Cz 858 Owners

While we all have every right to be upset with our politicians and the RCMP Bureaucrats, it was found that CZ was modifying full-auto receivers to make them semi-auto only, which CZ should have been aware of when they began selling the firearms to Canadian's as a Canadian Non-Restricted Firearm.

This is in no way meant to be taken as being an apologetic post with regards to our ridiculous laws or the ridiculous individuals that interpret them how they see fit, but it is another way of viewing the issue.

In the end I would feel that both parties are to blame. Our government and the RCMP need to stop bowing to media hype, and view issues objectively. While at the same time, so long as the laws are on the books, CZ should have had a better understanding of them before selling a product that could have ended up with their customers losing the product they purchased due to them not understanding the laws.

Fight on to get the laws changed, but maybe try and get a semi-auto designed/manufactured receiver from CZ in exchange for your now prohibited one. You get to use your rifle again, and CZ and re-fab the exchanged receivers for sale in another jurisdiction.
Well here is the proof that it's not just about the post count... a wise reply indeed. Here is my only concern, even if CZ say " well it's our bad, let us make it up to you all . We will give you a free recever" or a free 958 ( i don't think so). There is stipll one major problem, it's probably going to be stuck in classification purgatory for years!
It's on the way.


Good Day, Sirs

I find myself owning a CZ 858 rifle that I purchased here in Canada.

I bought this rifle hoping for years of pleasure shooting it only to find out that my rifle has now become prohibited in Canada.

I enjoyed my CZ858 but now have become totally disappointed with CZ that they allowed this type of rifle to made and sold here in Canada.

Thank You for your time.
Scrapping C-68, eliminating "classifications" and doing away with overwhelming amounts of pointless stoopid would make a lot of problems go away overnight and the world would be a much simpler and happier place...

But we all already know that and it's not the point of this thread - just needed to say it.

Carry on.
I don't own a CZ-858 but was saving up for one when the reclassification happened. Could I still send an email saying that John or do you only want owners to send the emails?

I don't own a CZ-858 but was saving up for one when the reclassification happened. Could I still send an email saying that John or do you only want owners to send the emails?


Just say you have one, no ones know what u have. I supposedly have three
"May be"??? Last I heard Blaney put the kibosh on that and the Swiss Arms reclassification nonsense. No? Could someone smarter than "FreedoIsn'tFree" help me and elaborate?

Im not smarter but yes its still prohibited, we were given a 5 yr amnesty. You
Can own it but cant sell it. You have to store as a prohibited firearm.
And shoot it at a range
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