M+M Industries M10x DMR - Non-Restricted 18.6” in 7.62x39mm Canada

What possible reason would I have to defend M+M's marketing approach or NA's distribution practices? Serious question. Please elaborate on your theory, as you apparently have one...

Your last sentence fully explains my annoyance with the constant hate directed towards the M10X, so why do you insist on inferring more sinister motives my part?

What possible reason would you have to get offended at other people who don't/didn't appreciate the DMR price hike?
Just relax and get ready to enjoy your new toy! You likely have one the most enviable collections posted in recent years so it's hard to imagine why you would let some anonymous internet animosity towards M&M and North Sylva bother you.

Looking forward to range reports and group sizes..... :)
What possible reason would you have to get offended at other people who don't/didn't appreciate the DMR price hike?
Just relax and get ready to enjoy your new toy! You likely have one the most enviable collections posted in recent years so it's hard to imagine why you would let some anonymous internet animosity towards M&M and North Sylva bother you.

Looking forward to range reports and group sizes..... :)

Thank you for condensing what I was trying to say in many respects!
Has anyone shot one of these yet? How do they perform?

So far there's only been conjecture and speculation. Even by the few who have received them.

Hopefully someone who has one already is currently out there trying it out. I'd like to finally hear some real feedback :popCorn:
As has already been discussed ad-nauseum, the "extra" $400 is easily accounted for as the result of US shipping, Canadian shipping, International brokerage, Export and Import applications and licenses, and so forth. Perhaps if you were paying attention instead of insulting entire blocks of CGN membership you wouldn't look like such a fvcking numpty right now....

I'm no stranger to the game of import of firearms for the retail market. The costs are nowhere near as high as many vendors would have you believe. The fact that emails from m&m have been posted that indicate the Canadian market will be the whipping boy for slumping US sales is pretty hard to refute. Add in the games they played with two vendors and even a blind man can see we the shooting masses are getting fleeced. Enjoy your over priced mediocre rifle...
So far there's only been conjecture and speculation. Even by the few who have received them.

Hopefully someone who has one already is currently out there trying it out. I'd like to finally hear some real feedback :popCorn:


Took mine to the range this morning and put 100 rds of S&B 124gr brass case through it. there were no malfunctions of any sort.

Once i sighted in my Eotech at 25 yrds i was able to put rounds through the same hole from the lead sled. Off hand shooting sitting down
I could keep within a 3 inch group with maybe 5 - 8 seconds rest in between shots. Standing i was able to put 5 rounds in about a palm sized area.
I would have tried more from the sled and pushed the distance but my mags wont allow the gun to sit properly so I was loading one round at a
time to sight in the EXPS 2-0

The trigger is excellent IMO there is very little take up which feels somewhat like a click then you hit the wall and she breaks clean and with no "steps"
or "creep" that i can feel. I can't test trigger pull as i don't have the gauge but if i had to guess id say it was a 3-4lb break. The reset is also very nice,
easy to feel and hear. My RO said he could hear the reset from 10 feet away with his ear pro on lol.

It doesn't take long for the barrel to heat up and you can feel it through the hand gaurd. It never got hot to the touch just pretty warm, however if you were
to mag dump i would suspect it to get extremely hot and gloves will be required.

This thing is a hog in the weight department, probably as heavy as my XCR-L with heavy barrel and quad rail. I suspect one would not want to lug it through
the bush all day on a hunt. However, this beast feels like its built like a tank I believe the lower is steel and the upper is aluminium with steel inserts where
the bolt rides. The machining is excellent, no tool marks and the BCG rides very smoothly in the upper. The blot and bolt carrier are of excellent quality as well,
no tool marks there either and the bolt rides in its carrier like butter.

Overall i'm loving this rifle, feelings aside from the initial importing fiasco this is a slick rifle and IMHO is worth the price tag. If you can get your paws on one
don't hesitate...

- Kozse
Nice review. Hopefully my injury is healed soon and I'll be off to the range myself.

