The Sterling Arms TR Intro..... Well hello world... and DONE

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I understand, but as well now know, we will only be making one run of these, so I need to get out some of my R&D.


R&D I suppose means rip off and deciept? Gotta love the lowlife tactics that you seem to employ. And by the way the ATRS version got prohib status today.
Did you read the post lol it's in public domain, Rick said. I didn't call atrs to confirm but until you do talking #### in this time is bit of a daft move..
R&D I suppose means rip off and deciept? Gotta love the lowlife tactics that you seem to employ. And by the way the ATRS version got prohib status today.

That is still not certain yet, may change any minute. And in this case the R&D is not a rip off as they can not sell thousands like they would have in a different climate. They will be lucky to sell what they made before it goes prohib.

That deserves a thank you.
How many for sale and ship immediately? (today/tomorrow?)

Its probably 2-3 weeks as I have to do the final stages, anodize and package.

But they all are are the point of serialization, so I would assign a serial # to your sale.

Did you read the post lol it's in public domain, Rick said. I didn't call atrs to confirm but until you do talking #### in this time is bit of a daft move..

What? Rick is sold out completely and cannot take any more orders for a year... so in actuality... never...

Plus my offering is 6061, his is the more expensive 7075... I own an ATRS and love it.. The machining is second to none.

But I digress....

This takes ZERO dollars away from him. So I donʻt see how this is a douche move at all.

That is still not certain yet, may change any minute. And in this case the R&D is not a rip off as they can not sell thousands like they would have in a different climate. They will be lucky to sell what they made before it goes prohib.

That deserves a thank you.

I actually donʻt expect to sell more than a small handful. Selling ANY is not the point.

But Trudope cannot say that they were never commercialized so my little piece of the pie from the lefties will be bigger and I can now add one more issue to the quiver in my fight against the OIC.
What's the deal on refunds if you can't get them out the door in time?

100% refund if I cannot deliver, but the plan is to assign serial #s in the am to all sales that are made BEFORE the FRT changes in the business FRT portal. None of us have access to this mythical FRN (live FRT).

That way, it is paid in full, serial # assigned and yours. Once completed, we package it up and mail it off....
What? Rick is sold out completely and cannot take any more orders for a year... so in actuality... never...

Plus my offering is 6061, his is the more expensive 7075... I own an ATRS and love it.. The machining is second to none.

But I digress....

This takes ZERO dollars away from him. So I donʻt see how this is a douche move at all.


I am not sure but I think his target was "no-one special" the post just above his.

Thanks again for this, hopefully now more people can get access to these.
I am not sure but I think his target was "no-one special" the post just above his.

Thanks again for this, hopefully now more people can get access to these.

Ahhhhhhhhhh....... Iʻm an idiot..... I expected to take heat for this as it is a copy of the ATRS, and would have rather built my own SAI non-restricted, but I have machining commitments and a lot of prepaid material... If I did nothing, I would have to eat a HUGE hit. As this now stands, I will at least, hopefully, get a little more than if I just turned in aluminum blocks to the recycler.

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