Current Ontario Safety Course Results Processing times?

waiting for my test results for the course. i just called again and she told me they are working on tests from july 9th right now and i should expect an email today or tommorow
Just as a heads up. I took my turkey test yesterday and upon speaking to my instructor, who also did my hunter safety course, I related to him how I had a 7 week wait from day my CFSC was taken and day I received my results back from FSESO. He told me he had spoke to them earlier in the week and they had told him they were pretty backlogged as they were bombarded with about 5000 course reports to process and that they have hired extra staff to help deal with the influx.

So the good news is they are hiring more staff to help process results and the other good news is the growing numbers of potential new legal firearms owners.
Question on behalf of my sister.

Can she submit the license application without the course documents to get a head start on the 28 day wait? Or does she need to wait to get the paperwork from the CFO before she can send the application to the RCMP?
Question on behalf of my sister.

Can she submit the license application without the course documents to get a head start on the 28 day wait? Or does she need to wait to get the paperwork from the CFO before she can send the application to the RCMP?

Send the application in about a week or 2 after she is done the course. Where it says to check off which safety courses she has taken, leave it blank and add a note saying documentation to follow. Remember to send it registered mail so that you can see when it arrives at RCMP (that will be your 28 day start date). Likely within 2 weeks of receiving your app they will send you a letter stating you are missing the course report and you have until a certain date to send it in enclosed envelope or fax it. I would Fax it! The date is usually about 8 weeks out so you should receive your results by then. In the mean time you should be able to log into the website within 10 days of them receiving your application to view its progress.

Remember after 4 weeks if you have not received your course report to call the FSESO and inquiry about it.

Hope this helps!
Send the application in about a week or 2 after she is done the course. Where it says to check off which safety courses she has taken, leave it blank and add a note saying documentation to follow. Remember to send it registered mail so that you can see when it arrives at RCMP (that will be your 28 day start date). Likely within 2 weeks of receiving your app they will send you a letter stating you are missing the course report and you have until a certain date to send it in enclosed envelope or fax it. I would Fax it! The date is usually about 8 weeks out so you should receive your results by then. In the mean time you should be able to log into the website within 10 days of them receiving your application to view its progress.

Remember after 4 weeks if you have not received your course report to call the FSESO and inquiry about it.

Hope this helps!

Awesome, thanks!

Hoping to be able to transfer her her first handgun for Xmas.
Did tests on Jul 19/20 in Oakville ON and still waiting called once a week since mid Sep I get the same story we working on mid July you should get it this week then I called couple weeks after they said they working on beginning of July.
I have submitted my application to RCMP and have Nov 3rd deadline to deliver the test results, will be close or will have to reapply. Good luck to others.
What a joke. It's 2016, and stuff needs to be sent in for a stamp? Anyone with 10 bucks can go to Chinatown and get a stamp forged anyways. Where the heck do we live, a third world country? What a complete joke Ontario has become.
Sounds like some people are luckier than I. Took my course July 15/16, 2016, and despite three visits to "where's my paperwork", and three phone calls to Orillia, still have nothing. What a joke!!!
Update; after being persistent and calling everyday since last week and no one answering I left about 3 voice mails a lady called me back yesterday. I explained my situation and that it has been 3 months and soon the application with RCMP will expire I asked for help. She said she will try to find my papers and call back shortly. No one called but today I got an email and copy of restricted fire arm test scores stamped Aug 29.
It was a PDF file. Unfortunately there was no score sheet from my non restricted test and I believe I need to send both to RCMP. If someone could confirm it would be great as if both are needed I'm back to square one and I have 13 days before my application with RCMP is closed as incomplete.
Update; after being persistent and calling everyday since last week and no one answering I left about 3 voice mails a lady called me back yesterday. I explained my situation and that it has been 3 months and soon the application with RCMP will expire I asked for help. She said she will try to find my papers and call back shortly. No one called but today I got an email and copy of restricted fire arm test scores stamped Aug 29.
It was a PDF file. Unfortunately there was no score sheet from my non restricted test and I believe I need to send both to RCMP. If someone could confirm it would be great as if both are needed I'm back to square one and I have 13 days before my application with RCMP is closed as incomplete.

You do need to send both. Fax your restricted results to the RCMP and call them and ask for an extension on the non-restricted results. I have no idea if that will work out or not, but it's worth a shot.
I did my courses and test August 6th and 7th in Ontario. OCTOBER 10th I submitted a "where is my paper work request." 2 days later I receive an email with paperwork attached in PDF form. I emailed back asking if I still had to wait for mailed copies, and the reply from FESO was that they are no longer mailing back the paperwork, and to use the PDFS emailed to me for my application. My paperwork was stamped September 12th for un-restricted and Sept 1st for restricted. I emailed back asking why it was stamped over a month ago, and why the delay of sending paperwork back. I asked if I received the emailed PDF as a result of my on-line inquiry, or if it was just a coincidence. No reply from FESO.

UPDATE: So after being told they no longer mail them I received in the mail yesterday a copy pf my non- restricted, but not the restricted paperwork, post marked the 19th of September, over a week after they emailed me the same thing.
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Another update,
So after few more calls and leaving a VM I finally got both copies on Saturday Oct 22, both stamped Aug 29. I guess they had to sit somewhere in the box same with my brother's papers he got his the same day I did.
After we decided to call every day and leave messages as enough is enough.

My advice for you guys waiting is if you don't get yours after 8 weeks start to inquire and call them every day leave a message and try again next day. I'm convinced that if we haven't started calling and annoying whoever works there I wouldn't see the papers till next year. Every time I called I was never rude just stated my concern and that I already have an application with RCMP with a deadline.

I called direct Orillia # 1-705-329-1899 and press #1 for reception/paperwork issues. Good luck
Sounds like it's taking months then to get the paperwork mailed back now then...

I completed my non-restricted course on September 25th, so I've been waiting a month now. I was getting worried... although now I'm just sad as I doubt I'll be able to get it issued on the 28th day now.

I sent in my application and it was received on October 5th without the test results. They've cashed my check as well now, but I haven't heard anything about the test results or where to fax said results when I receive them yet.

How long do I have to get my results to them before I have to reapply and lose my money?
I took my restricted (have non-restricted now) Oct 2nd was told I may recieve something in the mail or I may get an Email. As of today nothing from either party. Observed on here that I could send in my application to begin the 28 day wait period and will send in the test results when I get them. Sent them a nice hand written note saying the same. Maybe they are being efficient and sending test results forward for me.
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