The R18 Mk2 Review Pt 2 Live Fire Reliabllity and Accuracy Results

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160 rounds through two rifles doesn't say anything about reliability... The parts aren't even worn in yet

I'm not finished yet, however you are most welcome to do better should you choose to purchase an R18 Mk2 or are selected by the manufacturer to perform destructive testing. Seeing as how The ammo bill is mine alone to bear (with some relief by way of bulk donations) feel free to assist the cause by sending me some ammo or $$$. I will shoot the expensive match stuff 'til my fingers fall off if you are footing the bill....
All the B/S about getting consistent sub MOA performance from other AR-180b platforms aside......

Is it possible to see the barrel and barrel nut interface with the upper receiver pulled apart with an exploded view?
R18 barrel.jpg

In Bartok5's part 1, he did some pretty decent photos with the rifle disassembled.

Beltfed.... here you go.



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This is like settling for the consolation prize instead of our right to the first prize. A proper AR15

Except that in this country you have no inherent "right" to first prize. There is little point in wishing for what you cannot have. Suck it up and move on with the next best thing that will do the same job. Otherwise, spend your life miserable and forever wondering "what could have been"....
This is like settling for the consolation prize instead of our right to the first prize. A proper AR15

I agree that we ought to be able to use ARs, since they're functionally identical to many NR rifles in Canada, but for the time being we're stuck with the ridiculous classification scheme. Perhaps the ATRS case can finally put the nail in the FRT coffin, but even then the AR will remain prohibited.
Well written, good info.

Thank you.

Will you be reviewing an "off the rack" rifle once the commercial units are ready?

I doubt it. This was supposed to be an "off the rack" test of an early production-version of the rifle. However, early on in the review process a number of minor issues were identified that necessitated remedial action prior to entering full production. The decision was made to conduct one more round of "catch-up" improvements prior to product launch, which is occuring as we speak. I will leave any further discussion of production timelines and so forth to JR Cox of The Shooting Edge, as it is his "baby".
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So...when do these drop ? I think Im sold.

To make sure SAI can incorporate the changes, I am betting that we are 3-4 weeks out from retail sales.

To be honest, most of the deficiencies are minor, but to allow the rifle to be launched without addressing them, would be a shame.

I'm not finished yet, however you are most welcome to do better should you choose to purchase an R18 Mk2 or are selected by the manufacturer to perform destructive testing. Seeing as how The ammo bill is mine alone to bear (with some relief by way of bulk donations) feel free to assist the cause by sending me some ammo or $$$. I will shoot the expensive match stuff 'til my fingers fall off if you are footing the bill....

Lol I’m glad you said it bc I was thinking it!
good review, but seems light on the apparent accuracy and failure to feed issues. note that a stronger recoil spring to fix the feed issue will make that weak ejection you also noted worse, hey. either tolerances are too tight (or needs more lube) or design flaw. more shooting; don't rush to market. imagine the squawk if your gun doesn't run as well (or isn't as accurate) as other canadian-made options at half the price.
To make sure SAI can incorporate the changes, I am betting that we are 3-4 weeks out from retail sales.

To be honest, most of the deficiencies are minor, but to allow the rifle to be launched without addressing them, would be a shame.


Thats good to hear, it'll also give me more time to restock on .223
To make sure SAI can incorporate the changes, I am betting that we are 3-4 weeks out from retail sales.

To be honest, most of the deficiencies are minor, but to allow the rifle to be launched without addressing them, would be a shame.


I really like your agile approach in testing and making the gun :) Looking forward to more iterations with incremental improvements down the road!
To quote Bartok5

"So, all things considered, is the juice worth the squeeze? The street price for the Mk2 with the fixed, AR-style Collapsing Buttstock will be approximately $2,600, with the later Mk3 (Zhukov Folder, Ejection Port Cover, QD Handquard) coming in at a few hundred more. Given the relative dearth of any AR-alternatives in this price-range, I think that the R18 hits a strategic “sweet spot” in terms of pricing. What you get for that extra $1,100 over the cost of an WS-MCR are the vastly improved ergonomics of the heavily revised Lower Receiver with its familiar AR-style control suite and 1913 Buttstock interface, a streamlined and improved (eg. Non-Reciprocating) Charging Handle, Upper Receiver, and a decent Barrel/Bolt combination capable of sub-2 MOA with factory Match ammunifion. On top of that, you receive a rifle with attractive aesthetics and a relatively smooth, streamlined appearance. "

Can you please re try the accuracy with a stock trigger because you were getting "sub-2 MOA" with a roughly $300 trigger. This drives the price up from 2600 to 2900 and is not a fair or accurate representation of what the $2600 price tag gets you. Unless this is the trigger that comes with the rifle?
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good review, but seems light on the apparent accuracy and failure to feed issues. note that a stronger recoil spring to fix the feed issue will make that weak ejection you also noted worse, hey. either tolerances are too tight (or needs more lube) or design flaw. more shooting; don't rush to market. imagine the squawk if your gun doesn't run as well (or isn't as accurate) as other canadian-made options at half the price.

Fair enough, however: the ejection happens when the recoil spring is about 2/3rds way through the cycle. We'll film "slow motion", but I am willing to bet the stronger spring will not effect the ejection.
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