Also any youtube vid you can watch on these are all pretty good reviews on how well they function, so people who say its unproven, well it's a hell of alot more proven then the BCL102 ;-)
Thanks for the initial range report. Your findings are entirely consistent with the video and text reviews that I have seen and read. No surprises, which is good news! I don't judge my firearms by the behaviour of their manufacturers, otherwise I wouldn't own any WW2 German or post-war Soviet firearms. Notwithstanding the purported antics of M+M Industries and North Sylva, and without in any way defending their actions or pricing model, I had no doubt that the M10X would be good value for the current asking price. And it is, so all is well with my decision to disregard the naysayers and purchase one. I look forward to my own range session with a new M10X this coming week when mine arrives.
What possible reason would you have to get offended at other people who don't/didn't appreciate the DMR price hike?
Just relax and get ready to enjoy your new toy! You likely have one the most enviable collections posted in recent years so it's hard to imagine why you would let some anonymous internet animosity towards M&M and North Sylva bother you.

Looking forward to range reports and group sizes..... :)

I am not the least bit offended by those who choose to denigrate M+M Industries or North Sylva for their alleged pricing and/or distribution improprieties. What offends me are people who presume that just because I support the arrival of a new firearm such as the M10X, I also automatically support the manufacturer and distributor. That is akin to presuming that any collector of WW2 German firearms or other militaria is a Nazi because they admire their wartime designs. It is a foolish and incorrect inference, and THAT is what pisses me off! Well, that and fools - I also have a hard time abiding idiots without a clue as to whatever discussion is at hand....
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I tried one at a range is US, but it was the US version with a shorter barrel and none of the dmr nonsense.

It's an ok shooter, but it's not worth 2k$ imho. There's just too many good options on the market for that money. Unless you have everything else or you really want an ak-like rifle, 2k$ is better spent on another toy.
I tried one at a range is US, but it was the US version with a shorter barrel and none of the dmr nonsense.

It's an ok shooter, but it's not worth 2k$ imho. There's just too many good options on the market for that money. Unless you have everything else or you really want an ak-like rifle, 2k$ is better spent on another toy.

2k spent on any firearm is a well spent 2k.
I tried one at a range is US, but it was the US version with a shorter barrel and none of the dmr nonsense.

It's an ok shooter, but it's not worth 2k$ imho. There's just too many good options on the market for that money. Unless you have everything else or you really want an ak-like rifle, 2k$ is better spent on another toy.

Like what? Curious what you would suggest as a more cost-effective alternative to the M10X in 7.62x39mm? Please don't say the Type 81, as there is little to compare between the two other than their calibre. Ergos, modularity and optics-readiness are key considerations for any modern design, all of which the T81s lack. I honestly wouldn't buy a T81 for half of its $1K asking price.

Perhaps you were including other calibres in your assessment? If so, what NR firearm would you suggest is better than the M10X at $2K? I am honestly curious which guns you hold in higher esteem and why. Please leave the M10X marketing fiasco out of it, as that has nothing to do with the quality or performance of the firearm itself...

Me? I really wanted an AK-like rifle to replace my....you guessed it - the Russian AKMS that I know and love, but am no longer permitted to legally discharge. These days? $2K is entry-level for a modern design of quality manufacture. That quality has has already been confirmed by those with Canadian NR rifles in-hand. So ignoring the misplaced marketing "DMR" hype, what's not to like about the M10X? Particularly if your intend to use it like an AK - as a surplus ammo firing, intermediate (300m) range plinker?
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I tried one at a range is US, but it was the US version with a shorter barrel and none of the dmr nonsense.

It's an ok shooter, but it's not worth 2k$ imho. There's just too many good options on the market for that money. Unless you have everything else or you really want an ak-like rifle, 2k$ is better spent on another toy.

