RCMP Business Portal

Prophet River

CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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We've been here since 5AM this morning.
We were averaging 24 transfers per computer per hour- trying to catch up. Now we can't even log in.
It seems the RCMP are not doing their best with their ancient website :(
Its completely impossible now for individuals - the phone line just hangs up. How long this will last who knows, but one thing that is clear is that the RCMP has no desire to help us, in fact I suspect quite the contrary.
How does the system work for individuals? I suspect the same problems.
It sure makes it hard to buy and sell guns.

Ya, it's brutal. You have to try and call in. My friend's father who is in his 70s is trying to transfer everything to his 40yr son. I'm sure there are many others doing the same thing. Can't get through. Private sales transfers are a nightmare right now.
Its completely impossible now for individuals - the phone line just hangs up. How long this will last who knows, but one thing that is clear is that the RCMP has no desire to help us, in fact I suspect quite the contrary.

Im sure most of them are just low level bureaucrats just trying to do their job. Frustrated by a stupid government that can't even provide them the tools they need. Nobody answering the phone has any say/influence on the archaic portal they use. The government ####ed up the gas can... you think they can build complex IT systems worth a damn?
Naw. No different than the rank and file nazi soldiers hauling people off to the gas chambers 'just doing their job'

F every last one of these liberal peons.

Im sure most of them are just low level bureaucrats just trying to do their job. Frustrated by a stupid government that can't even provide them the tools they need. Nobody answering the phone has any say/influence on the archaic portal they use. The government ####ed up the gas can... you think they can build complex IT systems worth a damn?
I'm not a IT expert by a long shot (no pun intended) but I suspect CFC severs just don't have the capability (capacity) to handle the greatly increased volume of queries. Then have someone in the various CFO offices that has to give each transfer their personal stamp of approval. Its it no wonder this is taking so much longer. Does Trudeau care?
Rhetorical question.
Ya, it's brutal. You have to try and call in. My friend's father who is in his 70s is trying to transfer everything to his 40yr son. I'm sure there are many others doing the same thing. Can't get through. Private sales transfers are a nightmare right now.

My step-father is 84 and he has a Colt 45 from his grandfather. It's a family heirloom and he's proud of it. I haven't had a chance to discuss what his plans were for transferring that gun upon his death, but now I'm having that conversation and we only have a short window to do a transfer to keep the gun within the family.

It's sad and this government is run by horrible people.
No different than nazi soldiers hauling people off to the gas chambers 'just doing their job'

The mental acrobatics you had to do for that are Cirque du Soleil tier. If I ever have any hope of catching up to that level of skill I am gonna need to suffer catastrophic brain damage and try to heal it with methamphetamine.
Don't wait up.
Been trying for days to do an individual transfer , have called close to 200 times and have not yet got through , have them on speed dial and do the 1 4 and 2 usual , always get a recording telling me how busy they are and call back later , or on the odd time I make it to the next level of recordings they thank me for being a responsible gun order then they hang up on me , what a load of crap , only the federal goverment could F something up this bad
Cannot imagine anything more incompetent the current government that we have at this time
Need to have an election so we can turf these tards out
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