Garrison Petawawa CQB Clinic 22/23 April 2017 - Debrief here!


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Georgian Bay, ON
It's official, CQB clinics are returning for 2017 to get you ready to compete in say, Quebec, Ontario, or BC; where ever CQB matches are running! :cool:

I'm so happy to announce this after a winter's hibernation. Time to get ready for CQB matches at Base Borden (dink27 is your Match Director) or Valcartier (Memnoch is your Match Director)


CFB Petawawa Echo Range, but we will gather up at the White (P-141) Bldg, 5 bay garage doors, across from the Base Fire Hall (S-105). It's a quick right turn, immediately after you enter the main gate on base. Bring ID to show you are not a bad dude. :cool:

Memories of Last Spring CQB:

The Berm Killers.... and me...

And some pics from years past at Echo Range:


22 - 23 April 2017 Sat & Sunday
We usually gather around 0800 - 0830 and then convoy over to Range Control.


$ 80 for both days (go and find any instruction for that price point) ha ha ha ha
I'm only taking 28 shooters, first come, first served
SO... Before you EMT / pay me, send me a PM to confirm that we do in fact have space of you.... :p

$ 10 for the Sentry that Range Control requires us to provide. Morgan has been casually collecting some monies to help out the sentry (ies) but some folks seem to have overlooked this extension of courtesy and good will. Now we have to cough up with a more serious application for the needed post. The $10 covers you for the weekend. Morgan will be collecting this fee AT the range.

Where to Stay

About 10-15min from range control (and right by Kelseys)
2 min from base with several fast food/pizza options close by

Camping details:

The campsite is inexpensive and nice. Here are a few links.

Blackbear campsite on base

Letters on Invite for your STATT

I will be directing you to my pointman and chief host: chalkriver2...... BUT that's AFTER you pay and register with ME! :cool:

Material Focus

Everything I'll be teaching you is based on the CQB matches fired by the ORA at Langemark Range, CFB Borden.

CQB Competition (like in the ORA - Ontario Rifle Association) :

* Snap shooting, rapid fire shooting, modified prone shooting
* Advance and fire shooting
* rapid magazine changes (since we don't use hi-cap mags in Canada)
* gear selection, gear manipulation, gear evolution (I'm gonna surprise ya big time...)
* What works in close and what belongs in the video games
* What works for you and what does not work for you
* Why you do up all your pouches and zippers especially before using the PortaPotty

CQB Gear to Bring:

Depending upon the focus of the type of CQB clinic (we are doing restricted, but you are welcome to shoot your NR)

* Reliable , dependable, and tested RESTRICTED rifle & pistol

* Reliable, dependable NON-RESTRICTED rifle semi-auto loader: M1 Garand, Lee-Enfield, M14, M1A, Mini-14, etc (IF you want to shoot NR)
* Current Petawawa GC issued long term ATT or Short term ATT for guests, arranged by club host (chalkriver2, my pointman)

* Optics (Aimpoint, EOTech, BUIS, iron sights, ACOG, ELCAN, 1x or 2x or 3x or 4x magnification scope)
* Bring over 400 Rounds of carbine ammo (distances inside 50m), bring the cheeep stuff
* Bring 100 rounds of pistol ammo (many of you experts KNOW to DOUBLE this round count) :eek:
* Ensure you have reliable iron sights (USGI for you M14 lovers, I hope) or reliable/tested/proven optics
* Your vest or webbing must hold the 5 x 5/20 or the 5 x 5/30 magazines you will need, depends on your platform.
* Your vest should have pouches for 2 pistol magazines (restricted CQB clinic)
* Your vest or webbing should be reliable (read: avoid the mall ninja, airsoft renditions) so buy quality
* Single Point sling (Vickers, BFGear, Magpul MS3 MS4)
* Bring extra ammo whenever in doubt (better yet double my suggested round count)
* a bottle of lube (CLP, oil, grease, KY Jelly)
* 2 or 3 pens/pencils
* small rag
* ear protection (electronic means are recommended)
* Ballistic glasses are mandatory
* an open mind
* a sense of humour
* Read about some gear preparation ideas here:

How I treat you at my stage of the Modified Prone position:

Caliber Restrictions

Understand that Petawawa Range Control has their rules and we must abide by them. Here are the ONLY calibers allowed to be shot at THEIR ranges:

22, 38 ,9mm ,40cal ,303 ,308 ,5.56 ,338 Lapua are the ONLY calibres allowed on those ranges.

It's THEIR Range setup, we must respect their wishes. End of story! :cool:


Bring them on!

