So where are we now?

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DRGO's main thrust is trying to rebut the parade of anti-gun doctors trying to play the same false "settled-science consensus" as the global-warming, er global-cooling, er "climate change" cultists.

I admire you folks for so many reasons not the least of which is a willingness to try different stuff and not rely on the NRA and the 2nd to do it all.

We get doctors on this site and instead of thanking them and asking for their help in building alliances into the medical community the usual crowd here ran them off. They think that's progress ..........

DRGO, NSSF / ASP / VA alliance - you are light years ahead of us in building barriers against erosion of your rights.
I sincerely wish that we had coordinating leadership and a venue where we could toss all this good stuff around to eventually be translated into action plans, funded and carried out.

It has so much potential to lead to something meaningful but will not amount to anything if we don't take concrete steps for changes.

CCFR and CSAAA seem to be trying to turn things in a new direction but any other ideas????

I have reservations about groups that can be easily marginalized as "gun nuts".

What we need is the Canadian Coalition for Responsible Firearms Ownership, a group that lobbies in favor of sensible gun control laws, strict mandatory sentences for gun crimes and trafficking, and the rights of the law abiding public to participate in shooting sports.

We have anyone like that? Oh, and they need a spokes-model that the media will actually want to talk to.
I admire you folks for so many reasons not the least of which is a willingness to try different stuff and not rely on the NRA and the 2nd to do it all.

We get doctors on this site and instead of thanking them and asking for their help in building alliances into the medical community the usual crowd here ran them off. They think that's progress ..........

DRGO, NSSF / ASP / VA alliance - you are light years ahead of us in building barriers against erosion of your rights.

We have neither a second amendment nor the NRA. Canada dude. Frankly, we don't have gun rights -- just temporary privileges.
We have neither a second amendment nor the NRA. Canada dude. Frankly, we don't have gun rights -- just temporary privileges.

Yup, I know that, said it many times and have the burn scars on my arse to prove that.

My point is that despite robust lobbying and enshrined rights the gun lobby in the USA has taken enviable steps to enhance their position further: ".. willingness to try different stuff and not rely on the NRA and the 2nd to do it all.". Diamondback Six is an American ...........

Reread my original post with that clarifier in mind and see if it looks as I intended.
Yup, I know that, said it many times and have the burn scars on my arse to prove that.

My point is that despite robust lobbying and enshrined rights the gun lobby in the USA has taken enviable steps to enhance their position further: ".. willingness to try different stuff and not rely on the NRA and the 2nd to do it all.". Diamondback Six is an American ...........

Reread my original post with that clarifier in mind and see if it looks as I intended.

Perhaps that's a distinction without a difference. We couldn't rely on (...) even if we wanted to, but I get your point.

It's too bad, you know, to have a government that seems to be going out of it's way to use our tax dollars to hassle us. Generally, we're a pretty agreeable and law abiding community, but blaming guns is just too damn *easy*.

Crime is crime. Mental illness is mental illness. Guns are inanimate objects.

Did you know that stabbing and bludgeoning kills more people in Canada every year than shootings? And that includes gun suicides and accidents, because StatsCan doesn't differentiate between violence, suicide and accidents when reporting gun deaths.

The long arm registry cost the tax payers billions, but as far as anyone can tell didn't prevent a single crime, yet alone save a life. How ridiculous is that? The government is going to leave trillions of dollars in oil in Alberta because they think a two degree temperature increase over 100 years will end the world, yet the temperature shifts 50 Celsius twice a year (winter and spring) and as much as 10-15C in 5 minutes if you catch a Chinook wind. How dumb is that?

Seriously, what we need is more investment in special education, because people are fcuking retarded.
Check these guys out, Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership...

There was another one in the USA. Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws (, as opposed to the newer one Doctors for responsible gun ownership (

all of the academic types who have switched side, flipped away from gun control:
- John Lott, for example, started out as an anti and wanted to show how bad guns were by doing a comprehensive study of their "evils." After doing the study, he not only became one of the pro-rights most ardent supporters, he bought a gun because he became so convinced of their protective value. John Lott was then a professor of economics at the University of Chicago, then a senior research scholar at Yale University.
- David Kopel was a typical liberal democrat and argued for gun control in the past. However, he became disillusioned with the demagoguery of the side, and looked more closely into it. He thus became convinced that the side did not have merit, and switched sides.
- Gary Kleck also started out as victim disarmament types, but converted to pro-rights people after studying the issue.
- Dr. Paul Gallant and Dr. Joanne Eisen (of Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws)
- Sanford Levinson and William Van Alstyne
- James Wright
- Leah Libresco, a statistician and former newswriter at FiveThirtyEight (

Methinks they need a Canadian chapter...

We have this (unrelated)

More from Mosdossy (Post #28 youtube), and the Doctors For Firearms Safety at
Yup, I know that, said it many times and have the burn scars on my arse to prove that.

My point is that despite robust lobbying and enshrined rights the gun lobby in the USA has taken enviable steps to enhance their position further: ".. willingness to try different stuff and not rely on the NRA and the 2nd to do it all.". Diamondback Six is an American ...........

