Garrison Petawawa CQB Clinic 14-15 April 2018 Debrief here!

Awesome time guys! Lots of great people and absolutely fantastic instruction by the Tactical Teacher! We decided to stay another night to avoid a 7 + hour drive in the weather system, left this morning a made it in record time as it was only rain and little Toronto traffic to drive through. Honestly this is the place to learn before any CQB matches so as to 'not be that guy', but I get the feeling even if you just went to a match, that the high caliber of people you would meet would just help instruct and show you anyways. (NOTE: don't be that guy!).

Special thanks to Paramedic Deep River (never did get your name) and Morgan for so quickly and successfully helping me with a malfunction in the Sig M400 (a fault of my reassembly and not the rifle) and Barney for his patience, instruction, and good wit, also for pointing out 'Danny's Place' where the food is 10 times better than Kelsey's! And we got to eat it two days in a row thanks to the ice storm hahahahaha.

I look forward to seeing the guys we met at matches or in field hunting...
I had a couple pics sent to me ..

This is the same model of firearm (FN2000) as the one that had the 9mm empty casing jam inside the chamber area of it ??


Thanks again everyone for a great weekend !
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I’m finally back on here after a most interesting 4 day experience. Let me explain why. Usually as I drive home through Algonquin Park, I get depressed (but not for long) because I’m leaving the fabulous shared experience with all of you folks in our great community. :(

This drive through the freezing rain was different and lonely even at below the speed limit in the freezing rains warning that our collective ####s are gonna fall off.

You see my wife was on speakerphone telling me that close friends of ours had a son that was accepted to Georgian College for the coming fall intake and needed a 2008 RAV4 exactly like mine for inexpensive transport. Well once they discovered my RAV4 was a “limited “ trim package and I drive like a senior citizen, the RAV4 was sold instantly. :eek:

Usually it’s the other way around : a chance to acquire a new truck, and then having to liquidate the current set of wheels.... :evil:

Now I had to scramble for a vehicle, just in time for a 2017 Model blowout at Collingwood Toyota where I happen to play goaltender with a Sales boss and the dealership owner.....

Long story short.....


And today I have to organize the bed to carry all my butts and target supplies for future clinic sessions.

Okay back to the weekend...I can come up for air now that this Taco is safely in my driveway.

“If you wanna be great, be grateful....”

And I’ll always keep repeating that mantra. I’ve got so many things to be grateful for:

* I’m grateful for the smooth vehicle pass processing at Range Control
* I’m grateful for a quick and seamless march off with the Duty Parollers on Sunday
* I’m grateful for Morgan and Heather who made this all happen after much planning all winter
* I’m grateful for the warm friendly attitudes of my CQB shooters
* I’m grateful you all were able to maintain a super tight level of safety
* I’m grateful that all staff at Kelsey’s and Quesada Burrito could accommodate our influx of hungry shooters

Changing your outlook from a sour or angry disposition into something to be grateful for changes your demeanour all day long. Try it. If you ever get pissed off at whatever it is than can drive you nucking futs, think for a moment about anything you can be grateful for.... and when you are on the trigger part way through the 300 metre Agony Snap, you will thank me. One needs to be relaxed and full of positive energy when you shoot this stage.

What are YOU grateful for?

* I'm grateful for a super supportive group of positive people that gather once a month with the Garrison Petawawa GC
* I’m grateful for the red and green lights in my life, they are priceless!

Cheers, Barney



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