Rough Time Table:

0800 - 0830 Gather up at the White (P-141) Bldg, 5 bay garage doors, across from the Base Fire Hall (S-105). It's a quick right turn, immediately after you enter the main gate on base. Bring ID to show you are not a bad dude. :cool:

0830 - 0930 Convoy to Range Control and sign in (vehicle passes)

0930 - 1030 Convoy to Echo Range (it's quite away from the Base, so bring your bagged lunch and snacks and H2O; lots of it)

1030 - 1530 or 1400 Conduct the Clinic Skills and drills

1900 - Gather at Danny's Steak House in Petawawa (almost next door to the McDonalds)


0800 - 0830 Gather at P-141 Across from the Base Fire Hall

0830 -0930 Convoy out to Echo Range

1000 - 1500 Conduct the Clinic Skills and Drills

1500 - Practice the Match

1530 Cleanup and March OFF! :)


Keep an eye right HERE in this thread!


$ 80 by EMT only. I hope you bank online, EMT is an option at your online banking options. Once you pay me, you are registered. It's that simple! :)

I will keep updating this thread regarding the numbers and spaces remaining!

EMT Information:

Name: Tactical Teacher
Question: What is your Original CGN handle?
Answer: hungry (all low caps so I cannot mess things up)
Email address: hungry556 AT

Somewhere in the EMT, remind me of your CGN handle AND which clinic it's for (PR or CQB)

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Iam wondering if you are thinking of holding more than the april clinic? Iam definetly interested in attending but not sure about the april dates.Also is there an exsperience level needed to attend? Iam an avid AR/ Glock weekly shooter but never attended any clinics yet and i have pretty much all the kit i would need..Thanks Gunner
We only have the April date scheduled for Barneys CQB clinic but he will be running 6 PR clinics here and our club will have some 3 gun events during the year.
Barney will start with the basics so just practice mag changes with your gear on .
If you register you will need a letter of invitation from our club so send a private message to me on here
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Does the Tavor work with this clinic?


Sure does. Bring it on.... Any more questions?

Okay, been working six days a week and last three nights with relatives at family cottage an hour away. Lots of work and driving. I'm beat. Still have to work tomorrow.
Will do EMT deposits tonight.


sounds interesting but silly question, why suggest camping if you need to bring restricted firearms. I doubt you can pitch a tent with an AR :)
Lots and lots of spaces left. Don't you worry..... EMT away.

And if you are camping at Blackbear with restricted... LOCK your firearms in your trunk... due diligence. What can I say?? :cool:

Cheers... :wave:

Some times I pitch a tent because of an AR.

I wouldn't worry about camping with a restricted. I've stayed at the Quality inn numerous times. Legally can't see a difference between a hotel room and a tent so long as the weapons are stored properly and you have an ATT. Besides, don't advertise what you have and you won't have to answer any questions.
Some times I pitch a tent because of an AR.

I wouldn't worry about camping with a restricted. I've stayed at the Quality inn numerous times. Legally can't see a difference between a hotel room and a tent so long as the weapons are stored properly and you have an ATT. Besides, don't advertise what you have and you won't have to answer any questions.

But how does one deal with a food coma at the campsite? At least in the Quality Inn, one can step half a dozen paces and you can upchuck 12 ounces of Danny's Prime Rib if you have to.... It's the double chocolate cake that triggers this phenomenon on Saturday night... :eek: Try doing that procedure in BEAR country at the campsite.... :cool:

Ah the good times are once upon us for this coming PR season in Garrison Petawawa... :dancingbanana:

Cheers, :wave:

sounds interesting but silly question, why suggest camping if you need to bring restricted firearms. I doubt you can pitch a tent with an AR :)

I'd have to dig out the STATT from last CQB to be sure, but I'm pretty sure its for transportation to "CFB Petawawa", and the Black Bear Campground is part of that.
I'd have to dig out the STATT from last CQB to be sure, but I'm pretty sure its for transportation to "CFB Petawawa", and the Black Bear Campground is part of that.

Yeah I read over it again and I guess because the campground is on base they may overlook it. If it was a local KOA I would doubt it. Granted the gun would have to be locked in a case but securing it so it can't be moved would be the hard part.

Would love to go (also have a buddy posted there so I am sure I could take his couch) but right now timing is bad. Maybe next time
Lots and lots of spaces left. Don't you worry..... EMT away.

Great, thanks.

Since this is CQB, is there going to be component of bayonet usage? Are there any stages that can be completed with a bayonet charge or is the US Army right in no longer teaching bayonet skills? I know the Boer War has long time passed, but maybe there is still some relevance these days?
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