Updates on Modern hunter Rifle March 18 2015

There are some risks associated with your suggestion, namely quality... Expanding too fast can be reckless. We are always reviewing our processes and procedures, but to maintain the quality that we've built our name upon we are keeping these in batches of approximately 100.

The 2nd production run is still on course for June/July delivery dates.

The 3rd production run is expected for December/January delivery.

Understood. I am by no means a business man, but I for sure get your point there. Can get on your list for a Modern Varminter so I don't have to wait for lead times as long as RCMP Classification?:stirthepot2:

I apologize guys, but my heart just sank when I realized there is no chance in hell I will get to shoot one of these before the snow is on the ground (again) even if I but a minimum investment in of $2500 and change right now. That thought just kills it. If I could order it and not have to put any money down until its being made, it might help, but still..... I feel like I just watched my best friend get hit by a bus.
Understood. I am by no means a business man, but I for sure get your point there. Can get on your list for a Modern Varminter so I don't have to wait for lead times as long as RCMP Classification?:stirthepot2:

I apologize guys, but my heart just sank when I realized there is no chance in hell I will get to shoot one of these before the snow is on the ground (again) even if I but a minimum investment in of $2500 and change right now. That thought just kills it. If I could order it and not have to put any money down until its being made, it might help, but still..... I feel like I just watched my best friend get hit by a bus.

Well, if you want to come up to CHAS in July, I'd let you fire off a few rounds to try mine out.
Onetwentyish, there "might" be a few of these rifles floating around central alberta...... I'm sure if you ask nice you can fire off a few rounds.
Lame. Not gonna lie. This production seems a little slow. I think Rick should consider more shop space, machines, and machinists. Once the first batch is delivered, there is a lead time of 9 months!? At that rate the number of orders that will be placed with ATRS after batch one being in the wild for 2-3 months will put lead times up to 3 years or better is my guess.

Im not hating, and I get the idea 10 men (or how ever many work there) can only do so much, but then hire more men! Its a huge shame to have this NR FRT and not be able to capitalize on it while its here, there is no registry, and the CPC are here... for now.

I want to order, but if our laws or regs change for the woarse, I won't want it anymore and it will be a bad investment.

it's not just machining time...... it's also sourcing and actually receiving all the components that aren't machined in house.
I've waited just over 2 years in the past to get a high quality smith to make me a rifle exactly to my specs , it cost nearly as much as a base model modern hunter. In the end i wasnot dissapointed. I get the same impression when looking at the time lines on ATRS's rifle, time line be damned, in the end i'm betting on being impressed hehehe
truthfully for me, the lure of parts for my custom jeep build has kept me from spending my cash on much else LOL and the upcoming election has me feeling queezy about dropping big cash on semi autos. but i'll probably get in on round 4 or 5 if the opportunity knocks
Two years ago people would have sold their own mother to have a non-res AR10. Now they can get pretty much it and it's too expensive, too long to get it, not what they wanted, not .02 moa accurate, ect..
If the oil industry doesn't recover by Christmas, you might very well run across 1 or 2 of these first-run MH's on the EE at that time! I would hang on to my money & do the wait & see thing; you never know...

That's entirely possible. However, I doubt you'll find one for much of a bargain though. That whole low supply and high demand thing tends to go crazy on the EE sometimes.
That's entirely possible. However, I doubt you'll find one for much of a bargain though. That whole low supply and high demand thing tends to go crazy on the EE sometimes.

Absolutely; my comment was based strictly on a suggestion to the poster in regards to availability of a MH rifle in any respect in lieu of him not getting his name in. I can't see any of these rifles reducing in value for many years!
I just ordered a 375 hunting rifle. I might get it by the fall.... Why are people whining about there being significant lead time and upfront cost to a "semi-custom" NR 308 semi that everyone expects to shoot under 1 MOA? The production runs are sold out because customers WANT THE PRODUCT. If I had the money I would be on the phone to Rick today.
Proof has been taking a little longer than normal to get barrels to us in the quantities we have placed with them

Just out of curiosity, what's the deal with proofing new manufactured firearms in Canada? We don't have anything like a national proof house, do we, so it must be commercial firms?

Interesting, never had occasion to think about it before, but what do you do when you want to proof a new made in Canada firearm?
ATRS needs to start making their own barrels...seeing that they have the expertise to make quality firearms, I sure they could make quality match grade barrels too!!! The more Canadian it is, the better. :)
ATRS needs to start making their own barrels...seeing that they have the expertise to make quality firearms, I sure they could make quality match grade barrels too!!! The more Canadian it is, the better. :)

Three problems. Time, Money and Space. The idea has been tossed around, but I can't see it happening in the foreseeable future.
If the oil industry doesn't recover by Christmas, you might very well run across 1 or 2 of these first-run MH's on the EE at that time! I would hang on to my money & do the wait & see thing; you never know...

I can see the EE ad now...

Priced for quick sale, first run Modern Hunter, custom serial # MONEYBAGS, will consider trades for mortgage payment and gas.
down the line, will you be making a varmint version in .223 that takes AR15 mags?

That's the plan. It's in design right now, and we aim to have a prototype off to the RCMP later this year. Our past experience with the modern hunter took appx. 3 years for them to classify it, however we are told it should be faster with the Modern Varminter, as it's just a scaled down hunter... but it's hard to say what to expect for a time frame.
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