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The problem here is like with most industries these days. Whether it is food, communication, media or reloading components, in this case, they are all being bought up by bigger companies.

You get the illusion of brands masking the collusion. They won't increase production because the few corporations that own them all don't want it.

This is the worst form of capitalism as it only enables the crazy socialists in our midst.
99% of Canadians shooting is just a hobby and people will quickly eliminate it or move to something else. Retailers are the ones that should really be concerned about these prices. The rich only buy so much and are a small segment of society, you loose the middle class buyers..your toast.
Food, gas, and mortages are much more of a priority then bench rest guns and primers for many right now.
The problem here is like with most industries these days. Whether it is food, communication, media or reloading components, in this case, they are all being bought up by bigger companies.

You get the illusion of brands masking the collusion. They won't increase production because the few corporations that own them all don't want it.
This is the worst form of capitalism as it only enables the crazy socialists in our midst.

Would you please name the large corporations that you say are doing this. Imagine a company not wanting to sell more of their product by pricing it so high their customers can no longer afford to buy what they are selling. If you can't it is just another off the shelve conspiracy theory in a long line of conspiracy theories.

Take Care

Would you please name the large corporations that you say are doing this. Imagine a company not wanting to sell more of their product by pricing it so high their customers can no longer afford to buy what they are selling. If you can't it is just another off the shelve conspiracy theory in a long line of conspiracy theories.

Take Care


I don't think we have gotten to the point where there is a large surplus of components on shelves sitting due to being priced to high for people to buy. Many people have stockpiled but the people new to shooting still need to purchase ammo and the people that didn't stock up might over pay as well.... then we have Billions being fed in to the war with Russia.... give it some time Bob.
I don't think we have gotten to the point where there is a large surplus of components on shelves sitting due to being priced to high for people to buy. Many people have stockpiled but the people new to shooting still need to purchase ammo and the people that didn't stock up might over pay as well.... then we have Billions being fed in to the war with Russia.... give it some time Bob.
Anyone who would pay $225/K for primers- read the first post- has more disposable income then most here I suspect. That is five times more than I paid for primers less than a year ago.

Prices may fall a bit from. $11./100. I'll wait until after the US mid terms before I buy another primer.

Take Care

Would you please name the large corporations that you say are doing this. Imagine a company not wanting to sell more of their product by pricing it so high their customers can no longer afford to buy what they are selling. If you can't it is just another off the shelve conspiracy theory in a long line of conspiracy theories.

Take Care


Are you serious? You do know that Vista Outdoors owns Federal, CCI, Alliant and Remington right? Winchester is owned by Olin. Federal, CCI, Remington and Winchester make almost all the primers in the USA.
Anyone who would pay $225/K for primers- read the first post- has more disposable income then most here I suspect. That is five times more than I paid for primers less than a year ago.

Prices may fall a bit from. $11./100. I'll wait until after the US mid terms before I buy another primer.

Take Care

Things will adjust, but there seems to be a disconnect in certain commodity pricing where typical market forces, supply and demand are out of tune. One of the reasons could be monopolization. China is actively trying to gain monopoly positions on a world wide level, it's silly to think that investment groups or what ever these corporate structures are would not try and do the same if they are allowed to.

The mid terms are going to be interesting, hopefully the dems don't throw a hissy fit and go scorched earth as they retreat or rather get ejected.
Are you serious? You do know that Vista Outdoors owns Federal, CCI, Alliant and Remington right? Winchester is owned by Olin. Federal, CCI, Remington and Winchester make almost all the primers in the USA.

I've read numerous times that the USA's gun owner popultion has grown by over 20 million just since biden was elected? Not sure if that is accurate but if so and just 10% of those people also got into reloading..... that's 2 million new reloaders in the USA alone. Not to mention the probably few thousand in Canada just getting into the practice.
Many of "yesterdays" conspiracy theories have often been proven to be bang on the mark "today" so I'm not counting out the claims that somewhere along the chain someone is profitting HUGE before the guts are ripped out of the market by Lieberal and Demoncrat governments puppeteered by Klaus Schwab. Could be the case.

or the USA is experiencing massive demand for reloading supplies and ammunition as well as the external factors such as raw material costs and availability skyrocketing due to the suply chain issues caused by the Plandemic
Are you serious? You do know that Vista Outdoors owns Federal, CCI, Alliant and Remington right? Winchester is owned by Olin. Federal, CCI, Remington and Winchester make almost all the primers in the USA.


You know Remington has been went bankrupt and has been broken up and the assets sold off...right. Remington bought Marlin a while back and when Remington went south Ruger bought the Marlin assets and now just started producing one of the Marlin rifles with more to come onstream.

Not sure who bought the rights and equipment to produce Remington primers.

Remington firearms are or are going to be made by a new company under the Remington name.

Winchester went bankrupt years ago and has been broken up and sold off. All this took place beforehand while demand took off in the US for firearms, reloading equipment and the resulting shortages that followed. So, because there has been consolidation in the firearms sector in the US there is a world wide conspiracy to engage in price fixing of some sort for Small Pistol Primers. Gtochya.. You ignore there are other players in the market. S&B, and Tula with factories in France, Russia, the Ukraine and Bosnia. The Chinese surely make primers.

The problem with the conspiracy you are holding on to when you give it a cursory examination it tends to fall apart.

The consolidation incidentally has been going on for years. Beretta now owns Uberti and I believe Sako/Tika as well, in Europe. CZ makes some or maybe all of their shotguns in Turkey.

45ACPKing has pretty much described the recent events in the US marketplace. In addition what he describes, the Democrats won the Presidency and both the House and Senate. Every time the Democrats win the Whitehouse. every conspiracy writer in the US begin to comment about how the Dems will take away the 2nd Amendment and with it all the rights to buy more guns. Sales go nuts for four years, the GOP gets back into power, gun sales fall off as does demand for firearm related products. Colt has been in and out of Bankruptcy protection for years, S&W has been close to the edge and as I have mentioned Remington and Marlin are both under new ownership.

The truth of the matter is the 2nd Amendment is virtually recall proof - it would take 39 States the repeal the Amendment and that is not going to happen even if you assume the Democrats could get their act together long enough to mount the effort. But you never know for sure, and the Chinese are just an ocean away from invading their largest trading could happen as the sound from the theme for "The Shadow" radio show plays in the background. "Only the Shadow knows....."

Take Care

ps the Canadian market as it relates to reloading equipment, and reloading components is so small I am surprised that US companies bother with us at all. I would assume, with tongue in cheek, they have to do something with their production overruns.
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There is something fishy with this. the increase seems way higher than anything else out there other than people trying to gouge on the EE. Note: I'm not slagging ATRS, I like you want to know why these are 2.5x last year.

Roofing shingles up 20% from April to June. Hold onto your hats gentlemen.
My brother has a gun shop and sent me the dealer costs on the BR primers. Pretty good markup LMAO


Great a post showing outdated prices or current price estimate (Gravel) but zero inventory. How useful?
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