An Update on Wanstalls M10x pre-order!

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Expried Business Member
Maple Ridge BC

Rest assured Wanstalls will be able to honor our initial pre order price to all the people who took part in our M10x pre-sale!
In close consultation with the President of M+M Industries, we believed at the time that we had the full and appropriate pricing structure...we did not. We misunderstood some of the information regarding pricing, as well as some of the issues distributing the gun in Canada. Some of this info we received led us to believe we needed to launch a pre-sale right immediately. We will bear full responsibility for our role in this rocky start.

To clear up any confusion regarding future pricing moving forward. M+M Industries is hard at work estimating the costs associated with a Canadian specific model. When they have determined this, we will be releasing a joint statement with more information on that pricing.

Wanstalls and M+M Industries appreciate all the support for the M10x rifle and look forward to bringing it to the Canadian market!

Please relax! Stand by! a very cool Non-restricted rifle is on it's way...

I didn't get one in time but I am sure I will see one on range when they finally come in. You guys are lucky to get one. I'm jealous
I got in I missed that nea thing but I Got I’m on this. Rabid buncha consumers the lot of us are eh while lota talking and birching over nothing what was it 48 hours and people where on here with torches and pitch forks.

Rest assured Wanstalls will be able to honor our initial pre order price to all the people who took part in our M10x pre-sale!
In close consultation with the President of M+M Industries, we believed at the time that we had the full and appropriate pricing structure...we did not. We misunderstood some of the information regarding pricing, as well as some of the issues distributing the gun in Canada. Some of this info we received led us to believe we needed to launch a pre-sale right immediately. We will bear full responsibility for our role in this rocky start.

To clear up any confusion regarding future pricing moving forward. M+M Industries is hard at work estimating the costs associated with a Canadian specific model. When they have determined this, we will be releasing a joint statement with more information on that pricing.

Wanstalls and M+M Industries appreciate all the support for the M10x rifle and look forward to bringing it to the Canadian market!

Please relax! Stand by! a very cool Non-restricted rifle is on it's way...


How would someone who M+M says "A company that we have no business agreements with had released claims of Pre-sales and pricing that was not generated by M+M industries." be able to even get an incorrect pricing structure? Wouldn't that mean that there was communication between both parties and that there was actually a deal for distribution (albeit early) between you and M+M?
Humm ... this still doesn't clear anything up. I'm glad to hear those that pre-ordered can breath a sigh of relief, but there is more to this, a lot more to this. Private business information, probably, but this story is far from over.

Thanks for posting this Wanstalls.
Bfiles pretty much said it best but I'll second it.... This is amazing and completely puts to rest any doubt/concerns I had. You've always been a stand up business and are actually where I purchased my first ever firearm from, your flawless record of business is safe and intact in my book :) This also goes to show M+M is a decent business if they are in fact working with you to still get us these at the blundered prices. My excitement for this new offering has returned, I thank you and M+M Industries. :cheers:
UPDATE:Please relax! — Wanstalls
You guys ####ed up and you tell us to relax? You've lied every step of the way, I wonder how long it took the M+M PR team to write your statement. I guess they will be happy selling this at an even higher price in a few months.

I was cautiously optimistic throughout this whole ordeal and am glad I kept my mouth shut till now and avoided the RUM-INT and negativity without the facts.

Thank you very much for your honesty and integrity on this - it just reinforces why you guys are my 'go to' gun shop be it online or in person.

-Saryet, out!-
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