Our Non restricted lower and the DA50 upper Pics added May 4 2105

Ryan seems willing to work for the common good as do I.
IF you want to order the upper from C.A. and then put a deposit on the lower that will work.
I don't see any issue with having C.A. ship the uppers directly to us to get the modification done while we manufacture the lowers.

The cost JUST for the aluminum stock we will need is just over $15000.00 plus the cost to re-create the programs to turn them out, so in reality i am looking at a risk of about $40000.00 by the time we make the 1st lower.
THIS is why I am asking for deposits with the caveat. I don't need to waste time, money and resources if there are not enough guys who want to get on board.

IF C.A. decides not to bring in more DA50s there are alternatives such as the Ferret or Safety Harbor uppers that fit the same way. They can be exported but to date the requests have been very low, hence my not bringing any in.

Hope that sheds some light on the dilemma

I totally understand the dilemma , and reading the big picture of 40,000 to get the ball rolling...... yer gonna need a hell of a lot more pre orders than 10 or 20 or even 50 I'm thinkin.
this is why I suggested a joint effort between you guys and canam...... take that upper, couple it with your lower, sell it as a whole rifle , win win..... you know they will sell LOL
I'm not worried about the end product I have faith in that department but if you only have 6 preorders for lowers.... and this thread and topic have been around for a bit....... I can't see you going ahead with it given the above.
Dam ,only 6 pre orders and I am one of them. I am crossing crossing my fingers and toes that more pre orders happen sooner then later. I know some people find these pricy but where are you going to find a NR .50 BMG rifle for $2600-2700 Canadian.
So we have a few deposits so far. 6 in fact as of today.
IF we are going to move forward with this there simply has to be enough numbers to warrant the cost of making fixtures and setting up a mill.
IF there simply is not enough interest we will abandon this and move on to something else.

"you and Canada ammo should get together and streamline this somehow, I think it would be a win win for the customers , and the business"

This was said above....

I agree with it. I would have pulled the trigger on one today too just like a bunch more guys I'm sure but it seems like its all a bit up in the air still..

You have said that you will not be shipping the bottoms without doing the needed work to the uppers.

So this means that if we were to go in on a $750 lower and not be able to get a DA upper for some un known reason from Canammo we would have to buy a different upper to go with our $750 lower and we don't know what the price will be on any other options but the DA50's $1600 one. It could be way more then $1600 and not what we are expecting for what we are looking to buy with this package.

Also on the other side of this...

If we buy the DA50 upper for $1600 and you don't get the orders you need to make the lowers worth manufacturing then I doubt we will be able to take back the upper to Canammo for a refund. And we could all have a restricted .50 cal that we can't shoot, almost anywhere.

I don't want to be a gunsmith. I don't want to figure out what parts i have to find, and buy and get shipped so a gun will work.

I want to see what I'm looking at buying and if its all good... I buy it. Most guns are sold on impulse right? I think that this is how you will sell these the best.
Last year a dealer brought in a bunch of .50s and they were in the high thousands to tens of thousands high end price range and I don't see them on their site anymore. If he can sold out, I think that you could sell out what you are making for the guy that only wants to spend up to $3000 all in.

The guy that is looking to buy one of these is a guy that will fork over the cash for a complete deal that he will get shipped to his door in this many days kind of thing.. He isn't going to be a guy that can risk spending the cash on something that might not turn out to happen and could be out of pocket and or spend more for a different upper he didn't want. Guys that can afford to do this are high rollers and they are going to get the real high end gun. Your selling the weekend warriors gun.

If Canammo sent the uppers to you and you made these guns complete and put them on the shelf for the price close to what you said they will be going for.

I will buy one.

Canada ammo posted in their 50 bmg upper thread that they will make more if need be and talking about 50 bmg ammo they are working on bringing in.
I'm sold
will have my deposit in next week
"you and Canada ammo should get together and streamline this somehow, I think it would be a win win for the customers , and the business"

This was said above....

I agree with it. I would have pulled the trigger on one today too just like a bunch more guys I'm sure but it seems like its all a bit up in the air still..

You have said that you will not be shipping the bottoms without doing the needed work to the uppers.

So this means that if we were to go in on a $750 lower and not be able to get a DA upper for some un known reason from Canammo we would have to buy a different upper to go with our $750 lower and we don't know what the price will be on any other options but the DA50's $1600 one. It could be way more then $1600 and not what we are expecting for what we are looking to buy with this package.

Also on the other side of this...

If we buy the DA50 upper for $1600 and you don't get the orders you need to make the lowers worth manufacturing then I doubt we will be able to take back the upper to Canammo for a refund. And we could all have a restricted .50 cal that we can't shoot, almost anywhere.

I don't want to be a gunsmith. I don't want to figure out what parts i have to find, and buy and get shipped so a gun will work.

I want to see what I'm looking at buying and if its all good... I buy it. Most guns are sold on impulse right? I think that this is how you will sell these the best.
Last year a dealer brought in a bunch of .50s and they were in the high thousands to tens of thousands high end price range and I don't see them on their site anymore. If he can sold out, I think that you could sell out what you are making for the guy that only wants to spend up to $3000 all in.

