ATRS Update: May 20th 2020 Re: MS / MH / MV

These shenanigans are getting way out of hand. It is bad enough the OIC banned over 1500 but now the Gestapo have changed the FRT's which will make people liable to be arrested for legal guns. It is sickening, especially when companies like yours went above and beyond to follow the law to create a unique design to remain non restricted, and now the bumbling bastards consider it prohibited. Sickening pure and simple. R.I.P the Canada I once loved
What is misinformation about that statement? Just curious.

They are afforded a very limited exemption, ONLY during the amnesty period, whereby they can take a previously non-restricted, but newly prohibited rifle, hunting. If you check marked the subsistence hunting box on your firearms license application, then you would be included in this as well. (I did not).
They are afforded a very limited exemption, ONLY during the amnesty period, whereby they can take a previously non-restricted, but newly prohibited rifle, hunting. If you check marked the subsistence hunting box on your firearms license application, then you would be included in this as well. (I did not).


How does one go about officially becoming a subsistence hunter after already having a firearms license for several years?

How does one go about officially becoming a subsistence hunter after already having a firearms license for several years?

Be native or live in Yukon, NWT, Nunavut or way out in the middle of nowhere. Essentially where you either have hunting as a cultural right (Natives) or really do need to hunt for food as you have no other option.

1.) A single resource pool so there's no wasted funds sitting around. Less confusion for donation.
2.) A single laser focused PR/Media to broadcast updates. Make a website.
3.) Gather all the "legal brains" to work on these from different angles(FRT, OIC, Charter etc)

Multiple suits are better as they may be heard in different courts by different judges as well as the actual case details will be different. A store, vs a manufacturer vs a firearms advocacy group may all be challenging different aspects of the OIC and in some cases not even the OIC but what's happened after. Death by 1000 cuts as opposed to one suit which in my opinion wouldn't be feasible due to the logistics of the hearings.
So let me ask you this. Since it’s a prohib in the eyes of the RCMP but not in the OIC, can we sell it privately on EE? If so I have a pre order that is available.
Multiple suits are better as they may be heard in different courts by different judges as well as the actual case details will be different. A store, vs a manufacturer vs a firearms advocacy group may all be challenging different aspects of the OIC and in some cases not even the OIC but what's happened after. Death by 1000 cuts as opposed to one suit which in my opinion wouldn't be feasible due to the logistics of the hearings.

Yes, what I meant is different suits, but money and legal brains pooled together. I see a lot of wasted resource and brains if dealt with separately.
So let me ask you this. Since it’s a prohib in the eyes of the RCMP but not in the OIC, can we sell it privately on EE? If so I have a pre order that is available.

My understanding is that ATRS will not be accepting changes to pre-order ownership. Also, the EE rules stipulate that you must have an item in hand in order to list it.
My understanding is that ATRS will not be accepting changes to pre-order ownership. Also, the EE rules stipulate that you must have an item in hand in order to list it.

If it’s a deposit of a non- restricted piece of metal, Hopefully it shouldn’t be an issue for ATRS to change the ownership. Here’s the deal, if it was sold as a non restricted receiver In the eyes of the RCMP , and that has now changed, then the terms of the sale have now changed. I don’t mind donating money to the cause on this one and ATRS has gotten a raw deal for sure, but I paid for a Receiver that was non-restricted FRT when the money was deposited. That FRT has changed now regardless of who is at fault and we should have the option of a refund even though it goes against their policy. If it wasn’t on the hot list I agree with that policy but now in the eyes of the RCMP ( opinion or not) I cant use it.

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