WK180-C eta updates - March 12th, 2019

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Good day,
While I am disappointed in the delay; I do so commend Wolverine for doing the 'right thing' vs. putting-out a substandard product. Your reputation remains intact and credibility increased with transparency and in keeping us informed (refreshing in this day and age).

I ordered mine back in March from Tenda. Can you advise if you're supplying by the date of order irregardless of whom order is placed with or supplying Wolverine customer's first.
Thanks in advance. Mike

All orders are shipped in chronological order based on the date the order was received, regardless of who placed the order, dealer or retail. Assuming PAL's are valid and accounts are not in arrears everything is shipped in this order.

Initially all but one dealer order was small, when the popularity of the WK180-C was realised some dealers tried to increase the quantities on their initial order. We refused to do this and processed the increased quantity as a new order at the date we received this request, so there has been no queue jumping.
Am I able to pre order a 308 gun?
Can you PM me please as I have a hard time keeping up with these threads

Not yet, the WK Utility rifle will be a new design semi auto .308, I should be test firing the pre production model shortly.

After all the criticism over previous "Pre-Orders" I doubt we will repeat that. Just build them and sell them, we will have to see how that works! :)

I don't use CGN PM, please e-mail me at John@wolverinesupplies.com for any further questions.
I pre-ordered the ‘C’ but am hoping that 7.62x39 is still in development.
Ammo is still 40% of .308 costs and when you shoot as much as I do it adds up quickly.
$1 per shot gets old unless you are hunting.

Hopefully I will be test firing a WK180-C prototype in 7.62x39 using AK mags very shortly as well. Ongoing R&D has to tick along so we can keep new products coming but due to the demand for the "standard" WK180-C in .223 (5.56) our R&D is not progressing as fast as I would have liked, but we made the decision to prioritise production to fill back orders.
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May I ask why you were not happy with it. I ask from a design process point of view so I can better understand the steps one goes through in determining how to release a firearm into the Canadian market.
Just curious. I understand if you do not wish to share this information.

She was simply not a winning design for many reasons, she would be a disappointment after the huge success of the WK180-C. The steps we go through are very simple, there is only one! She has to gain Mr Wolverine's approval and pass his QC. :)
When production starts for the WK180-C in 7.62 x 39 she will be available in two versions, I can not confirm price or ETA at this time and we are not ready to accept orders.

Version 1 WK180-C in caliber 7.62 x 39. This uses the standard (current) lower and will use STANG type magazines.
Version 2 WK181-C in caliber 7.62 x 39. This uses a new (Modified) lower receiver that will only accept AK type magazines. Although developed for export she will be available in Canada.

I anticipate that uppers would be identical on both versions unless we have a large export order that requests something different.
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WK180-C eta updates - 3rd Oct

To date we have shipped approx. 500 WK180-C rifles. We will have a delay of approx. 2-3 weeks while Kodiak wait for some small parts to be delivered. During this time Kodiak are still assembling rifles so when the small parts arrive we should kick off with 300+ shipment. After that weekly volumes should pick up.
I ordered a 223 wylde barreled one, which is one reason i ordered one, is my order now not to be fulfilled?

Your order will be filled with a current production rifle that will have a 5.56 NATO chamber.

We have previously stated that we do reserve the right to change prices and specifications. This chamber change has been a natural progression to eliminate problems.
So that I am clear in my Google research - and correct me if I misunderstand:

  1. 5.56 NATO chambers accept .223 Rem
  2. .223 Rem chambers may not withstand the higher pressure of the 5.56 NATO load
  3. .223 Wylde chambers use the shorter throat of the .223 Rem chamber, but are able to withstand higher pressure

So you were originally using .223 Wylde for an accuracy advantage?

Yes, as that appeared to give us the best of both worlds.
The wait is killing me. Are they still producing only 50 guns a week? Ordered mine from Dante sport back in April. They don’t know when they will be receiving their shipment.

We have shipped approx 500 WK180-C rifles, we expect to ship a further 1500 by Christmas for a total of approx. 2,000.

We will not advise when we ship to dealers or what quantity they have ordered, many dealers have more than one order in our system, we do not know how many rifles and from what orders they may or may not have pre sold and to whom..

If any dealer has an overdue account, and there is at least two, they will not be receiving any rifles, for professional reasons we can not say who they are. Hopefully their outstanding balance will be paid in full before their order comes up.

Given the figures in front of me and assuming no major problems, at todays rate we would expect to have all orders cleared by the end of the first quarter of 2019. I am telling customers who place an order today that they will be in the second quarter, it is our intent to have rifles in inventory with ourselves and our major stocking dealers by the end of spring 2019.
It may have been asked already, but what are the prospects for a WK in 7.62/.308 in this price point?
I read the review in Caliber magazine and was impressed, but would like a bit more punch than .223.
Is this a possible?


Due to the larger caliber this has to be a completely new rifle design. We have something in the works, but are making slow progress this is the WK Utility rifle, price will be a lot higher than the WK180-C.
I drove down to Tenda today and picked mine up. Really happy with this rifle! I've never even owned an AR 15 or anything similar before, so I think this is a good place to start.
PS, mine is stamped 5.56 Nato.
Mr. Wolverine, if I decided to trade rifles with somebody who has one in 223 Wylde, would the warranties be transferable or is it original owner only?

The warranty is good for 12 months from date of first retail purchase, no matter how many times the rifle may be sold. No warranty registration required but proof of original purchase may be.
WK180-C eta updates – 24th Oct

Currently production of the WK180-C rifle is progressing steadily, however Kodiak are having to wait for some out sourced parts, which were unexpectedly delayed, we have almost completed rifles accumulating.

In mid Nov we should see approx 500 rifles arrive in a very short period. After they are shipped we will have delivered approx. 1,000 rifles.

Production is also in the process of been ramped up and the goal will be 200 rifles per week by the end of Nov.

Due to Christmas holidays Dec is not really a full working month, I will be surprised if we have another 1,000 by year end but we should be close.

Due to the Shot Show, where the WK180-C will be exhibited, Jan production will not be full month.

Optimistically we should see all current back orders completed in the second quarter of 2019.

Again I must thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding.
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