Marstar where is my m305 hand guard huh?

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CGN Regular
About a month ago, I placed an order on norinco 22'' m305. I received the package the week afte. When I took the rifle out of that greasy plastic bag, I found out that the hand guard was missing...... f:P:call them on the same day the guy said" It is impossible......" I was like okay... I sent you a picture......I sent a email with a pic to marstar, and they said they will put one in the mail asap. OK It has been three weeks and I am still waiting for my hand guard. Last week before I went to the sates for vacation, I sent an email to ask about my missing hand guard, no response since then. So Marstar where is my hand guard huh:confused:

Here is my Order # 41708
Added Mon 04 Jan 2016 - 9:01 AM EST - Staff Comment
Order status changed from 'New' to 'Processing'.
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We took the handguard off your rifle to give it to another customer that was missing theirs.
Our return policy is only valid for two weeks. You missed the cut-off.

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