I'm also not a doctor--while I have plans for an advanced degree in my future, it will be a Ph.D. in History, not an M.D. Just a humble historian here... :) I just look for allies in unexpected places. You would be surprised how many left-wingers at my alma mater I turned raging-ammosexual in my college days... only one who joined me for shoots went back to being a Gun-Grabber, and sadly she's the one that decided to run for political office.
I'm also not a doctor--while I have plans for an advanced degree in my future, it will be a Ph.D. in History, not an M.D. Just a humble historian here... :) I just look for allies in unexpected places. You would be surprised how many left-wingers at my alma mater I turned raging-ammosexual in my college days... only one who joined me for shoots went back to being a Gun-Grabber, and sadly she's the one that decided to run for political office.

Grownups do that.

Once you turn outward and look to the larger population to deliver your message, allies and ideas open up and the numbers of which are limited only by imagination and hard work. They don't even have to have a direct connection for / against guns.

Over the decades we've spent far too much resource on taking the antis and the body politic head on. We still have to do too much of that but it must not be our sole focus with our main "weapon" being some variation on No Compromise.

There are many ways to win over maidens' hearts.
Grownups do that.

Once you turn outward and look to the larger population to deliver your message, allies and ideas open up and the numbers of which are limited only by imagination and hard work. They don't even have to have a direct connection for / against guns.

Over the decades we've spent far too much resource on taking the antis and the body politic head on. We still have to do too much of that but it must not be our sole focus with our main "weapon" being some variation on No Compromise.

There are many ways to win over maidens' hearts.

My friend, You have a Trump Derangement like reaction to that movement... you just can't let that go...
No Compromise was one theme and logo with in the entire landscape of what was going on in Canada at the time.
It became a popular slogan among the NFA before the huge fallout from the last couple of years.
It was never the "main weapon". The "main weapon" will always be all the people behind these movements who put their time and money into fighting back on the incessant gun grabbing in Canada.
For some reason that one triggered a lot of people and its clearly because a lot of people were uncomfortable with a slogan and position that the vast majority of Canada does not understand.
Assuming that because we support a more "radical" position, that we are frothing at the mouth knuckle draggers who can't have a civil discussion on the topic is a poor tactic internally with in the gun community.

Many Canadians are shocked I am a life NRA member as well.
Lobby groups need a mixture of viewpoints to succeed. You can't have a bunch of milque toast people or a bunch of rabid dogs running the show and the real problem is when people subdivide themselves more then they worry about the overall problem. People will always approach it a different way.
I have had many a discussion that have ended amicably with non gun people on the topic over the years and it has never been about forcing people to accept the message by beating them over the head.
Its about not compromising on the underlying values surrounding natural rights... There will also never be a time we accomplish whats ahead of us with just a single message either.
Everyone has a place as long as that place doesn't become more important then the overall message.
A lot of gun owners in Canada seem to delight in throwing the "radicals" under the bus in an effort to seem more reasonable to the crocodiles....

We need every tool in the toolbox... the real shame is the orgs aren't coordinated better to fight with their side of the message so they can let the other one fight a different front.
The CCFR working with the CSSA is good news.
Probably not...They both seem nearly invisible.

Another American, right? Wow, can't you guys stay home?
Whatever happened to "Canadian Polite?" I'm mainly here because my girlfriend is a Canadian citizen and I came here to learn how to build her a proper C8 to use on the range alongside my M4, and to try to figure out the ins and outs of getting her RPAL least-cost option and anything I can do to help bulldoze a path for her.

But now that the build is complete if you'd rather I take my ball and stay home I'm happy to do so... I just wanted to try to give something back to the community that's given me so much help, as a grateful neighbor.
Whatever happened to "Canadian Polite?" I'm mainly here because my girlfriend is a Canadian citizen and I came here to learn how to build her a proper C8 to use on the range alongside my M4, and to try to figure out the ins and outs of getting her RPAL least-cost option and anything I can do to help bulldoze a path for her.

But now that the build is complete if you'd rather I take my ball and stay home I'm happy to do so... I just wanted to try to give something back to the community that's given me so much help, as a grateful neighbor.

Yeah, that would be great.

Really, you guys don't understand the law, our culture, or practically anything else and only serve to remind us why gun (and birth) control makes sense.
Yeah, I was just jerking your chain.

Seriously though, it seems these groups spend a lot of time preaching to the choir. I would like to see more petitions, a letter writing campaign, call-ins to jam up the switchboard on parliament hill, maybe even a sit in at someone's parliamentary offices.

Public outreach needs to be grassroots and more visible. That "truth" bus should probably be a food truck, handing out hotdogs before/after sporting events. Hearts and minds. We've got a sport too, and more people get hurt playing hockey, so why pick on us?

Probably not...They both seem nearly invisible.

Another American, right? Wow, can't you guys stay home?

Yeah, that would be great.

Really, you guys don't understand the law, our culture, or practically anything else and only serve to remind us why gun (and birth) control makes sense.

I was actually going to let it go until your last idiotic post...
Are you seriously claiming you know anything when you have to ask everyone else what the CCFR does...
Thats a joke...

Newsflash Genius... lots of people have been working their asses off for years long before you got here....
A letter writing campaign and petitions... jesus christ f:P:
Wow how revolutionary :rolleyes:

Your last post makes you look like a complete idiot and honestly if thats your communication ability you will be the one leaving shortly....

oh and btw... Im Canadian....
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