Wolverine Supplies Virden, MB CQB Clinic 03-04 Sep 2016 - Debrief here!!


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Georgian Bay, ON
It's official, I'm coming out WEST and stopping at the Wolverine Supplies Complex. The great folks at WS have been so accommodating to host me for this 3 day bout of clinic fun!

I'm on a mission to spread the CQB love across the country before I drop dead. We had a CQB clinic in Dundurn, SK back in 2013. A CQB match was run last year in SK. Nothing much has been happening in MB for a CQB clinic (that I know of.... :cool: ) So let's give this CQB fun a burst in Virden, MB.

Quebec has a CQB match program at Garrison Valcartier, Ontario has a series of CQB matches in Base Borden, I'm running a couple of CQB clinics in Garrison Petawawa and Milo Range of CDTSA south of Calgary this fall. Longshot has a CQB program up and running in Abbotsford, BC. So the MB and SK shooters are due! :eek:

CFB Shilo / Garrison CQB'ers:

This year we are having any participants from the Soldier ON program attend all my clinics for FREE! I have your entry; just like we do in Garrison Petawawa. I've chosen to support the Soldier On program as my charity of choice. Come one out and have fun with us! :) Send me a PM and we'll get you here to my clinic.


Wolverine Supplies in Virden, MB. Here is a link to their website: https://www.wolverinesupplies.com/


Saturday and Sunday 03-04 September 2016.


$ 100 for the weekend clinic


Gather for 0830
Casual Start at 0900
Lunch at 12ish to 1ish... time to grab a bite in Virden if you have to...
Ending at 1600

Registration and Payment:

EMT the $100 to me with/using this information:

Name: Tactical Teacher
Question: What was your OLD CGN handle? I was not always tacticalteacher, you know. :cool:
Answer: hungry (low caps, no spaces) that way I cannot screw things up
Email: hungry556 AT bell.net

Material Focus

Everything I'll be teaching you is based on the CQB matches fired by the ORA at Langemark Range, CFB Borden.

Here's the bulk of the material from my www.tacticalteacher.ca website:

CQB Clinic Description:

CQB Competition (like in the ORA - Ontario Rifle Association) :

* Snap shooting, rapid fire shooting, modified prone shooting
* Advance and fire shooting
* rapid magazine changes (since we don't use hi-cap mags in Canada)
* gear selection, gear manipulation, gear evolution (I'm gonna surprise ya big time...)
* What works in close and what belongs in the video games
* What works for you and what does not work for you
* Why you do up all your pouches and zippers especially before using the PortaPotty

CQB Gear to Bring:

Depending upon the focus of the type of CQB clinic (we are doing restricted, but you are welcome to shoot your NR)

* Reliable , dependable, and tested RESTRICTED rifle & pistol
* Reliable, dependable NON-RESTRICTED rifle semi-auto loader: M1 Garand, Lee-Enfield, M14, M1A, Mini-14, etc (IF you want to shoot NR)

* Optics (Aimpoint, EOTech, BUIS, iron sights, ACOG, ELCAN, 1x or 2x or 3x or 4x magnification scope)
* Bring over 400 Rounds of carbine ammo (distances inside 50m), bring the cheeep stuff
* Bring 100 rounds of pistol ammo (many of you experts KNOW to DOUBLE this round count) :eek:
* Ensure you have reliable iron sights (USGI for you M14 lovers, I hope) or reliable/tested/proven optics
* Your vest or webbing must hold the 5 x 5/20 or the 5 x 5/30 magazines you will need, depends on your platform.
* Your vest should have pouches for 2 pistol magazines (restricted CQB clinic)
* Your vest or webbing should be reliable (read: avoid the mall ninja, airsoft renditions) so buy quality
* Single Point sling (Vickers, BFGear, Magpul MS3 MS4)
* Bring extra ammo whenever in doubt (better yet double my suggested round count)
* a bottle of lube (CLP, oil, grease, KY Jelly)
* 2 or 3 pens/pencils
* small rag
* ear protection (electronic means are recommended)
* Ballistic glasses are mandatory
* an open mind
* a sense of humour
* Read about some gear preparation ideas here: http://www.canadiangunnutz.com/foru...tted-on-19-March-2016?p=11386601#post11386601

Bring on the questions.... :)

Let me get back to you MB/SK shooters about the ATT stuff out there because we do different ATT approaches here in Ontario (good, bad, or indifferent) :cool:

Here's a picture from one of our Garrison Petawawa clinics:

And another one:

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That's not "west" enough!! Lol when ya coming out to Beautiful BC, Barney?!

ha ha ha ha

You guys in BC are super lucky to have an expert RSO like Longshot (Ryan) in Abbotsford to run CQB fun. No need for me over the great divide. I have to get the prairies fixed up with CQB action! :)

In the meantime, I need to have some MB CQB motion here! Lots of potential to build this community here! :cool:

Cheers, :wave:

Barney, are you doing an M14 clinic in Manitoba this year?

Yes, the day before (Friday) of that Labor Day weekend (3-4 Sep 2016)..... Here's the link: http://www.canadiangunnutz.com/foru...irden-MB-M14-Clinic-02-Sep-2016-Register-here!

Just a few threads away. Many, many clinic planned for this season. Then I have to get a full time job/work with my Electrician Apprentice career after I get back home from out West.... oops, not until I complete the CQB Clinic in Petawawa on 17-18 Sep 2106, then I can start being sweeping and coffee biztch for an Electrical Company of some sort. I'll make shooters out of all the tradesmen! ha ha ha ha ha :cool:

Cheers, :wave:

I'm booked. Guys, if you're thinking 'hey, that sounds fun but it's a long way to drive..' then let me reassure you...these clinics are a blast and have tons of learning opportunities. Well worth the drive. If you're newer to shooting sports and this looks a bit intimidating, don't be; everybody learns somehow and TT (hungry / Barney.. whatever he goes by these days...lol) is a great instructor who teaches at all levels, from noobs to those who do this for a living.

Plus how many other opportunities do we have to make > 500 rds of ammo go blammo?
How did I not see this before I want in for sure!!

If you can recall your "Work Up Training", this course of fire will be very close to the Gunfighter Program from pre-deployment. It was all planned that way. Great ready to have lots and lots of fun; much for fun than shooting AT work. :)

Lots and lots of room left. No limit on entries!


Can you advise when you're next CQB course is in the fall at Petawawa or there abouts?


Barney here. .... 17-18 Sep 2016in Garrisson Petawawa. Lots of room to sign up and join in the fun.

Bring on any more questions you may have.

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ATT I thought you guys in MB and SK don't have to deal with letters of invite and ATT issues like these? I do know that I need to arrange for ATT since I am coming from Ontario with restricted boomsticks.

The TT Mav or any of the MAV series are good to run with. The only rig I suggest you stay away from us the actual one you are issued. YOU will see why once we get rolling in Virden. Lots and lots of room to register. We are gonna have a poopload of fun.

ATT I thought you guys in MB and SK don't have to deal with letters of invite and ATT issues like these? I do know that I need to arrange for ATT since I am coming from Ontario with restricted boomsticks.

The TT Mav or any of the MAV series are good to run with. The only rig I suggest you stay away from us the actual one you are issued. YOU will see why once we get rolling in Virden. Lots and lots of room to register. We are gonna have a poopload of fun.


I just contacted the cfc and it seems we need a letter of invitation. At least for me being from out of province.
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