Fausti Sisters





Madonna ce Bella ....e gli Donne Italiano sonno belle!!!!!!
Was in Italy two years ago and driving all over the place ..... was in there neck of the woods and seen there trailers all over but didn't put it together...... Dio cane now I know
Hmmm I wonder if they are single ????
Giovanna is married to a Rizzini. They sponsor only one field in Lonato. It is unfortunate that they don't wear eye and ear protection for the video. They don't shoot clays well from what my Italians tell me. Michael Yardley is a very good shot. When in S.A. we shoot over corn fields mostly. 2 hours worth will give at least 250 plus birds. Giovanna was at la Roue several years ago. It takes two years to receive your order. I had an article in ClayshootingUSA about Fausti. I shot the 28 SxS on clays and it did very well. Here are some of the pictures:





Her husband doing stock measurements:



I'm still waiting for mine that I ordered back in November (wanted a 20 gauge will full side plates) - hope it comes before fall bird season :)

(Barbara Fausti wrote up the order for me after showing me their line-up which might have had some influence on me buying the shotgun - just a little)

The "retail" on their (production stuff) starts at about $1600'ish and goes up to about $2500'ish for the over/under's in their Conrad and Class line which is sold in Canada (there is about half a dozen different "trim levels" in those models). The US line is "different" then what is available here as is the Italian line - difficult to find info on the (Canadian available) models although the same models are sold in Australia and South Africa.

The side/side's start in the mid 3K range and go up from there.

If you want one of their custom, hand engraved etc that is done by special order (obviously) and $5K would get you in the door but you could drop three times that.
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Just curious, average how much are these shotguns?

This is the entry model called the Conrad, made especially for Canadian market.


As with any Italian shotgun maker, cost goes up from there all the way to 5 digits but they offer great value compare to bigger Italian manufacturers such as Perazzi and Beretta. Many have traveled to Fausti in Italy to order custom guns and they offer a more personalized experience.


Since NS only sells to vendors they could only provide the wholesale prices (which I don't believe any wholesaler would post that for the general public).

The Fausti models that NS supplies is the Conrad line (5 models (Conrad, Conrad Extra, Conrad Deluxe, Conrad Sporting and Lady Conrad) not sold in the US so difficult to find any info at all on the net but pretty much the specs of the US Caledon models except the Conrad's have a schnable forends, except the Deluxe which has a prince of whales style stock/splinter forend), two of the Class models (Class and Class SL - info on US site) and two of the DEA side/side (DEA/DEA SLX - again, same as on the US webite).

The Conrad line would generally retail in the $1700 to $2450, The Class in the $2600-3150 range and the S/S DEA's would be on the shelf for $4000-5700 using industry standard mark-up's based on wholesale.

Of course if you shopped around you could probably shave a bit off the prices.

Those are part of Fausti's (production line) models. If you want "fancy" you contact the company and work out the details with them.
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We have the Canadian O/U models such as the Conrad, Conrad Extra, Conrad Sporting, Conrad Deluxe, Conrad Lady, Class and the Side by Side in stock. The other high end models will require contacting Fausti directly for pricing. Thanks.


Conrad Sporting:


Side by Side:
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