The Modern Sporter is now .......?

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Well fortunately ATRS is not in Quebec and neither am I. ATRS put it out there right up front that there would be risks involved for them and consumers, by purchasing one of their fine products you are accepting the inherent risk that goes along with the possible (actual?) reclassification. The Modern Sporter classification was not changed by OIC, rather by the RCMP's interpretation which might not stand a court challenge anyway.
Once our legal actions are filed (hopefully in the next week to 10 days) my understanding is that this OIC is stalled until the injunction is heard in court. I say understanding as I am not a lawyer, just paying heavily for 1:( Until the action is heard it is business as usual.
I will be posting a new thread in our forum about the action once I have enough info to share. A gofundme page will be set up shortly for anyone wishing to offer support for the cause.
Once our legal actions are filed (hopefully in the next week to 10 days) my understanding is that this OIC is stalled until the injunction is heard in court. I say understanding as I am not a lawyer, just paying heavily for 1:( Until the action is heard it is business as usual.
I will be posting a new thread in our forum about the action once I have enough info to share. A gofundme page will be set up shortly for anyone wishing to offer support for the cause.

You can count on me donating to this.
My entire collection is prohib now.
So why should I care about a useless PAL. Its not like you actually need one to buy a gun in Canada. The gouverment made me a criminal so ill act like one from now on.

I feel horrible for people in your situation. possibly 10s of thousands of dollars stolen from you. I don't know how to help though.
I feel horrible for people in your situation. possibly 10s of thousands of dollars stolen from you. I don't know how to help though.

You can help by donating to ATRS's legal fight. Even if you can't afford to donate much a few dollars is better than nothing. Every little bit helps.
I feel horrible for people in your situation. possibly 10s of thousands of dollars stolen from you. I don't know how to help though.
Go on Reddit & you'll see how much money people have lost.

Theres a guy on Reddit who now has a $15K HK G28 safe queen.
Another guy had an MK18 with a PEQ15, 40mm m203 launcher, elcan spectre dr, and all Gucci parts, easily $10K build
Another guy had an authentic M16 replica with a 40mm m203 launcher, which was easily worth $8K

And these were just some random folks on Reddit. Its depressing to say the least.
i've got about 20k in firearms that have been banned to this point.
Once they ban my pistols it'll be about another 15k.

My 3 gun setup alone is worth 13k.

I don't know what to expect. It just sucks because I busted my ass to be able to have the best tools I could afford for a hobby i'm passionate about, and now it's all gone for the next 2 years (or possibly for good). I talk to my friends who aren't shooters, and even family, and no one seems to care.
i've got about 20k in firearms that have been banned to this point.
Once they ban my pistols it'll be about another 15k.

My 3 gun setup alone is worth 13k.

I don't know what to expect. It just sucks because I busted my ass to be able to have the best tools I could afford for a hobby i'm passionate about, and now it's all gone for the next 2 years (or possibly for good). I talk to my friends who aren't shooters, and even family, and no one seems to care.

Dude no one cares. No one needs an assault style weapon. Get over it. Pick up oil painting or something.

I’m at the point where I can’t be cordial with liberal family/acquaintances anymore, especially those who came out in support of the ban. Not interested in playing nice when they literally support forced confiscation of my assets under threat of death or incarceration.
I feel horrible for people in your situation. possibly 10s of thousands of dollars stolen from you. I don't know how to help though.

Yup just lost 25K because of snowflakes. I will let my PAL lapse and try to continue an honest life. I can see lots of member here leaving the Gardening Network once the amnesty is over and the Libtards have a majority government.
I’m at the point where I can’t be cordial with liberal family/acquaintances anymore, especially those who came out in support of the ban. Not interested in playing nice when they literally support forced confiscation of my assets under threat of death or incarceration.

I'm fortunate that my family and acquaintances aren't stupid enough to think the ban is a good thing. Feel for you man.
i've got about 20k in firearms that have been banned to this point.
Once they ban my pistols it'll be about another 15k.

My 3 gun setup alone is worth 13k.

I don't know what to expect. It just sucks because I busted my ass to be able to have the best tools I could afford for a hobby i'm passionate about, and now it's all gone for the next 2 years (or possibly for good). I talk to my friends who aren't shooters, and even family, and no one seems to care.

Theyll care when they come for their classic cars (because greta said so) or their cottages(why does anyone need a second house) or their expensive hand bags and shoes( why does anyone need these)
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