M+M M10x-DMR Short Handguard Burnt Bronze 7.62x39 18.6in Non-Restricted

These are so cool looking that I always jump at the chance to try one when someone brings it to a range day. 3/3 never made it through the first mag without jamming.
Who buys these things! Never heard a single good thing about them.

I liked mine, despite some issues. The lack of a last-round BHO was the biggest thing I didn't like about it. The design is inherently flawed (read my review from last year if you want my opinion on why) which is too bad, as it has the potential to be something decent
Recently purchased from CGS and have put 200 Rds through.
Had 1 fail to eject on brass on gas setting 1. Swapped to 2 and carried on.
Graphite lube and 30w engine oil on the bolt and it’s been ok as well as smoothing and polishing.

Price was heavy for the amount of final touches it needs but happy with it so far
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