"Trudeau Has ‘Secret Plan’ on ‘Sweeping Gun Ban,’

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"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes." - Thomas Jefferson, 1775.

Thats a great quote and folks should not kid themselves, the politicians damn well know its true. do not comply.
I’m not listing chit.....they can prohibit all they want! They want my property they best suit up cause it’ll be with deadly force that mine are taken.....if a full ban and confiscating comes in effect it’s a perfect opportunity for us to shake the foundations. A few no compromisors only prove there lies.....100000 non comprimisors can change it all.......fack 12x,fack the turd the libs and there lies!

You're going to shoot cops or anyone else that comes to your door in order to confiscate illegal items?
You're going to shoot cops or anyone else that comes to your door in order to confiscate illegal items?

I highly doubt anyone on this forum plans to shoot the authorities if/when they come knocking, but you gotta understand the frustration some are feeling about investing thousands of hard earned dollars into property only to have it become “illegal”.
I’ll also add that such resistance is not necessary as they do not have the time or resources to knock on every door to confiscate. A fraction of guns would be taken away before the next party is elected and reverses nonsense orders. They will depend on people voluntarily handing them in, the rest of them will be temporary criminals and their guns will not be able to leave the house/hole in the backyard.
I feel like this whole thing really blew up. There was literally nothing to suggest this is happening other than some, as of yet, unrevealed source... I think this may have been a strategy to get everybody in our community all up in arms in order to secure votes. When it doesn't happen, watch the next statement will be "wow, look, we sure stopped 'em!"

Just saying. Feel free to try and rip me a new one, though, guys. Especially the fools on here saying they are going to shoot anybody who tries to take anything. This kind of frenzied idiocy is what makes us ALL look bad.
If this BS legislation passes, I will be handing in my badge and service weapon. No joke. Disarming law abiding Canadian citizens, paying off terrorists and creating a greater opportunity for underground illegal firearms trafficking is all this clown and his followers will accomplish. I want no part of it.
If this BS legislation passes, I will be handing in my badge and service weapon. No joke. Disarming law abiding Canadian citizens, paying off terrorists and creating a greater opportunity for underground illegal firearms trafficking is all this clown and his followers will accomplish. I want no part of it.

Thank you for your service and patriotism! Your brothers stand with you
If this BS legislation passes, I will be handing in my badge and service weapon. No joke. Disarming law abiding Canadian citizens, paying off terrorists and creating a greater opportunity for underground illegal firearms trafficking is all this clown and his followers will accomplish. I want no part of it.

Thank you:rockOn:

Even this massive Liberal rag is calling it an unfounded rumour.

they would likely say that regardless for the same reason the government wont confirm it, they don't want to give us time to plan a defense, or dare i dream, an offense, they want to pat our heads and say "shhh its okay, the government has your best interests in mind, you don't need to write any letters, make any donations, buy any guns, and rally others behind you, ssshhhhhhhhh"
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