Canada Post late delivery refund


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Hello IRG,

As many here, I'm extremely annoyed with Canada Post that continues charging insane prices without delivering the "service" we're paying for. Ideally, I think you should be reconsidering using them altogether, or at least adding options for competing services so that buyers have the opportunity to vote with their wallets. However, my main question is whether you would be willing to submit requests for refund for late delivery on our behalf. Unfortunately, CP will only accept such requests from the sender who has the receipt, so we can't do it ourselves. I hope you understand the frustration and accept some responsibility for locking your buyers to the service that looks more like a scam, and we can work something out.
CP stopped offering the delay refund in march. They sent notice that the covid was causing delays and they can't respect delays anymore.
So no more refund afaik.
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And mad at a company that’s WORKING during a pandemic for being slow ? Sorry if their health and well being is more important than your frivolous.. it’s beyond common knowledge that there are huge delays how on earth are people still surprised in June lol

As for OP. There hasn’t been an on time guarantee OR a money back guarantee since FEBRUARY so at least get educated before whining.
I’ve done this before. When I ship an item 2 days guaranteed and it’s late I get a refund. It’s very straight forward, but it’s been awhile since. Always hang on to my receipt until the package has made it to the buyer. Last time I got the refund due to late shipping I EMT’d the buyer since shipping was on him. Not sure if they’d honour it during this Covid stuff. Wouldn’t expect anything out of IRG here though. Not something I’d pursue. Everyone is swamped...
Sent a parcel May 28th to Ontario from BC. Just arrived today June 23rd, after I started a service ticket #. It was misplaced for three weeks, once I complained it miraculously showed up 3-4 hours later.

Another parcel shipped from Quebec on Thursday last week, I received Monday this week. Three days from Quebec to the East Kootneys. Never can tell with CP during this pandemic. They advise parcels in numbers that double the Christmas load. Six foot social distancing does not help the process either.

I believe there are anti-firearm employees that deliberately damage or slow down the entire delivery process for kicks. There's very sick people in this world......:(
And mad at a company that’s WORKING during a pandemic for being slow ? Sorry if their health and well being is more important than your frivolous.. it’s beyond common knowledge that there are huge delays how on earth are people still surprised in June lol

As for OP. There hasn’t been an on time guarantee OR a money back guarantee since FEBRUARY so at least get educated before whining.

Perhaps, you need to brush up on your basic reading and comprehension skills before making comments?

The problem is not with Canada Post having delays. The problem is that they're charging premium prices for best effort service. It is a fairly basic concept that if you can't deliver the service you're charging for, you should only be charging for the service you can. There are consumer protection laws against such scams. I'm pretty sure that if I tell my boss that I will be working 1/10 of my normal productivity but want to be paid 100%, calling him a whiner if he disagrees won't go far. The attitude of calling valid complaints "whining" is why CP is such a sh1tshow with no accountability.
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I have never had an issue with CP. I’ve been using them for about 4 years for tons of transaction firearms related. 87 to be exact. I think the longest I had something take to go cross country was 6 days (AB to NB) and that was over a weekend as well. The pricing isn’t ridiculous (UPS in almost always double the price for the 3 times I had to use them). Never had a damaged package from them and never have had a buyer complain that theirs was wrecked either.

I’ll keep using them. Best option I’ve found.
Sent a parcel May 28th to Ontario from BC. Just arrived today June 23rd, after I started a service ticket #. It was misplaced for three weeks, once I complained it miraculously showed up 3-4 hours later.

this totally every package that has been CP when it didn't arrive at expected time I started complaint got it moving the next day to arrive with in 2 or 3 afterwards.

but OP is right, there is no reason to be paying "expedited" prices for "ground" service.
I have never had an issue with CP. I’ve been using them for about 4 years for tons of transaction firearms related. 87 to be exact. I think the longest I had something take to go cross country was 6 days (AB to NB) and that was over a weekend as well. The pricing isn’t ridiculous (UPS in almost always double the price for the 3 times I had to use them). Never had a damaged package from them and never have had a buyer complain that theirs was wrecked either.

I’ll keep using them. Best option I’ve found.

I think it is the fact that IRG tacks insurance onto the shipping fee so it makes the price seem ridiculous. Many of us paid close to $60 to have a rifle shipped by Canada post from AB to ON for delivery service that so far has amounted to 15 days and counting at this point. Your experiences with CP aside, this is what the OP and others are speaking about.
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CP stopped offering the delay refund in march. They sent notice that the covid was causing delays and they can't respect delays anymore.

I'm okay with them saying they can't "respect delays anymore". But I'm not okay with them continuing to charge for premium services & then not delivering on it. As Air2Air says below, they should not be charging for a service they can not deliver on.

The problem is not with Canada Post having delays. The problem is that they're charging premium prices for best effort service. It is a fairly basic concept that if you can't deliver the service you're charging for, you should only be charging for the service you can. There are consumer protection laws against such scams.
Canada Post has given me a heart attack three times during this pandemic.

If it’s late it’s late; they tell me to expect delays now when I send parcels. My last update on my IRG package was June 9th, which is still sitting at the Edmonton facility.

It took two months to send my rifle to DLASK. As long as they don’t lose it I’m okay I guess...
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