New email for donations now set up

Figured I would send you the money I would have drank tonight for New Years. If your not aware, our valiant leaders here in BC have banned liquor sales past 8pm tonight because they don’t trust us to not do stupid things.

So, a bottle of bubbly, couple of beers and snacks ... = a brownie ... I’m sure you will do better things with it than what I had planned !
Figured I would send you the money I would have drank tonight for New Years. If your not aware, our valiant leaders here in BC have banned liquor sales past 8pm tonight because they don’t trust us to not do stupid things.

So, a bottle of bubbly, couple of beers and snacks ... = a brownie ... I’m sure you will do better things with it than what I had planned !

We are double commie here in bc which is messed up seeing as we arent im the east
Direct EMT is a great idea.

I just chucked in some more, we need to keep the momentum here folks.

I believe the OIC is wrong on multiple levels and I hope that all the lawsuits are successful but the bans by FRT are particularly nefarious and could easily land even the most law abiding in trouble, so for this reason I feel particularly motivated to help this effort.
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