CFB Petawawa CQB Clinic 27-28 June 2015 - Debrief here! Pics up!

I agree with Chris on this, safety is our primary concern, but it would be nice if we could do transitions without stoppage. If I can make a recommendation, the safety relay need to be A LOT more aware of what they need to do and be very vigilant with their assigned shooter. Chris mentioned seeing a lot of shooters being liberal with their muzzle direction, I noticed that some the safety relays were too far from the shooter.

I think that with some modifications to the way the safety relay cover the shooter we can add a bit more fluidity and remove some stoppage from the course of fire.

The safeties should be aware of what exactly to look for, this way we mitigate shooter error due to inattention. We should do clear demos of what to look for when clearing a shooter.
The safety needs to be right behind the strong side of the shooter and not 4-5 feet behind, as some were last week.
The safety relay and not the shooter makes the call when it comes to continuing through the course of fire, they are responsible for CORRECTLY verifying that the shooter's weapon is clear before allowing any transition. The shooter's responsibility is to clearly show his safety the cleared weapon.
Lastly, but probably most important of all, the safety should not be pressured to clear his shooter as fast as possible.

Some shooters may be stressed during the exercises, the safety should act as a guide for the shooter throughout the course of fire, and assist with clear commands. We're ALL there to learn, not to fluff up our "operator" ego.

Let s not forget that this is a clinic where there are many shooters which are new to these types of drills.
Some of us may feel that we can gain more fluidity and less stoppages since we have done the course multiple times but there will always be first time shooters present since we are attempting to grow the sport.

We must remember that it is their sandbox so we follow their rules.
Maybe in the future there may be enough people that have participated in this clinic that Barney may be able to put on a more advanced version of it.
Let s not forget that this is a clinic where there are many shooters which are new to these types of drills.
Some of us may feel that we can gain more fluidity and less stoppages since we have done the course multiple times but there will always be first time shooters present since we are attempting to grow the sport.

We must remember that it is their sandbox so we follow their rules.
Maybe in the future there may be enough people that have participated in this clinic that Barney may be able to put on a more advanced version of it.

100% agreed. My comment was meant to be a goal to work towards vice the way it should be during the crawl/walk stage. As I go to more and more of Hungry's clinics, I feel there are probably 30%+ of shooters who have attended in the past. I think in the next year or two we may be at a point where more advanced techniques could be explored with more experienced shooters.

At the end of the day, lead down-range and trigger time and ill be happier than a pig in S###! BZ to our hosts once again!
Let s not forget that this is a clinic where there are many shooters which are new to these types of drills.
Some of us may feel that we can gain more fluidity and less stoppages since we have done the course multiple times but there will always be first time shooters present since we are attempting to grow the sport.

We must remember that it is their sandbox so we follow their rules.
Maybe in the future there may be enough people that have participated in this clinic that Barney may be able to put on a more advanced version of it.

Saying that there are a lot of new shooters or that the drills are new to some shooters is an easy argument. Memnoch runs the same clincs in Quebec, except only one day in length with a lot of success. He doesn't run as many stoppages and we're still extremely safe.

But like I said before, were there to learn and have fun.
Sure it would be nice to not have to stop as much as we did. but how does it play out in the actual ORA CQB competitions? I assume they do it the same way we learned? If so, no point changing the clinic. We should practice under the same rules and procedures that we compete.
Sure it would be nice to not have to stop as much as we did. but how does it play out in the actual ORA CQB competitions? I assume they do it the same way we learned? If so, no point changing the clinic. We should practice under the same rules and procedures that we compete.
I run / ran this clinic and the Sunday Practice match the EXACT way you will have it at the ORA CQB Matches (hey one ran yesterday Sat 06 July). Yes, there are the breaks (to clear rifles) in the transition section. They are put in there for safety! Enough said.

After my clinic, you will have no trouble whatsoever showing up at Langemark Range and fitting right in! We are lucky to have experts running these matches in the ORA and that's a great thing! :)

You guys ROCK! :wave:

Well, no one asked for my .02$ but here it is.

I really enjoy the Barney clinics. They are designed around ORA CQB rules, I respect that. Could things be accelerated? Of course they could be, however we have to respect the rules set out by the people running the clinic.
I think it would be a great idea to have a more advanced clinic as many of us have become repeat offenders. Our desire to advance quicker and acquire more skills must be tempered with the knowledge that if we don't remain welcoming to new people the pool of shooters will become rather shallow.
I'm not an expert at this game and do not present my self to be one. I in no way wish to be presumptuous or offensive I can only make suggestions based on experience and the way I learn.

I think it would be a good idea to run a weapon clearance drill at the beginning of the clinic so everyone is on the same page.
I'm the kind of person that learns faster if someone is showing me how to do something and then performing the same task under more experienced supervision to ensure it's done right. Having said that, I am guilty of staying in my comfort zone and hanging around with familiar people rather than making an effort to pair up with newbies. Perhaps if we all want things to progress faster, the more experienced participants could affect the pace in a positive way.
I'm not trying to get in to an argument, simple or not but perhaps the solution could be simple.

I am looking froward to another series of awesome Barney clinics in Petawawa.
At the risk of sounding like an after school special, let's keep up the awesome cooperation and friendly attitude. Let's make the community strong by keeping it accessible to new shooters and fluid and dynamic for the more experienced people.

As always, a huge thanks to Barney, Morgan and everyone else involved with putting the clinics on. By far a great learning environment at a very reasonable price.
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