New email for donations now set up

Here's another $100 bump.

ALL, including businesses, should contribute generously to ATRS lawsuit. It is the only way to be decently compensated should all else fail. Do read Ed Burlew posts in the following thread:

Post# 53 by Ed Burlew:

"Why Rick Timmins and Alberta Tactical lawsuit is important to you.

Presently the Federal Government is devising a compensation plan for the banned guns. This will not include Charter of Right Damages for individuals and will not include Damages for loss of business opportunity. It will just give money gun itself. It is unclear if it will compensate for parts and accessories.

The ATRS/Timmins lawsuit in Federal Court is demanding the Federal Government pay Rick Timmins for not only his personal guns but also for the mental distress it has caused him and the damages to his Charter Rights. This is no different than what 200,000 gun owners have suffered.

The OIC banned the guns by making us all criminals. But the amnesty postponed our arrest and jailing if we met the strict terms of the amnesty. That is the infringement of our Charter Rights. The courts, right up to the SCC recognize these damages and typically award $2,000 to $5,000 for a simple Charter Breach damage. You will benefit from the success of Rick Timmins winning Charter Damages.

That is why you must have an active interest in this lawsuit. Rick took this burden on and hired Ed Burlew LL.B. to fight not just for himself but for your Charter Rights as well. This case sets a precedent which will allow all of the 200,000 owners of newly banned rifles and shot guns to receive compensation for more than just he gun itself. This adds at least $400,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 cost to continue the confiscation. This compensation is even if you do not hand the gun in. Your Charter Rights , section 7 and 8 are presently infringed.

Presently the Attorney General of Canada is moving to have the claim for Charter Damages struck from Rick's lawsuit. This needs to be fought right now. I have several lawyers and law professors working on this response to the motion to strike and it takes considerable effort. The AGC has a team of many lawyers on their side as well.

Please donate for your own sake.

Yours In Freedom"

Help keeping the good fight alive. Sent your EMT directly to Make the security password LPCisevil


Put a bunch of money through the gofundme before seeing this post... Damn
Oh well. Any future contributions from me will be to the email now.

Another $100 and another bump.
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