Incredible Stun Baton?

Intent only matters if the statutory language us unclear.... There are rules of statutory interpretation

From the Government, looks clear to me:

Former Prohibited Weapons Order, No. 3

6 Any device that is designed to be capable of injuring, immobilizing or incapacitating a person or an animal by discharging an electrical charge produced by means of the amplification or accumulation of the electrical current generated by a battery, where the device is designed or altered so that the electrical charge may be discharged when the device is of a length of less than 480 mm, and any similar device.
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I had mine confiscated & am in the process of taking the officers to court to get it back. I am attaching the emails that I sent and received from the officer (here in Abbotsford). Hope this helps out anyone else :

Hi Constable T,

I'm not sure if you received my previous emails ; so I will repeat what was sent in them . I know that you are aware that Constable Moore confiscated my stun baton , citing that it was a prohibited weapon. I explained to him that in the 2016 Martins Annual Criminal Code(Canada law book) that on page 183, section 84 , FORMER Prohibited weapons order Part 3 , number 6 STATES :

- 6 Any device that is designed to be capable of injuring, immobilizing or incapacitating a person or an animal by discharging an electrical charge produced by means of the amplification or accumulation of the electrical current generated by a battery, where the device is designed or altered so that the electrical charge may be discharged when the device is of a length of less than 480 mm, and any similar device..

Even with this information , Constable Moore insisted that I was wrong & he would advise you & let me know his findings. I then received a phone call from Cst. Moore citing that you had confirmed that the stun baton was indeed a prohibited weapon. I have since checked with the R.C.M.P. & again with the current criminal Code & find both of you incorrect. Since then I have contacted Legal counsel & have been advised that neither you or Constable Moore have filed a 5.2 with the Provincial court of Abbotsford. I am hoping that you can admit your mistake & return my baton (in good working order) to avoid me having to proceed with further legal action.

Thank you , T M cell

P.S. The links below are to the site that I purchased the baton & the on line version of the criminal code. I also supplied you a copy of the information in this email & the dimensions of the baton in your mail slot at the Abbotsford Police department..

His responce:

Hello Mr M,

On May 3rd, 2016 Cst Quaglia of the APD, a court expert with respect to non firearm prohibited weapons inspected the said weapon seized from you by Cst Moore on April 4th 2016. The seized weapon in question was a stun baton flashlight.

Cst Quaglia provided a detailed written report; as a result of that report which cited excertpts of Legislation from the Criminal Code of Canada and open source information, his expert opinion based on his training and knowledge of Canadian Law with respect to non firearm prohibited weapons backed by his Court appointed "expert" designation, Cst Quaglia has determined the stun baton flashlight a prohibited weapon by definition of the Criminal Code of Canada.

As you are most likely aware, anyone found in possession of a prohibited weapon in Canada is subject to arrest for several different criminal offences based on why it is in ones possession and why it was intended to be used or was used.

Based upon the findings of Cst Quaglia, the stun baton flashlight will not be returned to you. The prohibited weapon will be retained by the APD for training and educational purposes to educate other police officers in the effort to continue to keep and maintain our community safety commitment.

As per APD policy, I am not able to provide you with a copy of Cst Quaglia's report. If you should require a copy of that report you will need to apply for it through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOI). The APD front counter staff will be more than happy to assist you in that matter if required.

Thank you for your understanding.

With respect;

Cst C T
Abbotsford Police

Thanks for your fairly quick response,

but you still leave me with unanswered question. How do I get a copy of Cst Quaglia report ? Are you then going to put a stop to the importer of said devise ? If I go and purchase the stun/flashlight walking cane , is it also a prohibited devise? If I were to be in possession of a cattle prod , is that a prohibited device. It looks as though you are leaving me with no choice but to seek legal counsel on these matters & to proceed as needed.

Thanks, T

Hi T,

I answered your question with respect to obtaining a copy of the report, you can apply for it through the FOI. With respect to the putting a stop to importing the device, that is a question you will have to ask CBSA and other government entities. As far as the other devices you mentioned, that would need to be investigated should one be seized from anyone and again an expert opinion would need to be sought.

Please keep in mind that anything can be purchased on the internet from anywhere. The buyer of any item(s) must ensure that they conform with our Canadian laws and regulations if they are being brought into this country.

Cst T
Abbotsford Police

Wow! So, they don't even bother to check the ACTUAL LAW that stipulates UNDER 480mm is prohibited... Sigh, what a gong show! I hope you continue to press them for the return of your legal property!

Watch out guys!!!

A person I know had TPS (police service) in their home on an unrelated matter and they charged him with having a prohibited weapon. They classified it as a Tazer Gun.

He bought it good faith from the reputable company we all know.

I would like to what a person in the legal field thinks of this!!!!

