Modern Varmint style uppers and lowers

Hoping this project is a success... I've been holding off in the Maccabee pre-order to see if yours is approved. i'd rather do my NR "M16A1"-ish build off of yours than the Maccabee if I have the choice, but it will depend on which one I can get my hands on first!
Just curious... with the talk from some about short barrels and restricted status the biggest question of all becomes "why the hell would you do that"? You can go out and buy an AR with a short barrel for $600. It does the same thing, looks similar and the parts are the same. For LESS money than building a 2nd restricted upper (in which case your whole gun become restricted) You can just buy a short AR. Which is exactly what I have and am going to continue to do. I used to own a very high end, 16 inch AR. Now that there are NR options ive sold that gun, put the money I got from it into a cheap short AR and the rest is going into building either an SLR or MV-S... I currently have a pre-order in for the SLR... but once some info comes out about the MV-S... I may cancel that. I really like ATRS and appreciate all the work theyve done to bring NR AR style rifles to us. Id rather support them... AND... it sounds like their setup will use take down pins. Thats a HUGE deal for me as I hate removing bolts to clean my guns. This was the biggest mistake with the SLR IMO. I could care less about a forward assist or ejection port cover. Non of my Gibbz side chargers have them and ive never missed them.

As for the $$ VS Quality discussion, I have some thoughts.

First, if you want ultimate quality and want to pay for it, get an MV. Its already available, its a great gun and worth every penny. But think about this, how many cheap ARs are sold each year VS the ultra expensive ones? The majority of people who want an NR AR style rifle just want a gun like an AR they can hunt with or take out to the pit and shoot cans with. Thats the position im in. I have a piece of property I can shoot on. I just want an AR style rifle I can take there and have fun with. For this purpose, I do NOT need the highest quality (and therefore, price) components. This doesnt make the a 2nd class gun owner. And im not "cheap". I just dont feel the need to spend $500 on a super high end barrel to go to my property and shoot cheap surplus for an afternoon. Same goes for all components of a gun. Its just not important for me to have an ultra high end gun. Furthermore, my financial situation does not allow for an ultra high end gun so any measures taken to bring the costs down on a build like a MV-S is a good thing for a guy like me. I already have ALL the parts needed to build the SLR I pre-ordered. Total cost for everything including the barrel is (most expensive component from S&J) and a Giselle trigger is about $1200. If other, cheaper, barrel options pop up at some point, ill probably go with one of those. The gun im building will serve me PERFECTLY. So $3000 after taxes is not necessary and for that price, I can have both my 7.5 inch AR AND my non restricted MV-S or SLR.
I want to make sure l understand the 30 day rule. If l build a rifle with non-restricted barrel (18.6"+) there is no concern. Only when switching to a restricted barrel from a non-restricted, notice would have to be given?
Other than which type of aluminum to be used, this has never really been a "$$ VS Quality" discussion. It's more of a "$$ VS Features" discussion.

If this endeavor becomes successful the quality WILL be there with the ATRS product.

The comments are more directed toward parts. The big argument for the MV costing what it does is the high end list of parts it comes with. My explanation was simply to point out that not everyone needs or even wants a long list of high end parts on a gun they only want to take to the pit and shoot at plates or cans. I have and have never had any doubt at all that ATRS wouldnt produce anything that wasnt of the highest quality.
No firm date, we want to make SURE that it works up to our standard and that we have all the bases covered so to speak.
I too am hoping it will be s short inspection time, but we are totally at the mercy of the SFSS/RCMP

We are still working on it and awaiting FRT classification.
Once we have anything to report we will. We appreciate the patience.

Hi Rick,

Just to clarify, you are still working on finishing a prototype to submit for a FRT, or has one been submitted? Thanks.
I want to make sure l understand the 30 day rule. If l build a rifle with non-restricted barrel (18.6"+) there is no concern. Only when switching to a restricted barrel from a non-restricted, notice would have to be given?

According to what the CFO office told me when I was talking to them about my ACR.
The 30 day rule is to give you time to take the rifle to a certified firearms verifier, it is not a free pass to do whatever you want.

When going from restricted to non restricted the firearm remains restricted until the CFO has completed the process and the rifle has been removed from the restricted registry, so use is still restricted to the range only no matter how long the barrel is or what category the rifle technically fits into.

When switching from non restricted to restricted you may only take the rifle for inspection during the 30 days, if you take a rifle that was non restricted and install a restricted length barrel and go to the range with it and get stopped for whatever reason you are in possession of an unregistered restricted firearm which I believe they said makes it a prohibited firearm which is a bad thing for you to try to explain your way out of.

The 30 day period is not a free pass to do whatever you want as long as you put the non restricted barrel back on in 29 days or less.
As pavement surfer mentioned about prices though, there really is absolutely no reason to want a restricted length MV-s upper since you can buy a complete restricted AR for less money than the cost of a MV-s upper. So why go through all the hassles of dealing with the CFO switching back and forth?
To go from restricted to non restricted was typically taking about 3 months, I'm not sure if they are still taking that long but it's a pain in the ass.
as long as you put the non restricted barrel back on in 29 days or less.

This might sound vain, but my takeaway from this is that if I want to pop a r length barrel or upper onto something for the sake of handling/taking pics and vids of..then swap back to nr length within 1-29 days I'm within the law without having to reclassify the rifle?

I'm well aware that having r parts/uppers sitting around for that sole purpose may be pointless to some, but along the lines of Ben's rather apt quote in your sig, looking for facts..don't care about feelings on the matter. Is that what you would consider correct? Planning on calling my cfo for clarification, but never hurts to ask the round table.
A teaser as requested. These are now in production.



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