Magpul PC Carbine Backpacker stock


CGN frequent flyer
Any news on the Magpul Backpacker stock for the Ruger PC Carbine? I figured if anyone would know it would be you guys being the distributor and all.
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I think spellcheck got your title messed up... but that stock really should be called the Magpie: it would be a good marketing ploy. It would also look the part if you put a stainless steel Ruger PC carbine into a black stock.
Magpul just recently allowed us to place orders for these so they should start showing up in the next little while.
about time these hit the market... do you have a rough idea on MSRP?

When i look at the US version, convert to CDN. then round up cuz they need to add french translation to the packaging....

My assumption is it will sell for about $250 (+/- $20) CDN plus tax and shipping.

so assume, approx $300 at your door.
I see some retailers are getting Mossberg SGA buttstocks, these have been difficult to find in Canada. I suspect a shipment of Magpul goodies has arrived, I hope our Backpacker PCC is included!
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