WK180-C eta updates - March 12th, 2019

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As frustrating as wait can be, Wolverine's honest transparency throughout that time is something i never seen from any business before.
There is no transparency *at all*. There has been NO COMMUNICATION WHATSOEVER outside of CGN and all their accounts on CGN have pm turned off. All we have is breadcrumbs at best... pretty lame for a "reputable business".
Mr. Wolverine...thank you for posting the most recent order list.
From the most junior number on that list to mine is roughly a 2900 spread.
So by my estimate, the average spread per WK180 order is 11.25 order numbers...so roughly 258 WK180 orders between the listed latest and my order number.
Presuming an average of 50 rifles out the door per week - that gives me a ballpark of 5 weeks +/- which puts us to (being generous) May to June.
From all of the posts (thank you again) and comments from others, I'd say that's reasonable for my being late in the pre-order.
May 4th 2018 - WEB00028648
Obviously you've got a handle on it and I feel better as a result of my less then ideal arithmetic.
So - I sit patiently since at my age (you're parallel to me) time moves along very quickly as you no doubt realize ;-)
Mr. Wolverine...thank you for posting the most recent order list.
From the most junior number on that list to mine is roughly a 2900 spread.
So by my estimate, the average spread per WK180 order is 11.25 order numbers...so roughly 258 WK180 orders between the listed latest and my order number.
Presuming an average of 50 rifles out the door per week - that gives me a ballpark of 5 weeks +/- which puts us to (being generous) May to June.
From all of the posts (thank you again) and comments from others, I'd say that's reasonable for my being late in the pre-order.
May 4th 2018 - WEB00028648
Obviously you've got a handle on it and I feel better as a result of my less then ideal arithmetic.
So - I sit patiently since at my age (you're parallel to me) time moves along very quickly as you no doubt realize ;-)

Unfortunately your maths is a little out as some orders are dealer orders and will be for multiply units.

The good news is that Kodiak now have all their machines operating and after next week we should be receiving 100+ per week.
Unfortunately your maths is a little out as some orders are dealer orders and will be for multiply units.

The good news is that Kodiak now have all their machines operating and after next week we should be receiving 100+ per week.

Instead of leaving us with no choice but to figure out approximate delivery date by sacrificing a virgin goat during a full moon and attempting to read in its guts, maybe you could try to be a bit more communicative and actually provide some estimate... or it is too much to ask from a "reputable business" ? Keeping an updated list of {order number range, estimate} would do.

Canceled my order as I bought off a dealer who had one in stock. Frankly I'd advise anyone who is looking to get one to avoid the seemingly yearish long wait list and keep an eagle eye on dealers throughout the country they seem to be popping up often on dealers sites
When can we buy these off the shelf!?!??!?!

As soon as we have them in stock! I had originally thought that this would be this fall.

All Wolverine can do is pass on the production forecast that we are given by Kodiak. In Oct 2017 I received an e-mail from Kodiak stating that in a normal week production could be 100 units in a single shift and 200 with a double shift, so we marketed the WK180-C accordingly. To date production has barely averaged 50 per week, we are selling nearly that many every week and that is with out making any sales effort.

In defence of Kodiak they have been plagued with manufacturing complications, sub contractors not delivering on time and suppliers of parts not keeping to promised time lines. I believe these problems are now behind us, we are assured that we will be receiving 100+ a week moving forward. This week we have received a pallet of 55, we are told another pallet will be shipped to us today and another pallet on Monday so things are looking up. Anodizing has been another hold up for Kodiak as this has been out sourced in the past, Kodiak have purchased all the equipment to do this in house and it is been installed right now, I have seen this equipment.

Moving forward we expect to now receive 100+ per week, I can not promise 200 per week. Every time some one makes a complaint here we see an increase in sales! Every time a dealer takes a delivery and sells them in a few days, with a good margin they reorder, dealers like these rifles, no discounting, no calls for price matching and Kodiak take care of the warranty. These rifles create an increase in demand for accessories, dealers enjoy that so the demand goes up. Customers like these rifles!

I had predicted that all the orders we had received by the end of last year would be filled by the end of the second quarter of this year, we will not make this but I am still hoping it will be close.

We will now post order numbers equal to the amount of rifles in every shipment, this will assist people to see the progress we are making. We contact every customer before we ship their order, this process often takes several calls and /or e-mails, this is all time consuming and costly, we are trying to streamline this process. If you see your order number up here it means your rifle is here or on route to us, we need to confirm payment details, valid PAL and insure no change of address before we can ship. Feel free to contact us at that time, as soon as details are confirmed your order will be shipped.

Right now an order placed today would take at least 9 months to deliver.
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Moving forward we expect to now receive 100+ per week, I can not promise 200 per week. Every time some one makes a complaint here we see an increase in sales! Every time a dealer takes a delivery and sells them in a few days, with a good margin they reorder, dealers like these rifles, no discounting, no calls for price matching and Kodiak take care of the warranty. This rifles create an increase in demand for accessories, dealers enjoy that so the demand goes up. Customers like these rifles!

And yet, you still block people to cancel their order by charging a $50 bs "admin fee", very friendly for a "reputable" business.
And yet, you still block people to cancel their order by charging a $50 bs "admin fee", very friendly for a "reputable" business.

It's been covered dozens of times already. The admin fee is to discourage time-wasters, and to cover some of the costs of labour associated with dealing with orders being cancelled/reassigned.

