Modern Sporter Update April 5th 2018

Not the news I was hoping for when I opened this thread.........ATRS, like others have mentioned here, I would take the gamble and buy one now. Im on the email list already.
I also would take one RFN but I totally respect Rick's desire to protect his business from a vendetta by the Lieberals and their gestapo.

Honestly as much as I would like to see what posters up thread are asking for I think we all should cut Rick some slack and not request something that could endanger one of the best supporters of our sport in the country. It's unfair to him, and not good for us long term either, sad as it is to say :(
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$975.00 for the STRIPPED upper and lower. Any buffer tube will fit, the decision of which is up to you.

If someone is looking to build a complete rifle on a budget;
I think the least expensive way would be to buy one of those 20" Retro ARs made by Norinco. (They are selling for $600.)

You strip off all of the parts, and reassemble with this receiver set.
For $1600 you've got a completed non-restricted rifle.
Does ATRS have to notify anyone if they sell a non-restricted? I mean no records have to be kept soooooo just saying I'm on the waiting list cash in hand.

For NR, I don't think so at this time. Post C71 is still anyones guess.
IF the RCMPee decided that the MS is classed a restricted , I could see some significant fallout. The only way I would consider going ahead and releasing them prior to the FRT would be by recording each purchasers R PAL details so in the event of a restricted classification, ATRS could then register them and transfer the rifles that had been sold. This then becomes a nightmare logistically and I think there would be significant backlash from the public who had the rifles already.
Pretty much a no win situation to be in really. On 1 hand many thousands of dollars are at stake for ATRS versus the potential nightmare the RCMPee could unleash on ATRS.
Glad it is not my dilemna. Personally I will await the FRT.
The only way I would consider going ahead and releasing them prior to the FRT would be by recording each purchasers R PAL details so in the event of a restricted classification

Hahahahahaha, Sounds like someone is drinking the RCMP Kool aid. Might as well send the RCMP a list of your guns, Just to be safe. :rolleyes:
For NR, I don't think so at this time. Post C71 is still anyones guess.
IF the RCMPee decided that the MS is classed a restricted , I could see some significant fallout. The only way I would consider going ahead and releasing them prior to the FRT would be by recording each purchasers R PAL details so in the event of a restricted classification, ATRS could then register them and transfer the rifles that had been sold. This then becomes a nightmare logistically and I think there would be significant backlash from the public who had the rifles already.
Pretty much a no win situation to be in really. On 1 hand many thousands of dollars are at stake for ATRS versus the potential nightmare the RCMPee could unleash on ATRS.
Glad it is not my dilemna. Personally I will await the FRT.

Man if I wanna buy an AR receiver set I will spend $500 not $1000 lol the only reason this is $1000 is because of its status of NR. If the MV were R sales would probably be 1/4 of what they would be NR.
Man if I wanna buy an AR receiver set I will spend $500 not $1000 lol the only reason this is $1000 is because of its status of NR. If the MV were R sales would probably be 1/4 of what they would be NR.

Or one could look at it as a Canadian company putting their time and money into developing multiple NR rifles for Canadian gun owners, which is long overdue.
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