The guy that is looking to buy one of these is a guy that will fork over the cash for a complete deal that he will get shipped to his door in this many days kind of thing.. He isn't going to be a guy that can risk spending the cash on something that might not turn out to happen and could be out of pocket and or spend more for a different upper he didn't want. Guys that can afford to do this are high rollers and they are going to get the real high end gun. Your selling the weekend warriors gun.

If Canammo sent the uppers to you and you made these guns complete and put them on the shelf for the price close to what you said they will be going for.

I will buy one.


I can't speak for the guys at Canada Ammo, but to me this is a no brainer. Place deposits on both. I am certain that they would be fine taking a deposit so they too will know how many to build. That way we can move forward and you KNOW then that you are covered.
Canada Ammo has told us as well as others that they can and will ship to us to do the modification, we HAVE all the small parts and can even supply the buffer tube and stock so you could very easily have a completed rifle to pick up or have delivered to you that is ready to mount an optic on and then shoot.
Hell we can even hook you up with the optic and mounts.
I also have concerns of this upper being modified to fit this lower, and then if something happens to the lower... No more are made. I would then be stuck with a 1600 dollar upper that doesnt work at all/ That being said still verrrrrry interested in making a deposit. hmm.

The upper would not be modified unless and until the NR lower is available.
I believe the issue ppl may have is that there are two separate transactions. I buy an upper from CanAm and a lower from ATRS. Pay my deposit on each. If one vendor says, "sorry we are returning your deposit as we are not making this part", I would still be on the hook for the other part.

If it were a joint venture, I could pay one vendor who assumes the risk of getting a fully functional rifle in my hands. ATRS and CANAM would be responsible for working out the details and coordinating production/shipments between themselves.

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I believe the issue ppl may have is that there are two separate transactions. I buy an upper from CanAm and a lower from ATRS. Pay my deposit on each. One vendor says, "sorry we are returning your deposit as we are not making this part". I would still be on the hook for the other part.

If it were a joint venture, I could pay one vendor who assumes the risk of getting a fully functional rifle in my hands. ATRS and CANAM would be responsible for working out the details and coordinating production/shipments.


I kind of understand what you are saying, but people have to keep in mind that they may have to do something for themselves unless they are prepared to pay others to do things for them.
In any business,Time IS money.
It would be pretty easy for us to purchase X number of uppers, then make the lowers but then the price would go up on the upper we supplied.

IF a guys are ok with paying a premium of between 15 and 20% for the upper and paying for the complete package up front and in full so as all they have to do is open the case when it arrives, then no problem, we can accommodate this.

Frankly I did not see there being an issue with getting a reasonable number of deposits on the lowers as Can Am has apparently already sold the first 50 uppers. Who wants them to be restricted? So why have the first 50 upper owners remained mostly silent?
Can Am says they are running another 50 uppers asap and will continue to make more as long as there is demand, so to me it is simple place an order for both and it will happen.
It seems everyone wants us to stick our necks out BIG TIME but no-one wants to stick theirs out at all.
I believe the issue ppl may have is that there are two separate transactions. I buy an upper from CanAm and a lower from ATRS. Pay my deposit on each. If one vendor says, "sorry we are returning your deposit as we are not making this part", I would still be on the hook for the other part.

If it were a joint venture, I could pay one vendor who assumes the risk of getting a fully functional rifle in my hands. ATRS and CANAM would be responsible for working out the details and coordinating production/shipments between themselves.


BINGO. this would be a "surefire" way to get people on board
I've put the $250 deposit on a lower. I've also ordered the upper from CA. I'm just hoping enough of us jump on this opportunity. Very affordable way to get into a 50.
That's capitalism - if it were a zero-risk, sure-fire, no-brainer, moneymaker, we wouldn't need small businesses. That's where the profit margins are.


IF it were not for small shops like us, these sorts of VERY specialized niche products would not be offered at all. To risk many many thousands of dollars on very low margin products makes no business sense at all.
Try to purchase something like we are offering at the big box stores. IF there really was any money to be made in extremely low production niche products, the big manufacturers would already be doing it on a massive scale.
This is unfortunately how it works today and it is not just your industry. Everyone is wanting someone else to carry the costs on big projects and only have to pay at the last possible moment.

I agree that is the common mentality, unfortunately for a small shop it is also like playing Russian Roulette with an auto loading pistol.
The only way we can survive and still continue to offer the weird and wonderful is to be cautious on what ventures we get into. Or we cease to exist, which frankly I believe would not be helping the Canadian gun culture.
Up until the recent down turn, we could have used our machine shop to make oil field tools, which has FAR greater profit to be made. We all prefer to make gun stuff and live a little less high on the hog.
we need small operations to make this stuff available,,the BIG outfits are all US based and could care less about our idiot restricted,,non-restricted bull#### laws,,,so THEy will never do it,,why would they,,,canadian market isn't much to them,,,so even if a non restricted lower to make your 50 complete is a bit pricey at 750.00,,,consider the alternative,,THERE IS NONE,,LOL..
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