It is the same as a cattle prod. The key to this statement is say nothing to the police as anything you do say will be distorted. Record all conversations with the police because of this. Hire a lawyer and get a written apology.
Not to be a downer here, as I love these canes and batons! But my friend got pulled over and searched today. They confiscated his stun canes and charged him with two counts of possession of prohibited weapons. I sure hope it is just a case of a misinformed officer. I will let you all know how he does in court.

Was he charged or just arrested and items seized. I would be surprised if charges were laid. Not impossible but.
And as if Canada Ammo would even be allowed to bring them in over and over again if they were illegal.....

How can a Police Service put this in writing before confirming what is legal.

Makes me just shake my head how a Police Force can feel confident in enforcing laws.............
From the Government, looks clear to me:

Former Prohibited Weapons Order, No. 3

6 Any device that is designed to be capable of injuring, immobilizing or incapacitating a person or an animal by discharging an electrical charge produced by means of the amplification or accumulation of the electrical current generated by a battery, where the device is designed or altered so that the electrical charge may be discharged when the device is of a length of less than 480 mm, and any similar device.

Then if you have been affected, file a lawsuit against the RCMP for damages and/or the return of property
I will neither confirm or deny I own both the cane and batton. Nor that while sitting in a metal lawn chair applied said device to my leg or that it was a particularly unpleasant experience preferably not repeated to the great amusement of any of the 5 onlookers that may or may not have been present.
I don't really give a F***K the police say there's the law in black and white period! I'm buying one for my mom for her birthday and the "intent" is that if someone tries to harass her in any way when she goes out for her walks that she FRIES them in order to defend herself without hesitation and i want to see her empty the battery on the DIPS**T and I know she will!
Wow! So, they don't even bother to check the ACTUAL LAW that stipulates UNDER 480mm is prohibited... Sigh, what a gong show! I hope you continue to press them for the return of your legal property!


Police can seize anything indefinitely in the course of a criminal investigation. Your only recourse is to file a motion at a superior court. The criminal code allows for this. At that time the police would have to justify why they believe that the seizure is necessary. Considering the fact that the items are not illegal and that they have no intention to charge the individual I would think it would be hard to justify. Just a note if you file a motion you will make a few enemies in both the police department and the crownsuch office.
There have been two people killed by dogs in the last week, that is why carrying a flashlight with a stun feature is warranted to have with you. It's for animal protection, enough said. If you every needed to deter a person with one, the sound of it and the arching would most likely make them think twice and shocking them would probably not be needed.
Filing an access to information should be a lot cheaper than hiring a lawyer. It should be free. Then you know exactly what you are up against and weather you think you have a defence.
Was he charged or just arrested and items seized. I would be surprised if charges were laid. Not impossible but.

I wasn't charged , they just seized it. I jusy figured out how to file a freedom of information request . Once I obtain the report, I will forward it to Chris & Canadaammo . I may also post it up here for everyone to see how the Abby Police have twisted the law in their favour.
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Yes, it is a very clear-cut issue of 480mm or longer

Could it be that the prohibited weapons "expert" considers the flashlight a separate device and length, thereby reducing the length they consider the stun device to be (under 480mm)?
I wasn't charged , they just seized it. I jusy figured out how to file a freedom of information request . Once I obtain the report, I will forward it to Chris & Canadaammo . I may also post it up here for everyone to see how the Abby Police have twisted the law in their favour.

Privacy act is where I would start assuming that it was a federal department(RCMP). As note the RCMP do not have to release anything regarding a criminal investigation. It is up to their discretion. If the file is still open they will give you nothing. If closed they give you something with a fair amount redacted. If it is a provincial body you are dealing with you will have to review the provincial laws in question. You can file a motion at a higher level court to get the items back. The judge will most likely side in your favour. However a letter on a lawyers letter head stating it is your intent to file a motion will likely get your items back.
A letter with a law firm letter head is more expensive than a brand new 40$ baton. If I was in T-bones place, the cop would definitely get away with it unless he charges me with something, I'd probably just buy a new one. Actually, the cops in question probably knows he's wrong, and that's why you're not getting charged.

That's one of the problem with cops. They can do whatever they want until they meet someone with principles. Most people are like me and value their time and money more than moral principle. If you feel up to it t-bone, rip em a new one, and keep us updated. We're all rooting for you. But personally, I do understand why you wouldn't want to waste thousands of dollars and days/weeks in courts for a 40$ item that you can just order again.
Abby cops like to sell drugs to addicts while on duty too. They do what they want just like all cops drive on the cell phone or laptop. Hit there lights and blast a Amber light the list will go on. Your lucky he didn't use the tazer on you. They like to do that these days just on a traffic stop powertripen. What's that NWA Song again?
Abby cops like to sell drugs to addicts while on duty too. They do what they want just like all cops drive on the cell phone or laptop. Hit there lights and blast a Amber light the list will go on. Your lucky he didn't use the tazer on you. They like to do that these days just on a traffic stop powertripen. What's that NWA Song again?

Pretty bold statements.
Can you back them up with actual incidents?

If not, I'm gonna have to infract you. You have 24 hours.
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