Have you ever sold anything on-line? Have you ever sold 20,000 things on-line? The number of flakes out there is frustrating to say the least. And when there's a waiting period it's even worse, with guys who may have $1000 to spend when they make the order suddenly have some unexpected expense like a car repair a month later and have to back-out. They are sellers in a sellers' market. Very obviously, demand far exceeds supply at this point. They can attach any terms they want, set any price they want. The market will determine how much is too much.

Wolverine were 100% transparent about the cancellation fee from the get-go. Absolutely reputable. As a business owner I would do the same thing. In fact I still bill my clients if they cancel less than 24 hours before their appointment unless they have a legit emergency. It's common practice.

If isn't an acceptable condition of purchase for you, don't enter into the agreement. If you accepted it at the point you ordered, you knew it was a condition. Suck it up, buttercup! It's that simple.
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Instead of leaving us with no choice but to figure out approximate delivery date by sacrificing a virgin goat during a full moon and attempting to read in its guts, maybe you could try to be a bit more communicative and actually provide some estimate... or it is too much to ask from a "reputable business" ? Keeping an updated list of {order number range, estimate} would do.


There is no transparency *at all*. There has been NO COMMUNICATION WHATSOEVER outside of CGN and all their accounts on CGN have pm turned off. All we have is breadcrumbs at best... pretty lame for a "reputable business".

And yet, you still block people to cancel their order by charging a $50 bs "admin fee", very friendly for a "reputable" business.

People who have no patience should not participate in pre-orders. In the last 5 years I can't recall a single pre-order that delivered on time (what their first estimated delivery would be) so get over it, you signed up for it so blame yourself for your displeasure.
I don't agree with pre-orders at all but that's why I don't play that game.

You knew there was a $50 cancellation fee when you signed up so quit your crying and either cancel or shut up and wait like everyone else. Every post you've put in here that I've read has been whining like a little girl that just had her barbie taken away, time to put your big boy pants on and learn a little patience.

The BS admin fee is to stop the D-bags from doing what used to happen every pre-order. Every guy would order one for himself and another for his dog then a month before delivery change their mind and back out because some new latest and greatest was on the horizon, this leaves the importer/manufacturer/retailer (whatever level they get stuck at) with more product than there's a market for.

They're working as fast as they can and doing their best to keep people updated. What more do you want?
Oh no, they're only posting on CGN and not on Facebook! Who cares, Facebook is for bored housewives.

If you can't wait, cancel your order and buy one off the EE, I've seen quite a few on there already and the prices are usually close to retail.
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They're working as fast as they can and doing their best to keep people updated. What more do you want?
Requiring people to subscribe to a forum you can get banned from (and which rule prohibit re-joining) does not qualify as "doing the best you could", much rather "doing the absolute minimum". I've gone though a few crowfunded amateur projects which not only delivered faster, but also informed better. Heck, we're talking about "amateurs" not "reputable business".
I don't think 8 month without any communication from the company qualify as "no patience".

No communication? Are you waiting for a personal email from John explaining the delays, apologizing and maybe offering to include a couple free magazines for the hardship it's caused you having to wait for your new TOY to arrive?
If you read this thread there's been lots of communication.
It's already been stated that Kodiak had some equipment issues that are now sorted out and have even taken on anodizing in house to speed things up.
If there's nothing to tell since the last update what do you expect to hear?

Requiring people to subscribe to a forum you can get banned from (and which rule prohibit re-joining) does not qualify as "doing the best you could", much rather "doing the absolute minimum". I've gone though a few crowfunded amateur projects which not only delivered faster, but also informed better. Heck, we're talking about "amateurs" not "reputable business".

There's no requirement to subscribe to anything, and being able to follow it on different social media outlets isn't going to get it to you any faster.
So don't be a #### and you won't get banned. You could also email Wolverine directly (I've never waited more than a couple days for a reply from them), or just relax and know that you're still 3-6 months away and you'll be contacted before it ships.

Bottom line, if you have no patience don't participate in pre-orders. I didn't pre-order and if I wanted one I could have had one two days ago, the seller wanted $100 more than I wanted to pay so I let it pass and he sold it about 15 min later. If you want one you can have one today. Cancel your order and buy one from the EE.
I bought an FX-9 instead :p Already have a 180B-2 so the 180C can wait till I find the deal I want.
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December 27th, 2018 Update.

At this time we are working through previous shipments, most if not all have been contacted and are being processed FROM THESE SHIPMENTS..... We anticipate weekly shipments should continue through January, updates will come as more rifles arrive and are processed. I have a nice little update to bring to you however, check out the pictures below. As it sits now this is the direction that we are leaning towards for the future of a optional folding stock. This is not carved in stone, but right now is the path we are skipping down..

Shown is a prototype only, this is not a finished piece so changes may still occur. Also another pallet of 50x units arrived today..



Prototype folder looks good. My only suggestion would be to try to raise the stock slightly to allow for a better cheek weld. I've noticed that rifles like the 180 and my old SA classic green that the height of the stock lends itself very well to good sight picture through built in low profile iron sights but once an optic or flip-up BUIS are added it's more of a chin weld to look through the sights. The APC is another good example of this, guys have been making aftermarket cheek rests for them.

If it's set high to clear the ejection port so it can be fired folded you could either adjust the hinge angle slightly after raising the stock height or have it fold over to the left. I don't think it really makes much difference which side it folds to, maybe some more tacticool guys can explain why it's no good to fold left.

Keep up the good work
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