C-71 set for third reading Tomorrow.

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i did read it,,where do you see anything related to taking firearms information?.store have ALWAYS kept records of sales,so that's nothing new,but the info is useless since non restricteds can change hands may times the minute it leaves the store,so much for that store bought stored info being usefull.some will say,that when you call in to check a license they can know how many firearms you own,which again is worthless,since they dont know how many you have already,and since most serious guy have some rather large collections,they'll never know how many firearms you own,as for the same fear mongering about confiscation,that's been going on for 50 years,and yes some people did loose some stuff whit the bull prohib crap that went down before,but these days,the world is way different,and you can be assured that NOBODY is giving up anything no matter what garbage the Libs throw at us,and with RAPL license increasing by very large margins every year,the anti-gun woosies are realizing we are now a VERY LARGE group,well organized and well funded,and that scares the crap out of them,remember the biggest mouthes in the anti-gun nutgroups are very well paid to keep fear mongering and manufacturing a non existant gun crisis,they stand to loose so cushy jobs if they dont keep the pressure up,the one good thing we have now,is,we are LOUD,the libs know we are here,and i have it on very good authority,they know 3 million licensed owners,along with about 1 spouse per license holder and with 1 influencable voter that can work out to about 9 million votes against them,compared to the few votes they get by appeasing the anti-gun groups,and with the Libs most like going extinct in 2019,let's hope they figure out it's better to stay on out good side,and by then Canada will have gotten their head straight and destroy the Liberal party for decades to come,one can always dream,

This is a big data thing. They can get what ever they want from it as long as the information is in there. There may be a few variables to the serial number of the specific gun but it will be enough to know what you are buying. After a few years they will have a pretty comprehensive database on what people have provided they are buying guns. If you don't buy anything they won't know until they pull up the old LGR backups that people probably kept on their computers. They will probably even scrap places like this site to get information on what people own if they can get away with it.

i doubt this will even pass again

I'm betting Bill C-71 will pass third reading in the Senate today, with a vote approximately 50 Yea, and 30 Nay.

I say this because:
- Bill C-71 second reading Dec 11 2018 was 50 Yea, 33 Nay, 0 abstentions
- Bill C-71 motion to adopt Committee changes May 7 2019 was 32 Yea, 51 Nay, 3 abstentions.

If the Conservatives get elected in October, they'll probably undo a lot of it with a new Bill, but they'll have to wait until they've filled enough Senate seats to make it worth the bother. I haven't worked that out, but it's probably near the end of their 4-year term, or perhaps the election after that.

Bill C-42 was designed to allow governments to decide which firearms were controlled, putting more things into regulations.
Bill C-71 is designed to disable people (Conservatives, CFOs) from making changes until a majority (majority House, majority Senate) came into power.
bull..ther're not taking any firearm info,,so tell me exactly how is it a LGR,,LOL

Your info is recorded at the store as well as all info about the gun you purchased. This shows you as the owner of that gun. If gun shows up anywhere else other than in your hands down the road and you have not phoned in a transfer between you and the person they found with the gun(buyer and seller info recorded on new transfer requirement) you have an issue. Of course this does not apply if you choose to not call in a private sale.
Pardon my ignorance... why stock up now on NR semis? What will happen to the current NR semis?

As soon C71 is law, all purchases will be registered at the store, if they restrict the MH let say, they will have a paper trail that gonna lead to you, they have no paper trail for the ones bought before the law.
As soon C71 is law, all purchases will be registered at the store, if they restrict the MH let say, they will have a paper trail that gonna lead to you, they have no paper trail for the ones bought before the law.

I would have said there's no centralized computerized index to the trail (paper or otherwise) for the ones bought before Bill C-71 comes into force. (with some slightly paranoid concerns about those bought before the LGR ended)
It will pass in the senate today (likely) then it will go back to the house of commons for anther vote to pass it into law. The liberals with the majority will pass it (it's an easy win that they could spin for the election campaign) and will take effect very shortly after today or tomorrow.
So to clarify, if the order is paid in full, the invoice is closed, serial number assigned and paperwork is filed. The sale and transaction are complete and not subject to C71, from that point forward it is YOUR rifle and we are simply doing some work to it. The paperwork being finalized and closed, is the point at which the sale is completed.

So how do we pay in full - there doesn't appear to be a way to do it on your site right now.

It defaults to 50% and there doesn't appear to be a "pay 100%" option.
Your info is recorded at the store as well as all info about the gun you purchased. This shows you as the owner of that gun. If gun shows up anywhere else other than in your hands down the road and you have not phoned in a transfer between you and the person they found with the gun(buyer and seller info recorded on new transfer requirement) you have an issue. Of course this does not apply if you choose to not call in a private sale.

again,,no firearms info is recorded,they dont know what you selling or buying,so exactly will they know what was exchanged,as for stores,that info has been recorded for decades already,so nothing new,and again,,the info is useless as soon as you leave the store,it can be bought and sold many times,with no record of who the new owner is,again,useless info,this Bill is all about giving us a hard time,but mostly it about the Liberal appearing to do something and to appease their small anti-gun woosie supporters,if they REALLY wanted to stick it to us,think of what they COULD do,with a majority,this Bill is complete bull.the anti-gun woosies actually believe this would be a great victory,they have no clue it makes zero difference,LOL.seriously,how many people will bother with this call in bull.LOL
I know telephones aren't the in thing right now but they don't bite if you use them.....

lol, it only took me maybe 3 minutes to pay off my modern sporter by phone!

Yeah - I don't like using phones like that - but in this case will make an exception.
I just gave this a little thought and correct me if I am wrong....regardless when C71 kicks in...ATRS would still have an in house record of selling it to the individual that is subject to production order or subpoena in the event if the cops wants to find out about a rifle. It would be clear as day if the possession date is after the date C71 becomes law that the individual with the purchase record would be in possession of the rifle from that point on wouldn't it? I can't see ATRS completely file an order that still pending possession of the product...they will need to know how many order are still out standing and how many took possession. Even if you take the spin and said you are just hold on to the rifle and the transaction is over...you would still need the person who is coming to pick up the rifle to sign something later to show they took the rifle on this day and you are no longer in possession of the said rifle....that can also be subpoenaed. (like a shipping date or tracking number)

Just because they won't call in for a reference number if you pay in full before C71 becomes law....the in house record will still point the direction to you if they give you back the rifle down the road on a future date after C71.There is now way you can get around it logically because your future possession day will be recorded by ATRS on file and will be subject to LEA if they want to find out.
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Aside from smuggled firearms, firearms used in crimes are unlawfully obtained via theft and straw man purchasers. For whatever reason it was originally created, the side effect of the LGR was to significantly reduce the number of these strawman traffickers. For the rest of us - you want to do your part to make sure we don't have any more nonsense knee jerk firearm laws? Make sure your guns arn't just "legally" secure. Make sure they are theft -proof.
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