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Sorry to see you leave the market. Great service and great comms. Something TSE can learn. All the best to Kate!!

As for TSE, I don't understand how they are still a viable business. I thought everyone was avoiding them like the plague. As for making mistakes, when you affect a few people ok forgivable. But when you have given the RCMP to access to reevaluate everyone from this point on. I believe the 10/22 mags and Spartans are another offshoot of this bone head move. Thanks JR.

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So sorry to see you close Kate. I thank you for the great service you always afforded me and our fun chats at pick-up time. You became my favorite by far. What a marvelous combination of professional salesmanship and beautiful personality. Truly one of a kind. I shall miss you and hope you surface once again...and soon.
That is really stupid on Tse part to shutdown the site. Could have kept it operstional as a sub entity of tse and keep all customers
Sad to see you go, Kate. It has been a pleasure dealing with you, your customer service was always fantastic. I was very happy to see when ammo I was looking for was in stock and at a good price. Thanks for all the key chains!

That said, I'm even sadder to hear it was sold off to one of the most vile hated companies/people in the firearms industry, of certainly my generation. A damn shame.

Good luck with everything!
Sorry to see you leave the market. Great service and great comms. Something TSE can learn. All the best to Kate!!

As for TSE, I don't understand how they are still a viable business. I thought everyone was avoiding them like the plague. As for making mistakes, when you affect a few people ok forgivable. But when you have given the RCMP to access to reevaluate everyone from this point on. I believe the 10/22 mags and Spartans are another offshoot of this bone head move. Thanks

TSE is still very popular in Calgary. If you ask someone about a gun shop they'll say "oh the one off of Blackfoot trail?" JRs got location and time in... Gotta give em that. I think they get plenty of new people to the sport through the door or drop ins curious to shoot a pistol. Us old time gunnies don't like the place but we are probably a small piece of his pie
Hi Kate, all the best to you. Really sad to hear this. I have only shopped with you on ammos and bullets since the day I started this sport 3 years ago. You have the best price and service all around even I am far away in Toronto. Hope to see you around.

Thanks guys! :)
I appreciate all the kind comments!

I will never tell people what to think or where to shop, but I have been impressed at a lot of improvements that TSE have made over the last year and I for one will shop there and shoot there. They have some awesome new courses (including how to dress and cook waterfowl) coming up that sound really exciting that I plan to attend. They have new retail space for 5.11 tactical clothing, and also William Evans (a very posh British brand) for some unique gifts. I know quite a few of our former customers have used the coupon to get 10% off ammo and accessories or 5% off firearms today, and that offer will be open for a while longer (coupon code AmmoKate).

You're a class act all the way. Wishing you the very best on your future ventures! Thank you for making this site as fun as it has been with your involvement!
There is always somewhere else however I'm not going to be able to buy sierra match grade federal ammo for 350 for 200 rounds that was a sweet deal should have bought three cases two months ago damnn
As for TSE, I don't understand how they are still a viable business. I thought everyone was avoiding them like the plague.
There are two possible answers:

The loudmouths attacking JR are such a small and insignificant minority that collectively they don't add up to a rounding error on the balance sheets of a successful business, or

The loudmouths who demand a boycott are continuing to do business with TSE and are two-faced lying bastards.
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