A statement that needs to be made.


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This statement will not sit well with some people, but it needs to be said.

The world has lived through some devastating atrocities. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say our hearts go out to the families and people that were affected by these heinous crimes.

You will never be able to stop the premeditated evil that some people are capable of. This unhinged individual was very calculated in his attack, it took time and considerable planning to execute. This individual had no remorse for his actions and no regard for life including his own.

It is not the firearms, storage laws or the magazine capacity restrictions that will stop atrocities like this.

As harsh as it is, people like that are broken, they need to be put down, plain and simple.

The world can be a cruel place and unfortunately some people are unable to cope and conform to societies rules.

You will never be able to stop the alcoholic who gets behind the wheel, no different then you can stop people who commit these atrocities when they have no regard for human life.

As much as I wish I had the answer that would fix the problem, I don’t. Although, I can state with great certainty that more firearm legislation will not stop these types of crimes.

The ultimate problem is people.
I gotta agree. Getting rid of capital punishment was the WORST mistake we've ever made as a nation.... aside from banning CHL's, pepper spray and ostracizing self defense.
I for one don't want the state to have the power to kill citizens. The state is extremely fallible, and has no accountability.
That said, if this fuk was confronted by a citizen with a gun, and that ended it before it really got going, I'd be ok with that.
Amen. Unfortunately, when people are scared, they're willing to settle for half-hearted virtue signaling measures rather than solutions that address the root of the problem.
We need less gun legislation. I doubt this guy would have pulled off what he did in say.....Houston, TX......imho......cause everyone is armed there....and this is the reason why it makes sense to be able to lawfully protect you and family!!!
How many of you ##### and moan about every goddamn thing our government does?

You don't trust the govt to classify firearms or appoint law enforcement officers but you're willing to give them the power of life and death? Give your heads a shake.

As for IRUNGUNS, how about you just stick to selling guns and leave the thinking to others?
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