Ballistic Plates Incoming

Just a quick update for all of you who pre-ordered, we are expecting the plates to arrive at the end of May to the beginning of June. We will let you know here any updates, such as when everything is finished being manufactured, when they all ship, and when we receive the order. We will also update all of you who ordered via email when the plates have arrived.
Just got this message from you guys. Sounds good to me :D

Good afternoon, Unfortunately, the factory had an issue with the PE Helmets and therefore we will be upgrading all our helmets to Aramid, which has better ballistic capabilities and lower Backface Deformation at no increase in weight. The price of your order will not change, and no adjustments will have to be made. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email, Facebook, or CGN. With respect, AI Tactical Solutions
To celebrate victory day we are having a massive victory day sale with all of our Russian SURPAT up to 40% off and all of our Russian optics up to 25% off. If you send us a message and choose free shipping we can combine whatever you order now with your armour order. The sale will be going until May 13th.



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Just a quick update. Everything has finished production and is currently on its way by truck to the ship. From what we have heard the plates will depart the port for our warehouse on Friday.


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Don’t worry once we have shipped to all those who have pre-ordered we will be having another shipment arrive so we can hold the plates in-stock. We will let you guys know here and probably through another thread when that will be up and running.
Don’t worry once we have shipped to all those who have pre-ordered we will be having another shipment arrive so we can hold the plates in-stock. We will let you guys know here and probably through another thread when that will be up and running.

So about 3-4 weeks? Need to save for the balance :D
Just a quick update. Everything has finished production and is currently on its way by truck to the ship. From what we have heard the plates will depart the port for our warehouse on Friday.

I should have ordered an Armour Advent Calendar to help me count down the days. Now instead I just check this page every 2 days, hoping and dreaming
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