Marstar where is my m305 hand guard huh?

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I've said this time and time again in dealer forums, you guys suck with your lynch mob bull####. Lucky we even have dedicated dealers on this forum.

Dealt with Marstar before, nothing but excellent service. I'm thinking a few of you went in headlong with an attitude problem and expected to get cheery service in return.

Just because your experiences are positive does not take away others with negative experiences. This is the way it is done these days, take it or leave it. All businesses need a diplomat in charge of their online presence to deal with both the legit and suspected non legit customer service complaints. Treat these unhappy customers in your customer base with respect and after you take care of the issue in a timely manner and throw out a few apologies, toss in a $5.00 biscuit and all of a sudden you retain a customer
Hmm figure this is a good thread to throw in my 2cents.

I had purchased a Norinco shotgun from Marstar roughly 2 years ago. Once received I cleaned her up and realized it was to put it nicely machined with a dull butter knife attached to a reciprocal saw... Now that being said I had paid 200$ for it and I figured since I was equipped I could just fix it up at a later date. I decide I'll shoot it first before anything. Long story short it basically exploded in my face and seized up after shooting 5 shells out of it.

So at this point I'm pissed and throw the gun out at my parents house (On the way to the range) after taking the stock off and other random bits to put on another rem870 I have. Months go by and I'm at my parents house and realized my father took the shotgun out of the garbage and put it away to work on when he got a chance which he never did.

10 or so months have gone by now and I decide hey what the hell I'll try returning it... Contacted Marstar and as mentioned in this thread elsewhere I received the downright childish response of ''Marstar has no record of any JW2005 purchase by anyone named TurboTapin"

At the end of the day they fully reimbursed me for it... which I'm shocked they did after receiving it almost a year later and in parts. For this and this alone I thank Marstar but this being said the more you continue speaking to your clients like they are retarded the more sales you will lose and sales alone are what keep a business going. I'd have to recommend you hire somebody else to deal with the clientele, i'm certain it will pay itself off in the end.

I've said this time and time again in dealer forums, you guys suck with your lynch mob bull####. Lucky we even have dedicated dealers on this forum.

Dealt with Marstar before, nothing but excellent service. I'm thinking a few of you went in headlong with an attitude problem and expected to get cheery service in return.

Were not lucky to have dealers... you got the cart ahead of the horse.. They are lucky to have a market to sell too.
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