Whatelese for 2k that's a better option??
By no means scientific and far from apples to apples; but to give some reference point or idea how they compare

4.2 kg no mag WITH acog


Centre of gravity front portion of mag well

3.9 kg no mag WITH acog and RMR and few mods


Centre of gravity right in the middle of mag well

Type 81
3.7 kg no mag, no optics, no mods


Centre of gravity right in the middle of mag well
.....what NR firearm would you suggest is better than the M10X at $2K? I am honestly curious which guns you hold in higher esteem and why.

First off I'm not telling you my choice is right and your's is wrong. You asked a question so here's my opinion.

I'd buy one of those overpriced (4x their value, as you say) NR receiver sets you were mocking. My first build comes in at $1845. It was 1k for the receiver set plus $845 for a complete new Stag Arms A2 rifle kit.

With $2k you can build pretty much anything in any common caliber that you wish. If the build starts to exceed $2k it's only because you are choosing to use higher end parts. Keep it in the $2k price range and you have a rifle that is every bit comparable to the M10X.

Plus with my "overpriced" receiver set I have no worries about future parts availability as the only proprietary part is the receiver. I can buy ar15 parts virtually anywhere.

The M10X is a completely proprietary firearm. There is no certainty that M&M will be around for me should I ever need support in the future. With the receiver sets I can support it myself as AR parts aren't ever going away.

Buy whatever we like. Justify it however we like. Doesn't make anybody's choice any more right than the other guy thinks he is. Just my .02
Like what? Curious what you would suggest as a more cost-effective alternative to the M10X in 7.62x39mm? Please don't say the Type 81, as there is little to compare between the two other than their calibre. Ergos, modularity and optics-readiness are key considerations for any modern design, all of which the T81s lack. I honestly wouldn't buy a T81 for half of its $1K asking price.

Perhaps you were including other calibres in your assessment? If so, what NR firearm would you suggest is better than the M10X at $2K? I am honestly curious which guns you hold in higher esteem and why. Please leave the M10X marketing fiasco out of it, as that has nothing to do with the quality or performance of the firearm itself...

Me? I really wanted an AK-like rifle to replace my....you guessed it - the Russian AKMS that I know and love, but am no longer permitted to legally discharge. These days? $2K is entry-level for a modern design of quality manufacture. That quality has has already been confirmed by those with Canadian NR rifles in-hand. So ignoring the misplaced marketing "DMR" hype, what's not to like about the M10X? Particularly if your intend to use it like an AK - as a surplus ammo firing, intermediate (300m) range plinker?

At the risk of, but by no means intending to inject myself into the M10x bashing:
I think a rifle to rival the modern amenities of the M10x; 'ergos, modularity and optic-readiness included', while at the same time achieving the classic, simplistic AK-like rifle to replace an AKMS doesn't exist in one rifle - the M10x included. I think the descriptors are so 'apples and oranges' from each other as to define two very different rifles.
While it's true the T-81 lacks the ergos, modularity and ability to accept optics, it does offer the old school 'battle rattle' appeal of an AKM, as does the soon to be prohib. VZ-58s
In that regard, it could be argued the T-81s are more akin to the AKMS than the M10x is.
As a service rifle aficionado, and someone not easily swayed by peer perceptions on a platform I'd be interested to hear your reasoning for boycotting a T-81 from your collection.
At the risk of, but by no means intending to inject myself into the M10x bashing:
I think a rifle to rival the modern amenities of the M10x; 'ergos, modularity and optic-readiness included', while at the same time achieving the classic, simplistic AK-like rifle to replace an AKMS doesn't exist in one rifle - the M10x included. I think the descriptors are so 'apples and oranges' from each other as to define two very different rifles.
While it's true the T-81 lacks the ergos, modularity and ability to accept optics, it does offer the old school 'battle rattle' appeal of an AKM, as does the soon to be prohib. VZ-58s
In that regard, it could be argued the T-81s are more akin to the AKMS than the M10x is.
As a service rifle aficionado, and someone not easily swayed by peer perceptions on a platform I'd be interested to hear your reasoning for boycotting a T-81 from your collection.

I'm going with to justify paying double for something that shoots the same caliber. You know he dosen't have one.
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