Team Hipwell - Join the Fight

Hello John,

Just sent another $100. This fight is worth every penny, thank you so much for your never ending efforts to help our community.

Another $100 sent.
For anyone worried about freezing back accounts....I really don't think you have to worry. This is funding a court action which would be a very difficult "target".
Thank you all for the recent flurry of donations, all greatly appreciated. Court will hear all the arguments over the next 8 days. I expect the judge will then take 6 to 12 months to come up with a decision, it will be interesting if we have a Federal Election with in that time!
The Closing Submissions have been completed so court has finished. Personally I don't expect to hear a result for at least 6 months, there was a huge amount of information and arguments put before the court, most of it was not simple, I found it to be a mixture of firearm's technical points along with many confusing legal issues. I do not envy the task before Justice Kane as I found a lot of statements from the AG were disingenuous at best.

As well as digesting all the oral arguments presented to the court all the written submissions have to be reviewed and there are thousands of pages.

Thanks for all the support, donations are still gratefully received as all the bills have not been paid yet.

Cheers John
Mr. Hipwell How much is still left owning on the Court bill?. I personally feel if the shooting community is aware of the cost incurred for you and many other standing up to defend our way of life and passion more individuals would donate. Me personally im 400 dollars through P -ay-pa l and at least 1600 dollar in sticker draws between ATRS, SFRC and other CCFR draws.
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