COVID, et al and your buying habits

Our household, along with many others, has drastically reduced spending on everything but food (which has inflated).
Many of us are struggling to keep our businesses alive, or are burning through cash to stay open and pay employees, hoping that things improve Q3/4.
Extraneous spending has been put on hold for a huge amount of small business owners and employees alike.
I know a lot of hourly guys stuck on CERB that only pays their rent. They're going in the hole and cannot afford to spend on anything, even though the desire is there.

To answer your original question...
The pain largely generated by mass economic contraction hitting consumer wallets. We want to buy, and couldn't give a #### about Trudeau's idiocy, but not all of us can.
I may send out a survey on this subject, but I thought I'd ask here first.

How has COVID and the new gun ban affected your gun buying?

Are you buying less/more?

Buying different things?

We have seen what is likly the biggest 1 2 punch against the industry in it's history.

1 purchase in 3 months off e.e.

Not going to be spending any cash till we figure this #### out... donated money to CCFR, NFA, and Target Supply.
I've been selling mostly, but I did make a trade and will be buying a rifle from a member here next week that I have been looking for. I'm mostly selling firearms that I rarely use to pay the bills at this point.
I used to have a large travel budget. Now i have been getting lots of reloading stuff. Spending tons more time at the range.

Won't buy any restricted now. Due to obvious reasons.

Eyeing up your 4064.
I bought a couple boring manual action firearms to replace the cool ones I can't go out with anymore. And donated some funds to the gun groups.
Bought a 223 bolt action so I could use the ammo from my satan worshipping baby killing prohibited ar15. I may pick up another sks too. Grabbing guns while I can. Dont care if they become prohib after. I've also been doing a bit of ammo hoarding. 22lr mostly
I've probably spent more in the last 3 months than in the last 3 years. Although price hikes on certain models like the ruger pcc and sks have pushed me to look at different firearms altogether. I probably would be more inclined to spend more on accessories for existing rifles than preordering new black rifles that will get banned. It would be nice if bulk 20 gauge was brought in to fill the demand as there are more shotguns available in that calibre now.
I would buy more reloading components and gun parts if they weren’t always sold out. I’m not purchasing anymore firearms until this whole OIC settles down, but I still need to feed the pigs.
The economy/job situation had (=has) more of an impact than COVID did, but, that hit at time when I don't typically do much shooting anyway...the lull between a half-hearted ice fishing season, and spring groundhog hunting. lol So to answer the question, hasn't had too much of an impact on me and if anything...I spent more in June than I probably ever have in that month. Won't lie, it was due in part to the fact that I wanted to feel excited about something shooting-related with all of the bad news stories...then the OIC, etc. My LGS also opened-up, so I was eager to be there and support them. My June purchases not withstanding (a new .22, new Nikon P-22 scope for it, some reloading stuff) others, I'm more inclined to make periodic ammo purchases to pad the small stockpile. It's that kind of planning/casual ammo buying that got me through an extended period when the stores were closed.
I have been buying more. I was going to buy a few ARs since I got a crazy good bonus this year. Now I have just switch to buying surplus guns and ammo. A few Sks and mosin nagants and a couple Tt-33.
I have been trying to stock pile some ammo 9mm, 22lr, 7.62x39, 7.62x25 and 7.62x55r when its on sale too.
I am looking to buy myself a new crossbow to hunt moose with this year.
Where we usually rifle hunt they have restricted the tags so we are not guaranteed to even get 1 adult tag no matter the group size when other years we have always had enough people going hunting that we were sometimes getting 2.
This year the group is hunting a couple of hours closer to home and with at least 1 guaranteed tag albeit with bows.
I have bows but nothing I would take moose hunting and consider myself an ethical hunter with so a new bow it is.
I've bought more....4 new bolt guns since the ban. Also stocking up on the ammo basics... recently bought 6 flats of 20ga and the wife did not even bat an eye at me.. She grabbed 2 flats and walked to the car. She gets it.

We are fortunate. Both working and no debt. Will buy more..Just selective.
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