Collection of Information

Folks, this OP is 2 years old now. Like it or not, retailers need to record your address in their sales logs (this may be different in some provinces - it seems to up to the regional CFO). I'm sure that sales clerk did not record the Driver's License number anywhere. Either way, it's your choice - buy it, don't buy it, keep whining about it, get your cousin to buy it for you, etc. etc. I'm afraid I don't really see the issue here - they know who bought the firearm from your PAL number - recording your address really doesn't give them any more information about you that they didn't already have. And you DO NOT need a driver's license to buy a firearm. If the OP didn't have one, I'm sure that clerk would have just asked him for another piece of ID with his address on it.
Rangeview has been doing this for years. A few other vendors (as is this one) are following suit. Some claim they need to (which is not true) and some claim they are protecting against fraud (as some do it for expensive non-firearm purchases like scopes). As already mentioned, if you dont like it shop elsewhere... send them a message.

There is NO reason a vendor should be collecting and storing photos of PALs and Driver's Licenses, but their store their policy..
Possibly as a second form of ID to confirm your informational matches your pal. If you have a matching DL that has the same information as your pal, it’s less likely your pal is fake. That would be my guess.
And is absolutely no point to try and argue the issue with "city people" - we do not get home delivered mail out here. Manitoba has a law that requires your home location on your driver licence - so IS NOT MY MAILING ADDRESS on my driver license - seems to be mind boggling to some clerks and some sellers on CGN - my driver license does not help you one iota to confirm a damn thing!

Some how, Miramichi RCMP can mail to me when time to renew my RPAL - they mail to my MAILING ADDRESS. Revenue Canada and others have figured out the same. Vendors that I no longer deal with have not.
And is absolutely no point to try and argue the issue with "city people" - we do not get home delivered mail out here. Manitoba has a law that requires your home location on your driver licence - so IS NOT MY MAILING ADDRESS on my driver license - seems to be mind boggling to some clerks and some sellers on CGN - my driver license does not help you one iota to confirm a damn thing!

Some how, Miramichi RCMP can mail to me when time to renew my RPAL - they mail to my MAILING ADDRESS. Revenue Canada and others have figured out the same. Vendors that I no longer deal with have not.

Between the two pieces of ID, other information is shared such as your birth date, photograph, eye color, and full name. To me, if all that matches, that helps to confirm if the pal is legit or not
Folks, this OP is 2 years old now. Like it or not, retailers need to record your address in their sales logs (this may be different in some provinces - it seems to up to the regional CFO). I'm sure that sales clerk did not record the Driver's License number anywhere. Either way, it's your choice - buy it, don't buy it, keep whining about it, get your cousin to buy it for you, etc. etc. I'm afraid I don't really see the issue here - they know who bought the firearm from your PAL number - recording your address really doesn't give them any more information about you that they didn't already have. And you DO NOT need a driver's license to buy a firearm. If the OP didn't have one, I'm sure that clerk would have just asked him for another piece of ID with his address on it.

I see a problem with it: Overreach. The PAL has your photograph. The gun store owners go extra mile to please government. All the big stores do. Some of the smaller ones too.
I see a problem with it: Overreach. The PAL has your photograph. The gun store owners go extra mile to please government. All the big stores do. Some of the smaller ones too.

And then what do YOU do when buyer has a PAL without a picture? Many hundreds issued as such - religious exemption, etc. So far as I am concerned, PAL is pretty primitive - does not even have your signature, no security features - go to Cuba - Canadian passport is all you need in and all that you need back into Canada - no D. L.. no nothing else - then look at your PAL and look at your passport - how are they different?? Despite some CGN user suggestion, PAL is about a "joke" - is NOT secure, is NOT unique, is EASILY faked. What the Feds want us to use - as if it was important - I did not make those rules.
And then what do YOU do when buyer has a PAL without a picture? Many hundreds issued as such - religious exemption, etc. So far as I am concerned, PAL is pretty primitive - does not even have your signature, no security features - go to Cuba - Canadian passport is all you need in and all that you need back into Canada - no D. L.. no nothing else - then look at your PAL and look at your passport - how are they different?? Despite some CGN user suggestion, PAL is about a "joke" - is NOT secure, is NOT unique, is EASILY faked. What the Feds want us to use - as if it was important - I did not make those rules.

You must be a cop wannabe :) PAL is not a passport. Its a LICENCE. Its not your or my fault it looks like ####. Mine is kinda purplish. Just got my 6th renewed PAL. I have NEVER seen one without the photo, then show secondary ID. Otherwise, tough luck. But you, Potashminer can bring passport, DL, birth certificate and make sure your local Canadian Tire has copies, hahaha
I just need your vaccine passport, qr code, world economic forum digital i.d., complete medical history form signed and if you can open your Mark of the Beast app and scan your right hand chip, we can go ahead and get those guns confiscated asap.
Why the heck would store need your address if they have your PAL?????

As I understand it, it is a requirement in Ontario, and maybe other jurisdictions too, for the store to record your address and PAL# when you buy ammo or firearms. The regional CFOs makes these rules I guess, because I know that not all provinces require this (address). - I expect this is why some are asking for DL at point of sale - they need to get the address off it. I agree though - the CFO and other police agencies do already have your address, so I'm not sure what the purpose is for the store to record it.
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