Some Teasers

Too early to have sent BATFE what they need for legal determination, but I would strongly suspect the Varmint being as it is a direct variant of the Modern Hunter, will be deemed a weapon of war by the US.
This means we cannot permanently export our rifles, but temporary on a form 6N1A is not a problem. I have had my own Hunter down to the USA several times now and with no problems. I can't say the same for the contents of my RV fridge however.

Awesome, patiently waiting!
Too early to have sent BATFE what they need for legal determination, but I would strongly suspect the Varmint being as it is a direct variant of the Modern Hunter, will be deemed a weapon of war by the US.
This means we cannot permanently export our rifles, but temporary on a form 6N1A is not a problem. I have had my own Hunter down to the USA several times now and with no problems. I can't say the same for the contents of my RV fridge however.

Since no one else asked yet ... whatcha got in the fridge cou:
Since no one else asked yet ... whatcha got in the fridge cou:

US customs had a cow because I brought my own in steak form. Then clucked about my chicken wings. It would seem they want us to support Safeway in the USA rather than in Canada. I could see their point if it was not in the Safeway packaging and labelled as it was. but.......
Moral of the story have the ammo locker full, the gun cases full, the fridge , empty.

I've looked through the MH thread, multiple videos but have not quite got my answer... How does the side charger works?

1- When you pull it, is there a part that goes beyond the upper, like how does it look with the charger all the way back?
2- From the videos I've seen, seems like the side charger handle has to be "cliped"; does it have to be? Can it still fire if it's not clipped?

Thanks :)
We got in trouble last time we came back with the rv for having 2 - 5lb bags of potatoes. The limit was 10 lbs, so we should be good right? Both bags were unopened as per their rules.
I guess 2 bags each weighing 5 lbs is different than 1 bag weighing 10 lbs. They didn't fine us, but we did have to throw them in the trash. We were also way over on alcohol which they didn't even charge us duty for. .. makes sense.

Anyways, can't wait to get my name on the varmint list. .
Side charger is essentially no different than a standard ar charging handle. It needs to be forward to operate, and does not reciprocate.
The lever does not have to be closed, but it should be to prevent the side charger from moving while firing.
When you pull the handle back and lock the bolt back, you can still move the handle forward, just like a traditional ar.
Side charger is essentially no different than a standard ar charging handle. It needs to be forward to operate, and does not reciprocate.
The lever does not have to be closed, but it should be to prevent the side charger from moving while firing.
When you pull the handle back and lock the bolt back, you can still move the handle forward, just like a traditional ar.

Alright, so it really acts like a charging handle that clips to the upper.

What about this part, I guess it does slide out far to the back?
Thank you for the kind words.

I would like to think that those who are questioning pricing are not just haters. I try real hard to believe in people. I think many just have no idea of what bringing something like this to market, especially in a very small market, costs.

For the LARGE makers in the USA that make billet style uppers and lowers, when they order aluminum bar, they order many tons per order, due to our size and market we order 1 ton or less.

Bolt assemblies we do not manufacture. Many big name makers of ARs also do not make their own bolt carrier assemblies. When someone like Daniel Defense or Colt orders bolts they order thousands, where as we order a couple hundred. Ya think possibly they get a better deal on bolts than we do? I am not for an instant claiming either maker does not make their own bolts, frankly I do not know but use them only for illustration purposes.
People here seem to not take things like that into account until it is pointed out.

A large part of my job is to educate and inform, which is why I take the time to answer as many questions as I can. No so much to defend our position but to make folks think about the differences they get with our products when compared to mainstream products of a similar nature.

I don't think that its really a matter of people complaining, I think its more people being frustrated. Everything is getting so expensive nowadays, and our sport is definitely not immune to this. We see increasing cost in everything from the most basic .22 cartridge, to range fees and club memberships, and firearms in general. I believe that we all can appreciate that it takes money, and lots of it, to produce a high end rifle like this. Unfortunately, not everyone has the paycheck to be able to afford it, myself included. But, no sense complaining about it, that's just the way it is. Maybe if I was single and didnt have a wife looking at the visa bill every month...... LOL
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