CDTSA - Milo Range CQB Clinic 29-30 April 2017 Debrief here...

Grelmar and I were chatting today about chest rig VS Belt and another friend just asked me if a chest rig was mandatory?
Also you make no mention of a Holster I assume it's required.
Is downloading 10 round mags to 5 rounds OK? Why not 10 rounds?

What in your experience does not work what should be avoided?

Last year most guys had chest rig/plate carrier set up and I remember at least one guy using a belt, everything is ok. I'll say bring and use what you have and see what other set up exists and go from there.
Holster is required for your pistol, whatever type you have is good.
That course is to make you practice mag changes so whatever your mags hold, bring them (you'll see why the last day ;) !!
Grelmar and I were chatting today about chest rig VS Belt and another friend just asked me if a chest rig was mandatory?
Also you make no mention of a Holster I assume it's required.
Is downloading 10 round mags to 5 rounds OK? Why not 10 rounds?

What in your experience does not work what should be avoided?

Yes a Holster is required but use what ya got an youll figure out if it works good or doesnt to meet your needs.
We have all sorts of rigs show up rite from vests, plate carriers with plates to 3 gun rigs so run whut ya brung is the motto an try it an then ya can go from there to see if changes are needed.
Yes you can also run your LAR mags an we use a round count for the mags to incorporate mag changes an its also so its a equal playing field for all.
Hope this helps
I am also curious about some questions.

I have a black hawk CQC holster for a Smith and Wesson SD9 VE. Can I use a tactical drop leg rig or just belt? What's are your thoughts? And will an ammo drop pouch be needed?

You can use what you feel comfortable with as both styles are used just depends on what the shooter prefers.
A dump pouch is not required but most do have one an use it for the range cleanup at the end of the day haha
Yes a Holster is required but use what ya got an youll figure out if it works good or doesnt to meet your needs.
We have all sorts of rigs show up rite from vests, plate carriers with plates to 3 gun rigs so run whut ya brung is the motto an try it an then ya can go from there to see if changes are needed.
Yes you can also run your LAR mags an we use a round count for the mags to incorporate mag changes an its also so its a equal playing field for all.
Hope this helps

Thanks for the reply. I was just reading the CQB sticky you have, it seems that I'm set. My gear is orientated for 3 gun and I don't plan on changing that belt setup. But I do have a chest rig that I used briefly for 3 gun and will be using that for CQB, glad I didn't sell it.
Do not bring your dump pouch mags drop to the ground and stay there,

And set up your holster how ever you prefer
Although Avoid cross draw chest holsters on vests

I am also curious about some questions.

I have a black hawk CQC holster for a Smith and Wesson SD9 VE. Can I use a tactical drop leg rig or just belt? What's are your thoughts? And will an ammo drop pouch be needed?
So I've gone though all my gear and the only thing I'm missing is a chest rig. Before I go and drop a few hundred on one, is there a favorite commonly used one for this course?
So I've gone though all my gear and the only thing I'm missing is a chest rig. Before I go and drop a few hundred on one, is there a favorite commonly used one for this course?

My favourite and go to is the blue force gear 10 speed chest rig

It's super light
Minimalist and great over heavy clothing cuz is so minimalist and even better is summer for the same reason
And it's only 100$
Holds 4 AR mags and has 10speed slits for Molly stuff is you want to add touniquete EMT pouch sheers mag pouches ect
Hey Barney. I am a CDTSA member, but am on vacation right now so I don't have my membership info with me. Can I send a screenshot of my membership renewal information instead?

Okay, been working six days a week and last three nights with relatives at family cottage an hour away. Lots of work and driving. I'm beat. Still have to work tomorrow.
Will do EMT tonight. I am glad to have this long weekend over with. Hey.... since I worked today.... do I get OT or something like that? :dancingbanana:


Boogz and Rogair... I just completed your EMT deposits. See you in Milo.
Tomorrow is Wednesday and closing day for the early start of registration for the CDTSA members. I've got 9 members signed up before this date. Then we open up to non-members at $80 per shooter. :cool:

Of course members are free to sign up STILL at $60... easy peasy... :wave:


april 29/30 the only dates planned for 2017?

For clinics, yup.... The rest of my weekends are taken up with matches (serious trigger time to test your skills). Usually many clubs host their clinics/courses in the spring of the shooting season. Often your Match Directors are scheduling a regular, predictable, spaced out ,series of competitions to plan for your season and other commitments. :cool:

And it's the only weekend I have free early in the clinic delivery season before we launch into my Precision Rifle Matches at Garrison Petawawa (once a month) and other PR matches hosted by the ORA in Base Borden (once a month also). The rest of the weekends, I'm going out on my Suzuki Vstrom 650 (adventure wannabee) motorcycle! :wave:

Now I am planning to return in late November for an M14 clinic hosted by my great friends at TSE (Heritage/Blackfoot area) of YYC.... :nest:

april 29/30 the only dates planned for 2017?

For the full clinic yes but we also do a mini practice at the matches so dont let it worry ya none if ya cant make the clinic as I can get ya up to speed fairly fast.
The match dates are listed under the Service Rifle forum so just show up ,bring your gear an enjoy the fun.
Im holding 5 matches so lots of opportunities to do some serious shooting hahaha
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