New Ruger Canadian PC Carbines

Hey Korth folks - are there any .40 models on the way anytime soon? I’ve heard the next ones will be the full chassis model, but I don’t even see a SKU with that configuration on the Ruger site. Are they still just doing the traditional stock model in .40? That’s my preference anyways, so I’m trying to sort out the rumours from facts.

10mm would be a nice option but being able to buy 40S&W by the case for a fraction of what you can get 10mm for (if you can) wins out. Even 10mm brass isn't easy.
Hey Korth folks - are there any .40 models on the way anytime soon? I’ve heard the next ones will be the full chassis model, but I don’t even see a SKU with that configuration on the Ruger site. Are they still just doing the traditional stock model in .40? That’s my preference anyways, so I’m trying to sort out the rumours from facts.


The only model currently offered in 40 in Canada is the traditional stock/forend, non-chassis configuration. Ruger has not provided any production timeline for this rifle as they are prioritizing the higher volume items. We have a surplus on order, so best bet to ensure you get one of these rifles is to order through one of our dealers.

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