative to the screen/media res/size) a bit too and/or the CanAm logo could be "floated" to the left more so the menu could stay in it's "desktop" layout, when at smaller screen/media sizes - while not in "mobile".

So CanAm please forward these suggestions to the site dev team.:)

Edit 1: Also, I think the "down arrows" in the "left nav section" can be eliminated, they do waste some space. I think people can figure out that those are "hover" menus (i.e. http://www.memoryexpress.com/ ).
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New site looks great in Chrome - does not work in IE9 (you said it had been tested to IE8 so just letting you know what I see) - hopefully that feedback helps!
I just tested, and the "Burger" does deploy much too quickly, if you open the site on your computer and gradually make the browser window smaller you will see what I mean.
This "Burger" should be for mobile phones only, it should not be deploying for such large screens.

I hope they will fix this, and it would be nice if the fonts sizes were fixed too, they are way too big, and not consistent.
I find it vaguely amusing that people are blaming the website for the end users inability to use technology.

I guess I have an odd sense of humour.

Using multiple OS's and web browsers, including Safari on the IOS 8.1.2, I am able to fully use the new website.

Well done CanadaAmmo.com, well done!

Wouldn't have a clue how to clear a cache (whats a cache---nevermind); I guess I'm one of the people you speak of. CA's old website worked for me --- not the new one.
A lost customer.
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