Increased Discounts for Law Enforcement and First Responders

I thought you were out? Couldn't leave it alone eh. This is the biggest group of wankers I have seen on this site in some time. Defund the police? How bout you hero's come and do our job for a few days and see the real world. You can then come back to cgn with an actual informed opinion instead of one spoon fed you by the left Liberal spin doctors and their lackeys in the media. Brutal, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves for turning this thread into cop bashing. A supporting business has chosen to do something nice for a segment of the gun community and all the wanna bees pile on because they don't get the same discount or the same equipment that some of us need to do our jobs. And I can tell you first hand, this crap you are currently been fed regarding police brutality etc in this country is 99.99999 % BS. When the smoke clears and the truth comes out, there will be an awful lot of people eating crow around here. You guys are disgusting.

Defund the police, cop boy here buys his own gear!

And hell, your the one who can't turn off your inner cop. Our tax dollars better not be funding you while you spew this garbage.

I bet you're as big a d!ck in real life as you are on the internet.
Remember your own words... innocent until proven guilty. Just remember that the next time you arrest someone. Do you also have this going through your head every time you make an arrest?
I know where your coming from because if the guy was acting like a perfect citizen there would be no reason for the police to be dealing with him in the first place. You gotta remember that you are in a site where the majority of us are not officers and when you puff your chest out, calling names, it’s not a good look for you or the police at all. In my years I have met many officers who were great stand up people and I have also met some who were not. Which one are you?

Well maybe come for a ride sometime and see for yourself. 85 % of the calls I respond to are first nations people who I treat with respect as I do for anyone that I encounter, even when their go to move is to respond to our presence with ratios slurrs and verbal abuse. However when the line is crossed, action must be taken. This is no touchy feely proffession like conselling or psychiatry. Most are released by the courts now so obviously innocent until proven guilty.
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Well maybe come for a ride sometime and see for yourself. 85 % of the calls I respond to are first nations people who I treat with respect as I do for anyone that I encounter, even when their go to move is to respond to our presence with ratios slurrs and verbal abuse. However when the line is crossed, action must be taken. This is no touchy feely proffession like conselling or psychiatry. Most are released by the courts now so obviously guilty until proven guilty.

I'm sure the level 4 armour you roll up on them with has nothing to do with their attitude towards you.

And what is that action? Kneeling on their necks?
Defund the police, cop boy here buys his own gear!

And hell, your the one who can't turn off your inner cop. Our tax dollars better not be funding you while you spew this garbage.

I bet you're as big a d!ck in real life as you are on the internet.

Lol, and you are the typical tool we deal with daily,clearly.
I'm sure the level 4 armour you roll up on them with has nothing to do with their attitude towards you.

And what is that action? Kneeling on their necks?

Wow, you clearly are uninformed and hopelessly unfit to converse with. Go paint us all with the same brush, hypocrite.
Ya not a liability issue at all. Buy hey, you'll be the one paying for his lawyer if he ever gets in trouble.

Nope dip####, we pay into our own legal fund. Now go back to flipping burgers or what ever you do that makes you so jealous of us.
Well maybe come for a ride sometime and see for yourself. 85 % of the calls I respond to are first nations people who I treat with respect as I do for anyone that I encounter, even when their go to move is to respond to our presence with ratios slurrs and verbal abuse. However when the line is crossed, action must be taken. This is no touchy feely proffession like conselling or psychiatry. Most are released by the courts now so obviously guilty until proven guilty.

Oh god, this couldn't have been more simple proof of you being racist, corrupt, abusive and honestly very bad at your job.

This person claims to be a POLICE OFFICER, this is how they behave, and how they think. There's something severely wrong with that, and with them. And this is the type of person getting preferential discounts and is demanding our respect.
not a cop nor EMS, trying to keep myself and family as far as possible from the cops and avoid any contacts, but …

in all fairness, if you hate them so much, be a person of principle, never call 911 and put on yourself and all your relatives DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) bracelets ..
I have dealings with police hundreds of times a year. There are always some bad apples no matter what job you are in. However most officers I deal with on a day to day basis exercise a level of restraint and kindness that I am not capable of. A level of restraint that people a part of this forum are certainly not capable of...
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