An update on ATRS vs the federal government action.

I hope Albertan gun owners are contacting Kenney and asking why the CFO has not been replaced.

It is a nice sentiment but Kenney continues to prove himself to be a limp ###### I rather suspect that the current CFO will be replaced very shortly after this action is heard. Not by her own accord.
Just made a donation....may the force be with you ...rick ..atrs
And hope oic ...rcmp...and other jerk offs ..Trudeau included .....I hope you all rot in hell ...fall flat on your face break every bone in your face ...knock out all your teeth....and look so hideous that no one looks at you people .....and have ragging direahha for months
If I don't get my MS set (post May 1st order), I'll probably just convert the order to something you guys can make and sell.
Typical of the government, they do not like to play fair when it comes to legal actions. We filed our action to cover some very basic fundamental rights.
When the Alberta CFO demanded we produce all of our clients info, we said no, not now , not ever.
When they said we could not ship orders placed prior to the May 1st OIC, we held back shipping despite their being known legal precedent to the contrary. Recently we got authorization from the AG that allowed us to ship the pre May 1 orders, finally. They have been ready to ship for several months but to avoid my old arse from landing in jail, we obliged the demand of the CFO until the AG confirmed we could lawfully ship the pre May 1 2020 orders to their owners.

We are asking for compensation from the government so that we will have the financial resources to refund those that ordered after May 1 2020, should the government not allow us to fulfill the thousands of orders we have, made and are ready to ship. In transparency we are also asking for damages as the unlawful changes to the FRT has had a significant negative impact on our business.

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Make sure the government pays for slandering and putting you out of business. Siphon them dry of resources to the fullest extent since they basically ignored our questions and concerns.
Ok now I understand you are hoping the government gives us our money back vs ATRS coughing it up on their own. This mess was all started by a selfish customer.

How so?

I thought it was that f*&ktard bureaucrat Murray Smith?
A customer of ATRS complained to the CFO because ATRS wouldn't refund him a preorder when the rifle went prohib in the FRT,

There truly are some winners in the gun community.

If this is true, and I wouldn’t doubt it, it just shows how sped obsessed so many people are today.
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